Tree of Savior Forum

Give an attribute to c1 wizard with 50-75% chance to avoid intteruption

But you’re only talking about moving surespell

So if we only follow your fantasy of wizard and its logic then it would make sense that wizard at c1 has something that counters interruption but not fully, and increases by c2

Then again, it does make sense to have 50-75% immunity on an attribute. And on c2 you’ll have complete immunity.

I don’t get why you’re so against it when you describe your fantasy for wizard. You should be cheering on for wizard having an attribute on c1 with at least 50% chance on avoiding interruption. Instead of completely against it.

I am against it, because it’s not a buff that Wizard needs. It’s just an excuse to reap the benefits of Wizard C2 without having to take it. Wizard C2 has to compete with Pyromancer and Cryomancer. It has to be good. It needs something you want to have. Uninterruptible spells seems pretty good, especially if you want to play a class with long cast times.

Sorry but moving Surespell to C1 Wizard is a bad idea. What does C2 get? You have to think about this.

you really ignore the fact that I’m saying, DONT MOVE IT


I have no idea how many times I’ve stated that for you now. But you still keep talking only about your surepell

I misunderstood. You want to give Wizard an attribute to give partial immunity to being interrupted.

No, that undermines Surespell. If you want immunity, take another rank in Wizard. Would you also like an attribute that gives you less cast time on all spells?

You’re out of context, you’re a waste of time now. Peace!

Okay, well good luck proposing a change that will likely never happen. Unless you want to give Archers an attribute to not be interrupted while casting Full Draw, etc.

Wizard 2 needs something to compete with Cryo and Pyro. Uninterruptible casts is that. If you want to diminish the arguably greatest asset of Wizard 2 then you better be prepared to suggest something else they get because as of right now, your idea is very unrealistic and totally makes Wizard 2 even more useless.

I had already another suggestion but you ignore it, and you still do. Ignorant tool. I know now that you’re just trolling.

I saw your suggestion and it still has the same problems. An attribute that gives you 75% immunity to being interrupted during a cast is silly and poorly thought out. Your arguments for this are weak as well.

If you want immunity, take Wizard 2. Otherwise, don’t. You’re asking for a passive attribute that gives you 75% immunity. I can’t even begin to explain how bad this is. For one, you don’t cast it, so you’re saving SP. Secondly this is very powerful for a rank 1 class. You can’t compare this to pain barrier. Swordsman have to be in melee range. They are in danger by attacking. Wizards have the luxury of attacking from afar. They can play with positioning. You want immunity while being able to attack from afar without any sort of investment into your build? That’s outrageous.

You should have to give up a rank for immunity. It’s a nice thing to have but by no means necessary. You’re asking for 75% immunity which is always up. It’s a silly suggestion. You haven’t thought this through at all.

Just look through this thread. Next to no one agrees and posts countering you have multiple likes. Your OP doesn’t have any likes. It’s clear that it’s not just me who is an “ignorant tool”. If so many people are against your idea, maybe you should consider the fact that your idea is not good.

I’m pretty sure I don’t get interrupted every time I was attacked when I was casting Meteor without sure spell.

Yeah 75% immunity is a terrible idea. Surespell is just weird anyway. It’s only worth casting if you go wiz2 only and then go for a class with long cast times like ele, but if you’re going ele you’d always go wiz3 for quickcast and if you have quickcast you don’t need to cast surespell…

Honestly I’d rather they just remove surespell from the game and give wiz2 something useful. It’s just a crutch for bad players anyway. Learn to position correctly.

This thread is terrible and moonchild should feel bad.

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50% is not to much to ask for and is reasonable, jump off your high horse and stop trolling your face off.

I don’t disagree with you there though, remove it completely would be good aswell.

But still I don’t see why 50% to 75 % as an attribute would be bad.

few of you say only " IT IS BAD" and nothing to back up truthfully why, you’re only butthurt because you went wiz 3.

I’m not trolling you, you’ve just run out of logical things to support your argument. Many people have explained to you why your idea is bad but you ignore them. Your fault.

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You can’t really rely on positioning as a Kino though.

Keep trolling if it makes you feel good inside mate, I don’t mind.

Your argument is now

More people = truth

Then why is religion then followed by 90% people.

More people = not always correct.

Your’re filled with logical fallecies

But why am I spending more time with a troll that’s just trolling his face off.

Because anyone that disagree with my opinion must be a troll or twisting fact. Am I right?


Because the current system is skill-based, and you want to replace it with something that is RNG. Skill is good, RNG is bad.

I mean, if your idea was something like “wizard’s have an attribute that protects them from X number of hits while channeling” that would be a little better. Still completely unnecessary but whatever, at least it isn’t RNG.

And wiz3 is great. Quickcast makes literally everything do 50% more damage, even autoattacks, and I’ve easily cast magic missile about 10 times more than any of my other damaging spells overall. It’s wiz2 that sucks and is pointless.

Pretty sure you don’t know what trolling is. Your idea is stupid. Please take the feedback in this thread and try again another time.

At this point, I’m fairly certain he’s trolling. Stop feeding and move on.