Tree of Savior Forum

GM Papaya's Information

I’m looking forward to the idea as well, that combined with some better feedback options, (I’m not quite sure how KTOS feedback goes though) could be quite effective in dealing with some of the problems we’ve been having.

What other mysteries do the GM’s possess?


There are no male GMs dressed as kupole

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You have a point. How is GM’s reproduction?

Through Parthenogenesis

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Since they pretty much knew that they have never fail in creating game bugs literally constantly every patch…if one patch creates 2 bugs, releasing more small patches means more bugs. Release less patch in the form of major patch will greatly reduce the bugs created. Logic? Only works on IMC.

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Problem is tho. The Bug3:Fix1 ratio returns to square one with each patch, in-between those ‘fully fleshed out major updates’ there’s hardly any proper bug fixes happening either. We usually have to wait till a later week(if not months to forever) after certain bugs are found, making the bug list grow ad-infinitum.

Does this mean they were already under staffed while the game was still creation stage development?

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Or maybe there were the needed people but they left by theirself as soon as they realized how screwed was everything, like that staff manager who actually took care about the community and was controversial since she was the only one doing it.

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My impression is bugs are decreasing but at a far from satisfactory rate, that’s not to say they also don’t add them though.

Very good question, this is what I’ve thought as well.

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It’s great that IMC takes ideas directly from addon developers. I hope they continue doing so.

What about it?

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[quote=“Queue, post:1, topic:346121, full:true”]

  • Current IMC strategy is still releasing large content updates, they don’t want to release it in small batches as they are more buggy than fleshed out updates. [/quote]

that seems a little contradictory to actions, but this is probably a future thought…

If you elect me as you CM, I promise world pizza :blush:

crabs, my only developed game was super zelda and I couldn’t finish it cause I suck at coding :pensive:

there fixed for you, let be honest not even the creator of the stat think of SPR

I have high hopes and high worries about this

:open_mouth: I didn’t knew papaya grew on the cold :yum:

now I want to go eat Papaya with the penguins :heart_eyes:

@Anarth seems to be working hard to keep his position as the whiteknight leader here. But who is he competing with?



I laugh at the fact that you guys believe anything these GMs say.

You understand that ITOS has NO development or design team right? The only thing ITOS has is a translation team (maybe 2-3 people if it’s not outsourced).

The only thing that ITOS is different from KTOS is the decisions on what to put on the TP shop. Everything else is a mirror of KTOS. All decisions made is for KTOS and their player base. ITOS can ONLY get what KTOS already has.

That is the issue with ITOS being ran by IMC. JTOS is doing amazing because Nexon has their own development and design team. Of course they have to get authorized by IMC for any changes or additions, but they can fix the bugs on a whim while we have to wait for the developers/designers in Korea.

we lost

not like this

There’s “too much information” for them to filter out there that nothing they ever have done stopped bots and only hurt players. And the only time they’ve ever listened to addon developers is when they stole Excrulon’s code line for a bug fix then promptly deleted the thread. lmao


Please maintain on-topic, kupo.

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Papaya specifically said that the CM needs high CON so I hope you have a stat reset.

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Is he friendly? Can he send me a friend request?

All of my interactions with Papaya have been positive. He said that he enjoys answering questions and interacting when possible and it’s obvious that’s the truth. I’m not sure about sending a friend request, but if you’re wanting to talk with GM’s look for them at the cities after maintenance.

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