Tree of Savior Forum

German release coming?

Well not much different here for most people. But you have to take the target group into consideration. These are people who have already or tend to play online games and these at least learned basic English and use it on a regular base even if it is just reading.

Yeah those are everywhere, I mean we are here hehe. But to attract more than those that are into games as it is you need to honey coat it with a “language pack”. But honestly I don’t understand why people are so worked up about there being a NA or European server. shrugs

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The fanmade translation for Ragnarok Online was actually way better than any “professional” translation the game had. A similar level of quality can be achieved in ToS, given there is a publisher for europe. As long as there is an option to toggle between english and german, the sole act of making the game more accessible for non-english speaking germans, can only be beneficial in the long run.

Of course, that also applies to every other non-english speaking european country.

 then our github people.
Are too lazy ^^.


Would you please read properly and stop jumping to conclusions?

It’s not “renting a cheap server somewhere”. It’s building up a serverfarm. With account-server, log-in server and gameserver. Its the structure IMC uses for ToS. And thats ONE of the MANY reasons why IMC hesitates to satellite servers for a better ping. There simply is no such thing as “just renting a server”. You need to think about expensive local advertisement as well to make sure your investment wont be in vain in the future.

Aside from the servercosts, advertisement and the traffic, which alone isn’t really worth doing an investment until you can expect a lot of income having proper data, IMC would DESTROY any chance of having licencing partners for really easy money they are in NEED of while lifting an international release on their own.

Just take a look on the international publisher. Does IMC look like a super big super company to you, just doing investments whenever possible to expand? I’m really astonished they are even able to host the international version already to be honest. There is NO way they’re gonna destroy any possible future partnership and doing more risky investments than necessary when the expectable revenue is questionable.

Expect IMC as heavily indepted already. They are paying their staff in charge for ToS already for years without gaining profit on that side. Usually they would host for the market they’re associated with on their own, then gaining licencing partners for safe and steady money, then selling more licences while gaining the profit from the home-market themself. Thats not the case here. The developer sold the publishing rights to Nexon, which seem to pay really nicely and tend to rush things alot. It looks to me IMC really was in need of money very quickly.

On the other hand, that gives IMC the room to actually host their game on their own for the international market. To keep the costs at a minimum, not really having the needed infrastructure for that, they’re cooperating with steam. Thats the limit of what IMC is able to afford right now.

Now back to topic. Adding another location with another serverfarm hosted by IMC is possible, but you will need to wait for that 6 to 12 months after starting the open beta. And even then, I don’t see why IMC should spent any more money when lots of Europeans are playing on their NA server already. Because you want a better ping? Don’t be selfish. Having 100ms with wtfast is luxury comparing to any place farther in the east.

Selling licences to European publishers as in gaining more safe income positions is way more likely, don’t you think? That has NOTHING to do with deserving something or not, it’s just that companies need to earn money and will always do what benefits them the most - whether you like that or not.

Expect European publishers to watch over the OBT very diligently. If it goes well, a European publisher will pop up and invite you all to play over there - if you want. I rather stay with the developer tho.

Thats mainly because we’re spoiled with heavy localization. We don’t need to watch hollywood movies or shows on English. We don’t need to play mainstream games on English. We don’t even need to watch Anime with English subtitles that much 'cause of all these translators (I prefer it tho, for obvious reasons). Not having the need of knowing English makes us lazy. If you wanna know my case, I was always pretty bad at English in school, simply because there was no real need to use it practically. And then, I turned into a Manga addict and discovered the scanlation scene in the holy internet. Well. Thats all actually xD
All you need is motivation and practice. I’m still bad at talking and listening tho. Thats what happens when you read and write all day long, but still are spoiled like hell when it comes to dubbed movies.


I can’t say if you have knowledge on the matter that I haven’t or if you are in totally different mindset than me

Then what ?
5 serverfarms in NA cost the same as 4 serverfarms in NA and 1 in EU. They could even only host a part of the farm in EU (don’t know what are their bandwidth requirements though).
Basically, server cost scales with CPU power, RAM and bandwidth.

Plz, stop talking about investment

Again, hosting a server isn’t a such a big deal.
They could even start to host it in NA right away and then move it to EU if there is enough success.

Other little things :
International servers don’t have to be in the US. It isn’t NATOS but iTOS.
What makes you so sure that they’ll find EU publishers ? It would probably be harder to find EU publisher than NA publisher

De plus, il y a peu de communautĂ©s aussi internationales qu’en Europe, vu que nous parlons tous notre propre langue. That’s why we’re currently talking in English, which isn’t my mother tongue as you might have guessed.
Anyway, I don’t buy this publishers talk. Doesn’t sound easier money than letting people directly cash into the shop. On the one hand, it might help increase awareness of the game here, but on the other hand, it would require an important localization investment from the publisher in order to make it worth
 (otherwise, they would be in direct competition with the developer) Doesn’t sound such a safe deal for the publisher if you ask me.
^ That’s part of what I was meaning with “shadowy deals backstage”.
Till a publisher is announced, we have to act like there will be no publisher. Not the other way around.

Me too. That’s why I’d like them to add an EU server for people who are not playing from NA.

Start using English subtitles if you are not already. It should help you improve in this area :slight_smile:

Your main problem is, you want your own local server that hard, you’re stopping thinking rational about it. Since you don’t seem to get it, the serverfarm’s structure is meant to be efficient and cheap - meaning 3 gameserver and the support server (log-in, account, character whatever). You’d have to copy the Infrastructur for another location then, even if you only want 1 additional server. The location was picked to reach the majority of the users while keeping publisher options open.

