Tree of Savior Forum

Guess what? Prepare your brain for a server wipe

But they also said,as mentioned above,that no wipe would occur.So I would expect to be able to play the game without losing my work and progress,for any reason.Doing so is going back on their word,and the sheer number of people that would be unhappy and demanding it would put them in quite the position.I don’t think it would matter much after that.

Maybe people should start reading the refund polices on Steam before buying stuff. Just because you’re angry about a server wipe doesn’t mean you automatically get a refund back. It says ‘‘If you took bonus items you will not get a refund’’ basically that means you’re screwed no matter what they decide if you did that. Saying ‘‘Gimme a refund I’m mad’’ doesn’t automatically entitle you to one.

Enough complaints to steam would probably see all the refunds happen.

Anyway, no wipe is going to happen. They’d get sued IRL since they’re in the USA.

Also User Agreements/EULA and all the shenanigans we click “okay” to on software and such have no legal weight.

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Nailed it. Once you click agree you’re boned…

they have no legal weight… what part of that do you not understand? Please get educated

Then type in correct sentences so I can understand you.

How much clearer can that statement they made be? If you took bonus items you will not get a refund. Let’s say for example 300 players demand a refund at the same time. How long do you think it will take to get said refund? If there is a sudden influx of 300 players demanding refunds at the same time Steam will not just say ‘‘Ok, give it to them’’ they will stop and hold those refunds and review every single case.

And guess what? The company can contest your refund as well. What happens then if they contest your refund? Then what will you do?

You just don’t ask for a refund and automatically get it. That’s not how that process works at all.

All the company has to say to Steam is ‘‘We told them if they took bonus items they would not get a refund. They agreed when they clicked ‘‘Agree’’ on our statement’’ and then your refund complaint is over at that moment.

I agree with Ridley. He has much more experience in game than I do so his opinion is actually more valid than my own. Let’s think about this with logic and intelligence and not personal feelings of how you feel about the game. What do you think would happen Ridley if they did a server wipe? How would the player base react? From what I hear there are only a few good players anyways and the rest are bots or gold sellers so who in the end would care? Maybe 20 people? 30?

I mean logically if there are only even 50 good players given refunds do you think 50 players would actually break their wallet if they gave you a refund? They would do the server wipe, give 50 players refunds and still move forward with the game with or without you playing. In the end I’m still going to be spending probably hundreds of dollars on this game in the long run so it more than makes up for the refunds if they did a server wipe. I’m not bragging but I spent $7,000 on a game within 10 years so do you think your measly $50 refund matters considering all the money they will make after a fresh start? Ha!

This game actually has a thriving community. There are easily tens of thousands of individual, real players on Klaipeda alone. All of them trying to play at once was what led to the insane queues I’m sure you saw 424299 angry threads regarding.

People love ToS in spite of its horrific flaws, myself included, because the game is fun - if you’re into grindy games, this is easily one of the best in sheer fun factor.

I can’t rightly predict how everyone would react. I have no doubt most of my peers who have invested a similar amount of of time into the game would think my acceptance or even desire for a wipe to be extreme. If I had to guess how many real players a wipe would shed permanently, I’d say at least five thousand. I can’t imagine a refund on that scale.

I hate bots and RMT a lot more than your average player. That’s a quirk of mine.

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Someone is salty for not playing yet or are you just trolling?

Flagged for spam. and stupidy

I actually love you guys and am looking forward to playing with you :slight_smile: You guys and girls remind me of the Redstone community through and through and that’s a great thing.

I wish someone could take a picture of the dev’s face at Steam headquarters if they wipe the server when he gets 5,000 refund requests…

This isn’t a troll post. I’m trying to figure out and get into this companies heads on how they are going to handle the situation. It got to the point on Redstone where they were just like screw it wipe the server…not once…not twice…but 5 times! And then came X-Trap Shudders I couldn’t even have a webpage open for a guide with it running at first, thank God they fixed that issue.

We still played regardless of the 5 wipes ~_~

Like others have already said, there won’t be a server wipe. Atleast that’s what’s been officially said.
But if there would be one, I would not mind rly. That way I could make right of some minor mistakes I’ve done due to being inexperienced and not knowing what to expect.

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I think a wipe is healthy for a server because the new players get to level with the oldies instead of playing catch up 200 levels. The level cap on Redstone was 999 and with 6 rebirths which means you can go to almost 9999.

Imagine playing catch up with that :open_mouth:

That’s is a clip from Army of Darkness one of the Evil Dead films and one of the funniest movies ever except for Monty Python’s Holy Grail :slight_smile:

They could wipe, I actually don’t have problem with that, if it’s for the better.

But why? If they can’t deal with bots/hacks/RMT, then why to wipe? If it will be the same…


X-Trap would get rid of the hackers and bots. As far as the gold sellers that’s another issue in itself. Are most bots using the bot program to farm gold to sell?

If so wipe the server and put X-Trap in and all problems are solved at once. People might get mad but if you really love the game you won’t file that Steam complaint and just let it happen. It will be better in the long run for you as a player to never have to worry about bots ever again.

If X-trap is THAT effective, why isn’t implemented already? I doubt about the effectiveness of those programs.

so you are saying… that a wipe is “healthy” because then YOU can play with us older player at the same level of progress? lol sorry but i’ll flag you for this stupid thread and stupidity.

P.S: i don’t mind about wipe tho, but it will be the same if they can’t get rid of the current issue. Also, they already said that they will not “wipe” anything, then why are you trying to cry for something irrelevant that might not happen tho?

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Even if they wipe (which I’d be okay with as long as we get all our premium stuff back), they have no idea how to deal with silver sellers and bots. They have nothing substantial in place to deal with them. All they know how to do is screw their legitimate players.