Tree of Savior Forum

GG IMC, Saintone is Leaving Now Too

Xanthiris of Orsha quit too, funny enough Soviet is still here


Has he said why he was quitting?

Here’s his message.


Xan quit long ago. He posted this in his level up guide.

Nov 2016


It is just kind of sad that many of the guide contributors stopped playing due to disappointment of the game.

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What a shitty tactic of using someone else leaving as a weapon…

but that’s to be expected of scrubs with no honor or dignity like you TC


Its absolutely sickening how IMC manages this game, I myself quit recently, went a full 2 months without logging in at all. I came back to use the rank reset voucher before it expired andafter being away for that period of time, I did have the itch to play a bit so I decided to roll a new cleric alt and go Miko. Since coming back though I have experienced more d/cs, errors, hacks, and failed maintenances in 2 weeks then I had seen in 2 months before leaving. When something is as poorly run as ITOS is, logic says it couldnt possibly get any worse, but somehow it does.


the daily whiteknight failed attack by DrRM, the one who constantly calls people out for attacking someone WHILE he attacks someone, dat DrRM logic


Well, not gonna lie, this is causing me much of the same strife and I empathize with him. And I’m normally very much against the whole “wah I’m quitting change this or else” nonsense. His points are well-thought out and constructive. I hope IMC realizes it too.


The defense rests. 20char TRIGGERED

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DRRM always try to divert attention from IMC failings, his usual tactic. You can’t blame him though he really loves the game. He gets VGA Error’ed everyday for months due to sh1tty laptop but still sticks around. +1 for dedication


Just dont play Revelation Online Saintone, I swear I saw you streaming it one night. That game isnt going to be any better than this one.

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Ya its just funny with him b/c he trys to take the moral high ground on issues and then follows up by name calling and slinging poop like an child.

You cant have it both ways, are you the mature one calling out someone, or are you JoeSwaaz being triggered again, he is both, so transparent, so sad.


They do have far superior PVP modes and frame rates compared to TOS though. So much potential held back by the ancient engine IMC insists on using instead of licensing one like Unreal/Unity etc. Well maybe they don’t want to cough up the money.

IDK yet. That dev/pub has a bad track record. The game looks like they took Skyforge and Allods Online (their previous titles) and just mashed it together. If they take ALL the good from those games, optimize it well, and have a reasonable cash shop. Maybe. But Im pretty certain itll be p2w which will kill the pvp even with multiple PVP options.

I KILLLED people in allods online like in the 12v12 skirmishes. Like I could straight up 1 vs 10 non cash shoppers. Fun for awhile, but you can see how that isnt appealing in a f2p game.

In the guild vs guild 24v24 they called Astral Confrontation. CS guilds dominated. They also had similiar issues that I see people complaining about here. The top guilds had “sister” guilds and would protect their allods just with bidding. So sometimes no matches were even played.

The popularity and ability to retain players is going to heavily hinge on that cash shop for it.

This has nothing to say about the players that played it though. It was tight knit community. Everyone pretty much knew everyone in-game and on the forums. Fun people. Game just couldnt attract new players cause of the cash shop.

So in short. Be cautious with that game (Rev Online), you may very well enjoy it at first; but it could very easily tank quickly.

JoeSwaaz need to post here. did he quit


nah, he still goes off on 18 long megaphone rants on Klaipeda from time to time, last 1 was about 3 days ago

you know joe, his entire life is sitting in town challenging people with pve builds to 1v1 him to validate his existance


Not even diev3s can stand the damage Ausrine does to this game balance lmao


Idk why anyone pvps in this game though honestly, in today’s gaming landscape there is literally a new MOBA every 4 days. IMC has shown they have NO idea whatsoever how to balance classes and with the majority of everything being client side, its beyond easy to cheat.

How many fake guilds do we have that are just there to feed other guilds, how many of the top 10 on each server are cleric/diev with either pd or inq to cap, how many people crash the matches when they are going to lose, do I need to go on. I would never pvp in this game, its like inviting the Russian track and field team to a race and expecting things to be above board.

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Lol just ignore him. That’s what im doing. I dont reply to him only to other peeps with sense.

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