Tree of Savior Forum

Guess what? Prepare your brain for a server wipe

ok. there will be a server wipe just because you said so. seems legit.

About people saying IMC said there would be no wipe:

Open Beta Coming Soon

Fly away…

10 silver says OP is an Oracle main.

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maybe this is why, despite being heavily into mmo’s… AND mmo’s of this type… at that time (and still)
… i’ve never heard of this game.
it’s been on Steam for a year, and has a mighty 193 reviews total. “mixed” at 55%.
other results that came up in the google search gave it middling reviews as well.
…is this -really- the game that IMC should be trying to model itself after?

sure, you kept playing despite multiple wipes. there will always be some hardcore players who just can’t give up on a thing. the more hardships players get put through, the more strongly the remaining ones will cling to it. “i’ve stuck with it through everything so far, how can i give up on it now?”
it’s an emotional investment bias; unconsciously the brain thinks “if i give up now, everything i’ve done will be wasted.” and they like the idea of the thing, and they really -want- it to be good, so they just keep going on, and telling themselves the problems don’t really matter, etc.

i’m not saying the game was actually bad – like i said, i’ve never heard of it before. i’m just using it to point out how some people will stick around to the very end, no matter how bad it gets… but that isn’t most people. i know i sure wouldn’t stick around for several wipes.

heck, if they didn’t re-issue all the founder rewards after it (at least at this stage), i’d have trouble sticking around past the first wipe.

i’m not really sure how that’s healthy for the server, but it’s definitely unhealthy for the player base.
that would destroy the good will of the veteran players, and also show the new players that no matter how much progress they make, it’s only temporary and will be destroyed later.

Diablo 2 (and maybe 3?) found a successful variant of this. “Ladder Seasons” start with completely new characters, and at the end of the season, all of the characters are migrated back into the main (non-ladder) selection of characters. It does give a completely new start every so often, but doesn’t actually destroy the progress made during that time. That said, D2 also follows a NA exp style, and characters can be quickly pushed up into the top few levels, meaning the overall time investment is far less than for a ToS character.

this is a pretty terrible, phony comparison. it’s right up there with “he didn’t mean to hit me, i should have known better” and the other version of itself, eg “if you really loved me, daddy, you’d buy me a pony.”

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Well, they weren’t going to restrict this game up the ass, either, come EA or release, but look what happened.

All I can do is hope and pray to whatever goddesses are listening. Hopefully Gabija, because she’s hot.

Thank you, Nostradamus.


I doubt there will be a wipe, the point of this type of early access is to give a headstart to those who buy founder’s packs. Quite a few mmos have done this, though admittely I’ve never seen more then a week.

The only way they could do a wipe would be if they extended the early access period. They would only do this if there was a problem so large that the only solution would be to glass the servers from orbit. So no, unless there is something monumentally wrong with the current build they won’t do a wipe.

Apparently OP here doesn’t read announcements and went full retard, because being butthurt on all the games he played that got wipe. that’s why he decided to wait til 28 to avoid getting back those past memories all over again in case there’s a real wipe, but there won’t be.

Not to say it has a chance of happening, but should be noted they have lied to us before and broken important promises.

Wikipedia: “Gabija (also known as Gabieta, Gabeta) is the spirit of the fire in Lithuanian mythology.”

HAH! Spirit of fire. hot. you give me the chuckles, sir.

My brain wasn’t ready for this thread… :confused:

Another troller :clap:

Ofcourse there won’t be a server wipe, IMC confirmed this. Why are you posting things like this?

That’s what I was looking for. You’re the man or woman. I was wrong and apologize to everyone on this post. I was wrong :slight_smile:

The fk was this necro dude, are you serious? Get off the forums bro.

Gr8 b8 m8. /20pokemons

Chandelure better be one of those 20 :smiley:

I’ve never played a game that did a server wipe after full release. Doing that is an absolute last resort and highly unlikely to happen with ToS.