Tree of Savior Forum

GM Papaya's Information

After today’s maintenance GM Papaya was at the Event Board in Klaipeda on Orsha. For 40min or so he answered some questions, and although it wasn’t overly concrete I wanted to present some of the insights and information he shared. Keep in mind it is very broad, and non specific, but it helps us see where Tree of Savior is headed.

  • Current IMC strategy is still releasing large content updates, they don’t want to release it in small batches as they are more buggy than fleshed out updates.

  • IMC is still looking for a Community Manager

  • Community Manager will be managing suggestions, and will be improving the current system for it

  • IMC wants more direct communication

  • IMC does read through many of the posts here and on reddit

  • IMC has to filter a lot of the given suggestions due to bias and bad reasoning

  • IMC is continuing to look for Developers.

  • STR, INT, and SPR are all actively being discussed in regards to balance.

  • There is discussion about changing items

  • Practonium is being discussed

  • Presumably orange items are being discussed, I believe it has to do with the difficulty of obtaining them

  • New content and recently discussed rebalancing coming “soonish”

  • Hunting Grounds

  • Balance Talk

  • Major rebalancing is far away

  • Papaya is from the land of penguins

Thanks Papaya for answering questions and giving us buffs.

If I have anything wrong or you want to clarify a point I may have missed please do Staff/Papaya. :slight_smile:



do they like the huehuehue?


“IMC has to filter a lot of the given suggestions due to bias and bad reasoning”

Well seems like the hues will need to be more formal if they want IMC to get stuff done e.e

Simple Talk:
You need to be more serious when you’re suggesting stuff e.e

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but we dont want em to plagiarise our idea

imc stolen enough from addon

so are we the customer or imc worker?

tos is tree of [random ideas collected from forum]

tos end game is tree of forum, this is real!



Well most of the addon’ stuff should be in the game from start so… Good thing they’re getting Ideas from addons
@edit And that’s not the theme of the topic.
And you edited your post to try to debate me, Good work.

It’s great that IMC takes ideas directly from addon developers. I hope they continue doing so.

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we are discussing based on the info given


edit:my bad, i didnt expect lhikan to reply me in realtime.

forum should be like office365 realtime collaboration



i know…

but i cannot code, so i contribute jokes n meme instead


If you say so…
edit: Strange seeing you do the same thing =P


Any discussion is good discussion, that’s my view on it, but I appreciate you sticking to the topic. :slight_smile:

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stop embarassing youself

/20 @Anarth


free to play is a trap


free volunteer quality checker n idea giver so mr kim can buy more ferrari effortless


we buy tp to pay for the server
we give suggestion to save the game we wanna play

sounds like a cult


Current IMC strategy is still releasing large content updates, they don’t want to release it in small batches as they are more buggy than fleshed out updates.

I’m unsure how IMC controls their code version but this sounds very weird.
Releasing more code at once is more likely to have bugs in it :confused:

Why, Haukin’s favorite pet has arrived.

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anarth derailing it into white-hue fight again~

on topic, land of penguin is antartica?


OMG, white-attack is real

/20 @Anarth


The idea is to have fully fleshed out major updates. If the game is updated in small weekly patches, things will fall through the cracks, examples including exploits, or crashes that can really cause a mess. Papaya specifically sourced the beginning of ITOS, and how the fast update structure didn’t work like they wanted it to.

I should have pursued further in asking about how KTOS was handling things because their updates are quicker, my guess could be Nexon helping with any QA and additional manpower shortages.


That does makes sense, since apparently IMC is gathering bits and pieces from kToS code and moving it to iToS, instead of following kToS patching history…

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It’s interesting to see some of the differences between the versions. Things like the Serpentine debuff were never sent over here. Maybe they wanted multiple places to test balancing options. (Please IMC don’t ever send that nerf, it’s really, really not needed.)

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If that’s the case, thank goodness Kupole server is coming :x

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By far, the best information in this thread.