Tree of Savior Forum

Give an attribute to c1 wizard with 50-75% chance to avoid intteruption

I have surespell and never use it. There is absolutely no need to. Most spell whiff not because I was hit but for I don’t know actually. Cast bar is full I release and that is all that happens.

Skills don’t necessarily have 15 ranks even if they pop up at C1. And if sure, we look at them at up to C15…

Quick Cast 15 - don’t need it. If you look at the class setup, it’s obviously gunning for instant cast spells except for Flesh Cannon. I’d be getting it for the attribute, which would still be maxed at 5
Frost Pillar 15 - Yeah an extra 10 seconds sounds good but I wouldn’t exchange those 10 seconds for what I’ll get with the supposed Kino1 and Elem1
Gravity Pole 15 - Same concept as Frost Pillar
Frost Cloud 15 - Even Frost Cloud 1 is good, you’re really just getting it for the 30hits/target. The base damage increase per level isn’t good. Even a circle into Thauma to get Swell Arm 5 would do more good for Frost Cloud, and it would do a lot more good for the other skills and other people in the party.
Pass 15 - Well, yes for this one I’d probably give up Necro and Warlock

Swordman C1 have Pain Barrier from the start.

So why Wizards don’t have Surespell from the start to avoid interruptions like the Swordman?

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Risk/reward + ample opportunity costs = good design

Caving whenever players complain about things not being “enough.” = not good design

You really want less incentive to take wiz2? Just because its already a stepping stone to wiz3 doesn’t mean you move its one decent (but not needed by any means) skill to c1.

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Like I’ve stated before which you’ve probably ignored completely. Then give wizards an attribute at c1 that would either give 50% to 75% immunity. And if you wish for 100% immunity then go c2 for the spell.

And like you just mentioned " ONE DECENT" you say yourself that there is only one decent spell in rank 2. And that is fail. Things needs to change. The game is still in early stage and mmos change a lot so if you don’t like changes then by all means… you know what to do.

This basic thing though with interruption is completely fail by the creators side. Call it whatever you want, it is still fail.

Sorry if that came across as rude. My point is, having played wiz extensively I’ve yet to see the need for interrupt resist to be a core wiz mechanic at all. Its a convenience for skills with charge times, but like I said its hardly necessary.

If you can’t adapt your gameplay to make up for this weaknesses, sacrifice a rank for surespell. Those who work around the need for interrupt resistance are rewarded, without giving wizards as a whole a frankly unnecessary buff.

Seems fine.

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“seems fine” is not good enough tbh

Even though i agree to a point with your opinion of surespell. I do think is very core for a wiz. PvP wise i think is self explanatory, as other players wont just let you cast. PvE is the one that i dare to say is more skill/play-style dependent, but as someone that mains wiz. Surespell is almost mandatory in some builds, for example Elementalist. Is true is not 100% needed, but the time you have to spend moving, jumping and avoiding stuff just to get a long cast off when you do not have surespell is a dps lost in most cases.

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I agree with you, what i like about this game is the fact that there are trade offs between dps and channeling skills. Surespell is practically pointless if you have good positioning. If you cant handle that and opt for the easy way out, go create a swordie with pain barrier at rank 1.

You’re right, I wasn’t referring at all to PvP at all. Not qualified to comment on that.

@leelennell positioning and timing are HUGE. It encourages proper attention to detail and teamwork. There are some things like summon AI, fireball mechanics, hellbreath plain sucking…all of these could use some love. However, to me, having spells interrupted is basically a consequence for engaging monsters and making a mistake, or choosing not to pay the opportunity cost of interrupt resistance. The burden should lie with the player depending on his/her class choice, honestly.

@moonchild8603 I do agree that channeling spells could use some work. An attribute just like you mentioned (for channeling skills) sounds a lot more balanced in that context.


I went wiz3 and I almost never use surespell. If my cast gets interrupted, I try again. If it gets interrupted a second time, I move and try again. Begrudgingly, if it gets interrupted a 3rd time… I cast sleep then try again.

If it’s a flying mob I cast surespell instead of sleep. It’s also useful if you get poisoned. That’s about it.

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Which class combo are you playing that has a cast time long enough to merit surespell but doesn’t have any need for quick cast with the insane 50% magic damage bonus it brings?

Edit: I should probably rephrase that.

