Tree of Savior Forum

[GUIDE] Archer Class Types

As long as I don’t focus on auto attacks I’ll be fine with my ping right? Well then… time to get busy again… 1 more day.

You should be fine.
I had no problems with high ping.

But remember. First days are hell.
Too many people on the servers at once in the same maps= server lag ^^.

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Do you have any recommended build for earth tower/end game content?

No. ^^

As there’s nothing to recommend. Except to build your stuff right.

Anything goes in Earthtower. As long as you synergise a tactic.
Some skills are really good.
Some are theoreticaly good.

Just watch videos or wait till people actually tested the ITOS version of it~

I see… Monk was actually my first choice but then as I tried learning and building, the gameplay just seemed to be a bit… boring… So instead I made Monk my back up plan and Musketeer my priority. It all went down hill when I heard how terrible it would be with high ping, but at least now, there’s an alternative build I could use.

Got it. Thank you anyway! (:

Monk seems fun actually. If you do it rihgt, he can be a power house.

But sadly people only see “huge dps” atm.
xD meta will need time.

INB4 Swordy class op spam in chats, before people reach level 100 ^^.
Then Archer class op … then cleric and wiz class op.

xD … i can still remember people saying “Archer class, just for style dude~”.
Spreading misinformation, because they weren’t reading the mechanics about archers at all …

Edit: And then IMC buffed Archer class WAAAYY TO HEAVILY FOR REALZ xD. Just to carter to the misinformation that was spread… Now these buffs get toned down again for Itos, which is good. No one wants 45% atk bonus on a skill … It makes it to mandatory for most builds. I wish … they would add the bow mechanic again. Where you have a large penality for using bows, that aren’t upped … aww … was so funny to see people complain they don’t do any damage … when reading for 5 minutes would have solved that…


ping is round trip, so that is 0.366 seconds

Good thing then. ^^

I tend to mix up that always.

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Traps scale with STR, i don’t think they can crit
so there is no synergy between them

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You’re right, they can’t.

Hmm I see, thanks, at least I thought it was an idea

Btw, does Quarrel Shooter’s Running shot count as a skill or auto attack based?

Auto Atk based fully. It’s a buff~

It gives your auto atk +200% extra damage (roguhly) at level 5.
40% more per level.

For a max of level9 … (level5+1 level divine might+1 level gem+ 2 level from bow specials) which gives you a max atk bonus of +360% atk on hits.
(4,6 atks …per atk. Reason why it’s so strong still in KTOS~)

[+30% atkspeed bonus]

Hey man, thanks for the guide! As a beginner, this is really helpful. Any tips about good builds/synergy with Schwarzer Reiter? This class’ skills look pretty fun to play with other than, of course, the nice looks.

Greenfoxy, can 140ms of ping handle a archer3 qs3 build?

Also, of it does, can I finish this build with cannoner for some aoe or there is something better?

What you guys think about

A1 - R3 - S1 - SR2?

good movement speed even better if change ranger 3 (which is skill spammable path) by archer 3 hunter

imo gonna be more efficient

I read in a youtube video that going like A3 - Wug2 - SR2 may deal better single target dmg…

guys, as i’m asking in this topic ( Any bow viable R7 PvP build? Fletcher or Rogue PvP maybe? ) is possible to PvP with a bow focus archer? i dislike firearms classes and prefer the good old bow, i really like Rogue and Fletcher, can anyone of them work on PvP?