So in order to make this idea worth it, you’d need at least 2 or 3 Euro Servers. On a long run you’d also need advertisements OFC, otherwise the Server will run dry later on.

And as I told you before, thats all expensive - money IMC doesnt have right now. Maybe after a year of good revenue from the international Server.

However, since you seem absolutely resistant against logic I could loop this reasoning all day long and you still wouldnt accept it. IMC is in need of money and they will try to somehow make it. But your personal comfort would never be part of their calculation.

And if I would be in need of learning listening comprehension, then I’d have done that long time ago. I’m pretty pleased with voice actors over here :wink:

Haha I was being sarcastic to a point. I know Germans have everything dubbed on TV and you get “cut off” from English like that even more. But hey having subs wouldn’t help that much either unless you would want to listen and not read, I always listened since reading was a pain. XD One time I ended up on a forum where my countrymen were talking about knowing how to write and read English perfectly but understood nothing they said on TV, which was in a way fascinating for me. So subs don’t really help much if you get what I mean. XD

I’m living in Russia and I really hope they will NEVER make specific Russian server, because it will most likely cause IP block and russian localizations (especiallly for mmo) are REALLY bad.

I would be happy about EU iToS server for Steam version, because ping with EU is usually 50-100 and it’s enough for comfortable play. Also English is quite easy and most people have at least basic understanding in it. And for those who want to play in Russian, custom translations are made. And they are usually much better then oficial localizations
(because they are made by players who understand what certain phrases mean in game).

This is not only my opinion but the opinion of 90% of Russian community, even those who don’t know English well would rather prefer English version over official localization with IP block.

I know your situation in other games, yea. My friend is from Russia too, so hope same.

My personal comfort has nothing to do with my logic. Ahah, calling me illogical, you have guts.
You know what is funny (it is not) ? It’s that people like you are so much US-brainwashed that they tend to forget that NA isn’t the center of world and don’t even want to believe that things could originate from other parts of the world as much as they are from NA.

Servers could be splitted accross different locations (like everything in US and one charserv in EU), don’t know if it would be efficient though.
You could even replicate the serverfarm model in EU.
Okay, time to explain to you why some projects (not only MMOs) use the server farm model. The idea is that depending on what are your needs (database, storage space, cpu time, IO, 
), you need different servers. Sometimes, you need all of this. You then have two choices :
- You can either take a BIG and expensive server and will likely overshoot some of your needs.
- Or you can take custom tailored servers which will target each one of your needs (like one expensive SSD server for IO and one cheap HDD server for storage) and end with a smaller bill.
Conclusion : one serverfarm for x + y players (x and y being high enough numbers) in NA should cost roughly the same than one server farm for x players in NA and another one for the y players in EU. Why ? Because each farm is sized accordingly to the number of players on it.

You’re right. Without special EU advertisement, every European/Russian/North Africans will desert ToS. (Wouldn’t this EU server benefit SEA iTOS players too ?)
The only remaining populated servers would be drum-roll NA servers with NA-SA players. And it’s not like servers can be relocated afterwards.
Sorry mate, but you’re the one being irrational :stuck_out_tongue:

Moar data : Server locations for next iCBT/OBT

[quote=“lemaitre_dulotus, post:51, topic:144456”]
My personal comfort has nothing to do with my logic. Ahah, calling me illogical, you have guts.[/quote]

No 1 tactic opposing ignorant people, getting them mad, causing them to leave openings~

Wut. Im brainwashed when I’m just being rational? So you’re telling me kapitalism doesn’t apply to IMC? Its not my decision to place a super server into the US and call it legit. Its not even a bad decision either. Its reasonable to place an i-server in
NA after all.

No? With such a high latency you’d run into issues basically all the time.

Confirms pretty much what I said lol. Additional costs when you are highly indepted already?

[quote=“lemaitre_dulotus, post:51, topic:144456”]

The only remaining populated servers would be drum-roll NA servers with NA-SA players. And it’s not like servers can be relocated afterwards.
Sorry mate, but you’re the one being irrational :stuck_out_tongue:

Moar data :[/quote]

Are you just confirming what I said, admitting that risking another investment into European servers would be unreasonable? And calling me irrational at the same time?

I’m not entirely sure what exactly you want to say here, actually. Approving someone and offending them afterwards sounds a bit weird to me o.ö

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what, no, it’s the contrary.

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This here is the EU version

its the international version, so far its been neither confirmed nor denied whether we’ll have any server(s) in EU

the international server is for all
I dont think that they will splitt this up to german area
+ germans are the lowest population on this game = server would be rlly dead.

If they rlly plan to add region server I go to the english one

The only way to get properly into the German market is a proper localization for all these kiddies out there, unwilling to learn English ;p
But why limiting on a German server only then? I’m assuming they will go at least multi 3 (GER/ENG/FRA) or multi 5 by adding ITA and ESP to reach enough people clientwise, with 3 servers on a location somewhere in Europe.

Maybe in a year or half, depending on how successful the international release becomes

As far as I remember hearing, they’ll just make more language options, that’ll be fan made and that’s about it. Wishing for everyone having their server is a bit much, I mean South America got theirs because there’s a huge fan base located there and that’s it.