There are a multitude of skills in the wizards arsenal with little to no cast time. The incentive for leveling up wizard is to allow for an easier time dealing with the classes that have longer cast times. Surespell is the stepping stone towards quickcast, and I personally see no reason why this should be changed. If you have cast times long enough to merit it, take c2 wizard and after which it is logical you would look into the incredible quick cast as it makes even things with no cast times incredible. Otherwise learn to wait till after the damage comes through before you cast or put them to sleep first.

From my perspective this really does look like you want something without having to invest for it, and feel you deserve it because you said so. You are asking for the premise of the class to be changed (further you level wizard the easier time you have with cast times) because you think no wizard should have to deal with interrupts. The class in its current state is arguably in the best shape balance wise out of all the starting classes. Plenty of reasons to take more levels in it (unlike the overtly niche swordsman), plenty of reasons not to (unlike cleric and the insane c2 safety bubble attribute). If you want surespell find room for another rank in wizard.

another guy who ignored the entire section of this forum. You wasted your time.

I read it, I don’t agree with you, I posted that I didn’t. On the contrary you seem to feel so adamant that you deserve a way to deal with interrupts that you feel that anyone whom disagrees hasn’t read the thread or simply ignored it.

You’re doing a great disservice for your team letting yourself being interrupted in that way. You have immunity against interruption, yet you ignore it. That’s a huge loss of damage, and if you’re interrupted at the sweet spot you’ll have a cooldown on your spell when you get interrupted.

No you didn’t read it, don’t argue just to argue. Your long post made no sense, there is no point in trying to cover it now.

I’ll make it easier for you, evidently you need it to be, if you are getting interrupted enough to need surespell you are either:

A) Using a long cast time ability without investing in c2 wizard when you should have.


B) Playing poorly and this is a l2p issue.

how much longer will you embarrass yourself?

When I told you to stop arguing just to argue, you should’ve stopped.

You didn’t read the entire section of this forum, which you stated that you did. Now I know that you’re a liar.

I wrote this before

I like this game a lot, so I will stay regardless. But I want more people to play this game, a lot more. And I know that a lot of people get a huge turn off for these small details. It is such a simple fix / tweak. Yet will most likely be ignored.

And I’ve written this

Wizard C1 should have attribute to decrease the chance of being interrupted by 75% or at least 50%. And those who wants it easier should go c2 for 100% immunity.

So if you had read at least that you would know my stance on this. But you didn’t.
And you made an assumption that it was I that had this issue, I actually don’t. I have friends that have that problem and it troubles them a lot. And I don’t see why it would be such a huge deal to fix such thing.

And I don’t care if you don’t agree with me, do that as much as you want. You mean nothing to me and neither should I to you. So instead of lying and arguing just to argue. Please… not responding you again, I’ll let you have the last word. If that makes you feel awesome like a super elite boss, then go ahead, I couldn’t care less. Evidence is already there of you making yourself stupid. So no matter what you write now it’s over.

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As a current Wiz3 Elem2 RC1, i must say if Surespell was rank1, that would be just TOO broken. it opens up too many things to too many combinations. for example, if it was a C1 skill for wizard, i wouldnt need C2 or C3 for my build because Runecaster attribute gives me Quick cast for free(Although missing out on that 50% bonus damage so i don’t recommend skipping c3 wiz regardless.)
So, Theoretically, if i didn’t care about the 50% bonus damage on…Literally everything, that quick cast gives me, and all the time i save on casting my actually important and damage dealing spells, i could outright ignore wiz c2/3 because surespell was c1, and do something like WizPyroLinkerElem2RCElem3, and if you think thats ‘Fair and balanced’ you sir, have not played this game for very long. Wizard skills are spread out the way they are to limit to flow of power that the wizard classes have. in almost any RPG, the wizards will be the kings of burst damage no matter what you do, and so limits must be set in place. this is one of those limits. learn to live with it and build around it. contrary to popular belief, going wiz c3 is not very hard to deal with.

If surespell would be moved to c1, then changes would be needed. Infact as people has stated here. That wizards c2 only decent ability is surespell, and that’s completely asenine. A rank shouldn’t be left out with only one option. Because if it were like that, then the game is just creating an illusion of options.

I’d rather want wizard C1 to have an attribute to avoid interuption with 50-75%