Tree of Savior Forum

Guess what? Prepare your brain for a server wipe

Server wiping will only helps the bot more because now that their technology is matured, they can start botting from day 1 and control the market.

Why donā€™t they put X-Trap into the game? Nothing passes that thingā€¦

Probably because it has more bugs than the actual game. ĀÆ_(惄)_/ĀÆ

From where is that fromā€¦ xD!

lmao yea, exactly that.

the problem is that in this case, people have bought in early, on the promise of it not being wiped, and post-retreat, most of them arenā€™t going to regroup and come back.

as far as steam reviews goā€¦ we started with a 65% rating, and after the first few days it dropped to a 60% rating. enough to go from ā€œmostly positiveā€ to ā€œmixedā€. if they literally get thousands of bad reviews after a wipe (and that seems pretty likely) it could easily drop the rating to ā€œmostly negativeā€. (there are 3500ish reviews currently, and a rating of 60% positive. add 2000 bad reviews, and it would drop the rating to over 60% negative.)

games simply do not recover from taking a hit like that.
sure, they could fix all the problems, and in a couple of months, the game might be running smooth as silk almost bot-freeā€¦ but itā€™ll be almost player-free too. people are just not going to forget ā€œthe game that did a post-release wipeā€ and it will take years to recover from.
and if the launch dies that badly, itā€™s not going to have years to make that recovery.

lmaoā€¦ yea, that seems to be the problem with most of these anti-cheat tools, doesnā€™t it ?

Literally not even legit players pass itā€¦

The players who play now wonā€™t forget the wipe. The players who come in months after the wipe will be none the wiser. Where did they say they wouldnā€™t wipe the server?

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And time to experience 5 fps gaming!

Pretty sure no one working in/for Tree of Savior and anyone on forum is dumber than me, and even I know that a server wipe will make a huge loss in money due to how much money it probably took to make the game and get it going.

If there is a surprise wipe, I need to work on trying to figure out how to sue them because I need a coffee.

Okey okey. Now you got some attention, hope you are satisfied.
Anyway it is nice to have some discussion on the forum, it really was kind of dead.

Iā€™m absolutly going to steal and use this video for myself xD

You never saw Army Of Darkness?

absolutly! ā€¦not


and pay for my clothes!! [blush]

Iā€™m in favor of a wipe at this point - Iā€™d lose a level 200ish necro, so my money is definitely where my mouth is - assuming they would re-launch with adequate anti-bot countermeasures. Weā€™re already well into economic apocalypse and it has been mere weeks.

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Confirmed suicide on their end if they ever did that.Do you know how many people [myself included] would demand a refund? Theyā€™d be done for.

On what legal grounds could you ask for a refund?

They saidā€¦

  1. Is the DLC refundable? How do I get my refund?
    -You can refund your DLC through Steam customer support, but you wonā€™t be eligible for a refund if you have taken the bonus items from the pack. Please contact Steam customer support for their refund policy on our DLC product.

If you did that youā€™re screwed.

The sheer stupidity of this threadā€¦