Tree of Savior Forum

GM Papaya's Information

Pretty sure the CM needs to be someone who doesnt lash out and call other community members pussies and whatever other foul language you used on me during this reply that was flagged recently.

You frequently resort to foul language and name calling when someone doesnt agree with you, a community manager would view issues from both sides, not act superior to others as you do and berate them with insults, nice try though.

Typical DrRm

Please kindly tell them that “fix the fps and crashes” is a very valid suggestion and not to filter them off when forwarding ideas to dev team.

Specifically, STOP dragging their feet over optimization and put in 300% effort into it or the game will forever be held back by 5 fps and never improve. There are so many 3D mmos out there rendering 100 players with 40 fps, absolutely no reason why TOS cannot do it.

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@joeswaaz for CM? lel

Based on the optimisation Dev Blog post there’s more on the way.

It’s not that they disregard all the feedback, from what Papaya said they still read and pass on suggestions, they just want more quality posts, I don’ think that’s a particularly unreasonable request. I am frustrated with the FPS drops though, the last optimisation measures gave me an enormous boost to FPS and stuttering reduction but issues still remain. (cough cough Diev)

As a side note, an interesting example of a game that deals with 100’s of players is Mount and Blade: Warband that came out in 2010. Taleworlds, the developers, emphasised how much time they spent optimising the game to handle the load, and that they’re doing the same thing with their upcoming sequel.

funny you say that, i was an administrator for a mobile game’s forum for 2 years awhile back. i was infamous for being strict but fair. of course i treated the kids like kids though, so there were always people crying.

You’re supposed to treat them like young adults.

No worries, those 2 will never be elected here for anything. To manage this community you would have to be immune to being triggered, and those 2 are byfar the most easily triggered players we have atm. 9 months of constant and blatent neglect has created 1 of the most toxic forum communitys that we have ever seen in an online game. It will take a player similar to @Greyheim or @Nicola etc to do the job, the calm and mature people who dont stoop to using foul language and names whenever they disagree on an issue.

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or food :imp:

I love food…

I suggest you to take a look at ;@

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i treat people the way they treat me, however its hard to not be biased when they start topics and huehue everywhere (im not meme’ing, this forum i mentioned also had a BR problem) so admittedly i came in the conversation not in a respectable way. however any actual “real” discussion thread i wasnt disrespectful.

i wasnt being paid for my service so i acted like i wanted to

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lmao look at this pathetic white knight kissing ass to nicola, “she” already has a posse of like 20 white knight cucks who demand proper pronouns to be used

nice attempt at belittling my name, this being your 30+ attempt. funny because you say nothing ingame but sperg out here on a daily basis attempting to ridicule me when in reality i dont do anything you mention i just simply dont take crap from kids such as yourself

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soo no point hunting DPK items for now if they gonna make it less difficult that it currently is. good news to meeee

I feel like i’ve been teleported in the middle of an epenis war field :scream:

I want to emphasise, all Papaya said is they had some discussion about the items, in the context to me it seemed like it would have to do with the difficulty of obtaining them, but that’s all that was really said.

It still is good news, knowing how hard it is to farm it, maybe lessen the kills needed than it is now, actually there isn’t much stuffs to do end game than ET, so maybe i just make more alt and wait for the change then try to craft it

you call some insects buzzing in the forum and spreading their trash around a war xD

don’t feed it ego even more…

so lets say some one wants to help be a dev for itos, where would someone apply?

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I think you gotta be fluent in korean and live in Seoul or at least be able to afford a flight to Korea, if they intend to interview you. If they want you, you will be living in Korea from there on, you won’t be able to work from home =p

You might want to check this: Career Opportunities are open!

So you mean people who buy accounts and RMT, and are totally okay with their guild cheating in GVG? Why would I want that as a community manager?

It’s a dark day when I agree with Swaaz about literally anything.

The biggest issues is there for some reason, to talk English is not mandatory or even important for korean natives in the gaming industry.

While almost the entire world speaks english, german, spanish, br, chinese, russian etc they can only speak korean and outsiders who are fluent in the ways of the world have to learn korean from scratch, buy a plane ticket and try their luck xD.