Tree of Savior Forum

Give an attribute to c1 wizard with 50-75% chance to avoid intteruption

Sure, but just a bit of forewarning for any discussions you have in the future. Calling people liars or telling them they are arguing just to argue is what results in negativity. I had read every bit of this thread, three times infact to make sure I didn’t miss anything after you called me a liar in the first place. You tossing insults at anyone whom happens to disagree gets you no where. Cheers in the future though.

“For noobs playing wiz, get c2 wiz!” Taken from frustrations of a noob wiz player cause he gets interrupted by mobs.

Back to reality, that would make people who already reached higher levels and took wiz C2 because of useless surespell be a waste. I could’ve taken another class for rank 2. What will the devs do then? Class reset potions? da fck

Honestly speaking, the only class I know in the wizard tree that has a long casting time is elementalist. And, if your friend (as you said) didn’t take wizard 3 while building an elementalist then he should probably reroll because that 50% increase from quickcast is a big thing. Other than that, I don’t see that need for wizards to have attributes that give 50-75% chance to avoid interruption.

In short, there’s no problem with the class, either deal with the interruptions by playing better or just change to another class. :slight_smile:

And just so you know, I play pyro and even though they don’t have casting time for fireball and flame ground you can get interrupted while doing the skill animation and the skill will go to cooldown, but you don’t see me complaining about it. IMO, if people get turned off from such a small detail (as you say), then they probably shouldn’t have chosen a wizard class in the first place.

All right, I’ll keep that in mind.

All though you were the only one I called a liar and “argue to argue”

You saying that I should stop saying
QUOTE : Calling people liars or telling them they are arguing just to argue

You wrote that in plural, which is factually incorrect because I’ve only said these words towards you and no one else.

I answered your last post which I was intending not to do because I thought you would keep on going with lies and argue for the sake of arguing. But I was wrong.

Good point, but if it isn’t such a huge deal to add 50-75 % chance on interruption immunity then I don’t see why not doing it. It’s a win win, the elitist doesn’t care and the less skilled people will be happy.

Its a big deal, you’re basically screwing people that took Wizard at rank 2! And if you push for surespell rank 1 and give wizard rank 2 another spell which may or may nor be great or OP, you’re screwing people who didn’t take wizard rank 2 since they didn’t find the skills at rank 2 wizard any use for their build when it only gave surespell!

TL;DR Replacing or giving new skills screws people’s builds.

I’m sorry to make you sad or something but all mmo games changes, things gets swapped and so on. Our builds will most likely be a wreck in the future.

But maybe this game is the holy grail of super perfection that will never change, who knows… But it is more likely that things will change than not change.

However giving an attribute at c1 that would give you 50-75% of being immune to interruption will not break c2 and c3. And c2 should be given something more than just 1 decent spell.

You don’t get interrupted everytime you get hit. I’m not sure if this is a bug, but what you want is already in the game.

I’d swap reflect shield for surespell if it scaled better

you get 100% interrupted every time when you channel

Well I was referring to solo play. If you’re in a team and you get interrupted 3 times in a row you’re probably dead, because elite enemies at even lv220 can hit for around 7k. I remember reading enemies in ET hit for around 13k.

I don’t understand why you would want to move Surespell to C1. What does C2 get? This is silly. Every rank of a class should add something - something to make it worth going. Ideally every rank of every class should add something you want, something you can use.

Linker has Spiritual Chain at C2. Should we move that to C1?

What about Subzero Shield? Why should we get to C2 Cryomancer to use it?

I understand the argument that casting is a basic thing that some wizard-classes do but think about it like this. Wizard is your base class. You want to focus on the basics to be good at them right? It’s the same logic as Cleric and heal really. By taking more ranks, you are better at healing, right? It’s the same time.

Casting is a basic thing that some wizards do. It makes sense for Surespell to be in C2 because you are focusing on your base class to be better at a basic thing.

then in your logic, it doesn’t make sense, surepell should then be in elementalist as they have the most casting abilities. Then it would make much more sense.

Wait’ll this guy finds out about the +50% magic damage attribute on quickcast.

Well… no. Casting is a basic ability for Wizards. Wizards should be able to speed up, reduce and keep their own casts from being interrupted. Wizard is the foundation to being a good caster.

Casting is not an ability. There are abilities that require casting. And wizard has almost none of it and the ones they have are mobile.

In your logic again, elementalist have most of the abilities with casting so then again. They should have surespell then. Since you’re trying to make sense out of things, then this makes even more sense within pure logic.

You cannot move while casting sleep.

But Wizard, as a concept, is your base class. You are always a Wizard-type class. As a result, you always cast magic. You may not always have a cast time, but you can be interrupted during the animation of your cast. You’re casting magic. This is basic. Every wizard type does this. I think it’s only fair to have the base class focus on refining this ability.

If you look at the theme of buffs Wizard gets, they (for the most part) casting related. Surespell and Quickspell belong to Wizard. Both of these buffs affect their casting. I think it is fair to say, given the buffs of Wizard, that they focus on enhancing the ability to cast. That’s their theme. Sleep is a CC but other classes have CCs. Reflect Shield reduces incoming damage and is a party buff but there are other classes within the tree that can do this. No other class in the Wizard tree impacts your ability to cast.

Since casting is the Wizard class’ theme, it makes sense for there to be a progression. That’s why I think Surespell is fine as a C2 skill. You go from nothing enhancing your ability to cast, to Surespell to eventually Quickspell.

I’m pretty sure you don’t get interrupted during the cast animation, only during the charge. Cast animation can only be interrupted by knockback/stun/etc, which surespell doesn’t protect against anyway.

Ah, I must have been confused. I get knocked out of Ice Pike at times if I cast it while I am surrounded by a mob. This doesn’t happen when I use Surespell on my Elementalist though.

never mentioned animation