Tree of Savior Forum

GG IMC, Saintone is Leaving Now Too

the point is, he quit the game because he lost interest. Why did he lose it? Because he has done everything that he wanted to do in the game and once he grew bored of it, the negative aspects of the game obviously shine much brighter, such as the horrible imc design decisions. In the end thats not much different from any other player quitting a game, only that he created some content.

I am glad you declare my opinion irrelevant by pointing at the number of my forum posts, really shows your attitude.


Maybe you lack analyzing capacity. Indeed.

The amount of post in the forum is an ad hominem fallacy.

If you cant argue just attack the person.

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If you can sum up his whole post with this, gosh, you shouldn’t point anything out of anyone trust me lol

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It looks like we have a new player named mariavazquezmvz11 joining the IMC defense force


he even calls his own post a rant, because it is rant, he posts generic reasons why he quit the game, pointing at several problems which he now cannot accept or tolerate any longer, because he lost interest in the game. Like I stated before even reading his post. In the end he even pointed out that he is now playing some other game and is looking forward for another one.

Everyone has reasons why he quit a game, or relationship or anything. Justifying the decision by listing all the negativ attributes is a simple human behaviour.

The main point why he quit is the game is because he lost interest. The mishandling of IMC only became intolerant after that. The same way you cannot accept certain character quirks after you decide to break up with your partner because you find someone new.

Why the hell are you taking his bait? Seriously lol. If you all just ignore him he will just be buried. Works most of the time.


na, they are terrible in everything. But whatever.

Aye. I guess. ¯|(ツ)/¯

OMG my dude’s missing an arm.


I got an hr left of work. Keep entertaining me people. Foozball games are over. Chinese are cheating in hearthstone but reddit locking all threads.

Your cause and consequence are upside down, it’s not like he lost the interest of playing and now everything is bad, is more like everything is bad and nobody is caring so I lost my joy playing by this time.

A literal quote of his post:
“I think a lot of people acknowledged this, but myself and many others hoped that the quality of game design would improve given time. But, it doesn’t look like it will any time soon”.

He is very specific with every single point actually, but you only see generic reasons. It’s okay for me if you missunderstand his post tho, but as long as you still don’t get his points it’s senseless answering you xD


sorry cant stay long just checking back in

LOL stop debating the state of the game with someone who has been playing for less then 2 weeks guys, just do like we do with aloysha and ignore him until he gets bored and leaves =)


we need someone with a “C” character avatar to spam the fk out of this post so we can get YMCA going in the frequent poster section, we are 3/4 of the way there atm

I would make a new account just to do it, but not enough time. Maybe tomorrow when Im bored.

Also since we derailed the thread enough. RIP Saintone ToS char. You will be missed.

Best TLDR IMO. For some reason, it’s what IMC has always been doing since EA. Such a shame for a very beautiful game (in terms of art and music direction).

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agreed, at this point in Tree of Forums I have learned to embrace the de-rail, you have to lean into it


i just here to say

“stop embarrasing yourself… imc is fixing the game on daily basis n u r free to quit or play anyhow u see fit”


just laugh it off n the world will be a better place~


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No offense, but just who are you?

You sure say a lot for some guy who doesn’t know who Saintone is.

And everyone who has left this game is due to the fault of the game.

In time, you will be IMC’ed.


Honestly what this game lacks is dungeons with 1 shot mechanics or wipes. Only mechanic this game has is dps checks where you fail the dungeon if you dont clear it, which is stupid. I still enjoy the game though so no complaints from me. I love afking and seeing how much money have :joy:

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Holy ■■■■ this game breaks down faster and harder than a Cafrisun spawning in server peak hour