Tree of Savior Forum

Going to play a schwarzer reiter, go for rogue c3 or QS c3?

the moment you take qs3 your sr3 build is dead.

Then what is better? have a better build? comment it here so u help people searching for a SR build. Don’t just say this is bad, tell us what is good and why please. Is so easy to just say one thing sucks without any fundaments. Please enlighten us. thanks in advance.

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Thx for telling :slight_smile: amended

What if pve? Is it qs is better than ranger ? Since the reset voucher is launching soon, i might just boost my lvl and change the class later?

The big breaking point is just:
Do you want an auto attack build or do you want a skill spam build?
Ranger delivers damage in bursts - QS has constant damage without downtime.
Both class skills will be used when SR skills are on cooldown. QS is a smooth combo with very low downtime while Rangers burst is really fast so the downtime is higher (downtime allows for movement/errors caused by lag or if you need to move out of stuff in between. QS moves constantly).

We don’t know about future classes yet but both Ranger and QS have proven to be future proof (QS Wugi, Cannon, SR, Hacka and Ranger+everything just because Steady Aim and Barrage scale nicely)and will probably stay future proof unless R9/10 stop supporting auto attack builds.

This post is probably outdated at this point but you might want to check it out just to know what QS vs Ranger vs A3 (don’t even know if that option is covered by the post) bring to the table.

Also keep in mind that I might be wrong.
I’ve yet to try SR myself. (full disclosure)
I can talk about QS3 and Ranger3 though as I’ve tried both and I did some research on SR (as I posted earlier: I’m working on one on the side)

Just a reminder to not decide on the jump and listen to more feedback first/research a little yourself.

another player keen on playing QS3. welcome aboard !

but before that, you might want to read some understanding about Running Shot. if you’re picking QS3 because of Running Shot, and you want to pair it with SR3. you’re doing it wrong.

resetting my QSR to ranger SR now with the rank reset
QS3 is nice, the damage from running shot is very good and its a great filler i get #1 on every saluus run i take this char to
but after having ranger SRs in my pt and seeing what it can do paired with chrono, just said the hell with it and would rather have high aoe damage.

May I know what is the combo for R3SR3s + Chrono? Just starting to learn my SR1 moves…

pass reduces your CDs, so you can just use steady aim and retreat shot again.
QS is a good class to reset you don’t really have any enhancing attributes to do.

I see so it’s really the reduce CD. Yeah honestly I think R3 is more fun to play with that QS since with SR you need to be more tactical and the rotation of skills is quite nice too.

You awaken to see what i saw after playing both parts with SR and Musket Heh…

Ranger’s burst potential + steady aim is too ridiculous for aoe.

No. Chrono is absolutely not about pass. It’s all about quicken, which affects the attack speed of retreat shot. Pass is nice bonus though.

@OP: Ranger3 let’s you become one of the best aoe classes whilst qs3 let’s you stay as a good aoe dealer and a good single target dps’er.

But seriously, there’s TONS of threads about QS3 vs Ranger3. The forum even tells you about them when trying to make a new one. The search tool is there to help us, not to be ignored =.=


is limacon lvl 15 really better than concentrated fire? i got concentrated fire at 10 and limacon at 5 and i kinda like concentrated fire better
especially with my aoe ratio attack gear :smiley:
limacon doesn’t seem exciting to me, ill be getting r8 today see how it is with the bouncing.

I dislike AAing as a SR 3 ( caster actually). Since as you know.

It’s either lima 15 or 10 it’s up to you. Since aaing doesn’t really fit as well later. Might as well be a aoe truck bursting monster.

right now i got 3 aoe ratio, in the future i’d want to get double glads/phadas for even more aoe

Issue is Con fire aoe is actually rather small even smaller than multi shot.

So the extra aoe ratio is actually wasted unless they are all stacked.

limacon seems like a good filler, gonna get both lvl 10 limacon and concentrated fire and determine which one i like more
didn’t enhance the attributes of neither since im focusing on retreat shot so ill keep it that way for the purpose of comparison

Con fire is a better single burst (like multi shot when you are low level etc).

Does hit up to as good as 20 hits?

Since the power value is nearly the same as retreat shot basically con fire = retreat shot damage on single target but require charging.
This good burst is better for bossing than limacon. Limacon pretty much is a fill in bounce auto attack.

Also as clarified by peeps it’s dependent on your xbow damage.

Thx for the sharing, the links u guys provided are very useful :slight_smile:

I had decide to go qs3, any recommended build can share? Im focusing on ET, mayb world boss