Tree of Savior Forum

Grindless road to Rank 8: It's ok to solo now (if no one wants you in grind parties)

That day was the day people do quest for actual story reading. Not leveling

Jigga’s guide is outdated and honestly kind of horrendous for speed leveling. Any guide that suggests saving cards for speed leveling is bad.

…Check out my sweet guide: Xan's Leveling Guide


I like grinding but its hard because parties usually want meta members, if you’re not meta then you’d have a hard time getting in

I enjoy grinding, but not so much in this fashion. I enjoy grinding in the old school FFXI version. Speaking of which, parties were biased there too Lol.

And what are 2h swords for besides soloing? Nothing. The community ingame is just mature enough not to give room to solo players in groups. Which would be a contradiction in itself. Why would a solo player even need a group?

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Your thread title says grindless rank 8. And the first thing you say is you spent weeks grinding.

If you want hard numbers. If you obtain and use every single exp card in the entire game, you will get about 800 million exp. That is from all quests, map exploration and kill counts. Every single one without skipping anything.

You need 1.188 billion exp to hit level 280. This means you have to obtain 388 million exp from somewhere.
5 daily quests is 1 million a day at max.
3 mission runs a day will get you anywhere from 2-3.5 million a day.
Most dungeons give 1 to 2.5 million exp a run, you’ll probably run most dungeons 3 times and that is it because it’s rare to stay in level range for them for several days unless you purposely go slow.

Anyone who is lower than level 266 right now and wants to get to rank 8 by the time rank 8 is added needs to party. Without a party you might hit rank 8 sometime around the end of October to early November. With a party you can go from 240 to 280 in a week (same playtime per day).

Did the merc dailies give better cards once rank 8 hit ktos? Maybe it won’t be so bad once we can move out of the level 9 exp card cap. If you can get 5x level 11+ cards a day, that would certainly make the math a little less painful.

I said “soloing”, not grinding.

Maybe I wasn’t too descriptive, but by soloing I mean doing quests, kill counts, and map exploration for the sake of exp cards. Sure you also get exp from killing the monsters but that’s not the point.

Grinding, at least for me, means spending a good amount of time in particular spots killing mobs for the sole purpose of getting exp, silver or both, whether in a party or by yourself.

I’d like to think that’s how most people understood it as well.

I’m 262 right now and still have cards to go 276 (r8, job lv.4 I think) if needed, while still yet to complete quests from Solitary Cells onwards.

This thread disproves the common notion that grinding is necessary to get to R8.

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You’re ignoring all the daily cards(lv9 at marc post and lv11 from pvp) and ur also prolly missing all the recently added quests and new map completion ones.

My build is complete ■■■■ and i’m 270,just waiting on more quests to hit Job 15

You’re mistaken. It’s just a plain lie 2H swordmen can’t bring decent dps to parties. We may not be de best dps around, but I usually end up 1st or 2nd in Saalus missions, for example, all lvl 280, just a few minutes ago,

It all depends on the build, gear, stats, etc.

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That proves nothing. Even my Krivis3 is a regular at first or second place of bosses, yet dmg against mob groups is meh. Only difference to 2h swords is that she can heal and has some buffs.

Even when you are in the meta it’s hard to get grinding Party for some class.
I have a Taunt , a Heal and a Chrono (All meta Classes) and if i get instants invites on my Taunt , my Healer still struggle to find grinding party.
There is so many Healers on my server , that it make the class very hard to level when you look for a grind party.

I’m not trying to prove something, not at least to someone illiterate about this game, just throwing some little enlightenment here.

Did you grind at 140-160~165 range? If not, what did you do?

I do very little grinding myself from 1-175.

For me 132-175

Dungeon/Missionx3 = 144/45


Saved all lvl 5/6 Cards > Use those to hit 162/163


163 I collect all lv7 Cards and some 8 til Nouridin(?) falls

Card to 177

Edit: I also have Token 30% + Team Level 35% and if I have them to spare; Tomes in dungeon runs/Missions +30%

I’m solo questing all the way. No real grind so far.

I must admit Solitary Cells (last map completed) was a bit painful for the killcounts. If a swordie can do it, anyone can xD

I know I’ll need a party for 280+ content. It’s gonna be fun.


Its great that we have alternatives to grind parties but holy cow can it be excruciating when you aren’t given the opportunity for whatever reason. Questing can get really tedious.

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Grinding heavily depends on how fast you level

If you only level a few hours a day, then it mostly exists out of doing dungeon runs + mission runs, and nothing else. Your level will go upwards, while quests will stay available to fill even more experience in.

If you are speed leveling, that means you want to hit 90 in day 1, 120 in day 2, etc. You plan your leveling around dungeons and you won’t get much experience from those, you will have to grind at some point.

Kill counts = also grinding as it takes hella long for some classes to finish those counts.

So when people tell you grinding isn’t needed, it really depends on your playstyle.

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