Does anyone know if there will be a german release?
German? probably not
European? possibly
Before getting a German release you’d rather get an European release with German client. And so far, all possible European publisher didn’t take any action for achieving any licences from IMC. Expect them to watch the IOBT closely to decide upon that later on.
Lange Rede kurzer Sinn: No. You will see lots of Germans on the international server tho
Please IMC, if you read this, never ever even think about wasting time for a German client.
But a server in Europe would be much appreciated.
The only waste of time is ur intellectual post.
Pleaes no. I am german, but the fan translation from korean>english>german would be so poorly made… if it’s by fans again.
But a english server in europe. Would be nice, to have a better ping.
And then add languages overtime… german, french mostly first.
Then russian and other langauges.
The most money in game industry comes from french … then germans.
Europe wise.
Not likely~
First itos needs… to succeed better then ktos… lots and lots of money needs to be made.
I’m french and never heard of that. If you have any articles about that, I’m interested.
If i grow even more tired of waiting. I will chunk it out, should be found easily.
Foudn it easily. Atleast one a bit more scientific.
I wanted to post the short version from that one web magazine… i tend to forget.
Sadly for th eone with money counts i would need to search more xD.
Think about it, totally makes sense. The countries with the largest population in Europe are:
- Russia
- Germany
- Turkey
- France
- UK
Always makes sense that top numbers are among these countries. The statistic posted by @greenfoxy21 actually lacks the Russian part which should never be underestimated, especially in F2P with ingame shop.
Also @Panplemousse, some interesting fact which might be relevant here. France has the by far biggest anime industry and distribution in Europe. Tends to attract players for games like ToS.
Back to topic:
At least in Germany every relevant target for this game should be able to understand enough basic English to play this game. The same goes for France and UK. Every resource used by IMC to care for these languages is wasted and could be invested far better for anything else.
One could think about creating an official Russian client/server as Russians tend to have, understandable, problems with English.
That’s true.
I never seem to find data about russian industry …
And i checked. Can’t fidn the one recent. But in 2013 germany seems to have topped france. With 2,5 billion in games … (overall not soley pc games).
…Anime industry.
I can still remember when anime was a unknown word here.
Nowadays … we get anime and manga realsed rather swiftly in germany.
They sell like pancakes … or better to say sausages +beer~
I spent so much on that… per month, it’s horrofic~
It does make sense, I just always thought germans spent more than french (don’t ask me why, no idea, maybe because wine is more expensive than beer ^^). Just saying but Russia and Turkey aren’t in Europe (market-wise).
Back to topic, I agree, it would probably be more profitable for IMC to create a Russian client rather than a french/german one.
Russia should be in Europe market-wise. What should it be else, Asia?
Moscow is in Europe, the industry here has a lot of relations with Russia and also gaming wise there are enough profitable Russians on European servers (Source: I main Dota 2).
@greenfoxy21, not caring for topic now. I think it was just 2-3 years ago that anime and manga industry suddenly got a huge boost here. It was like at one point the market realized that people actually pay for stuff if it gets available in beautiful boxes. xd
I am from germany and I just play the EU version. Learn â– â– â– â– â– â– â– english. We all learn it in school. You dont learn english from german games
I’m the negativ example then.
I went into RO with a 5 in english. (first year)
And went out of RO when it died with a 1 …
Okay i might lack gramar and other things here. Just that i don’t care for forum posts, outside of guides ^^.
English is learned the best, when you have a goal associated with it.
Friends Oversea
Commincating with people in a game
Pick anything that might spark an interest in a language …
School english is … luck based.
Got an good teacher?
Then you’re one of the lucky 10% i have met.
My co-workers have trouble with english, 60% of them even have a higher degree then me. You think and speak and write english, you don’t search for a translation what you want to say in that moment ^^~
(Topic is dead ?)
I studied Economics in France and Russia, and generally speaking (not only games), I learnt that Russia isn’t considered as European market for multiple reasons (taxes, laws, culture, cost of living/salary etc). I still remember being scolded by a russian teacher after a marketing presentation, “Russians don’t think like Europeans !!!” …
Did you know there is region-locking on videogames purchased in Russia ? I bought Skyrim in 2011 for ~15€ in Moscow, but could only played it while in Russia (it was through Steam). To fight pirated copies used to be sell in the streets, Russia decided to cut prices down but geoblock copies. This kind of restrictions make Russia its own market.
If not mistaken, Dota 2 has a russian server, same for a lot of games (recently, Skyforge, BnS, BDO). As those are F2P, I’m sure there is a good reason why there is a specific Russian server.
well, translating skills and attributes shouldn’t take that much time.
so far I was able to do every korean quest although I’m not speaking it
the toughest KR quests are when you have to craft something quest-related… takes more time to figure out
We don’t know for sure, but here is mention of an EU server. We can only hope there will be an EU server for the sake of our ping, otherwise, servers are in NA east coast I believe.
you never checked github out, did you?
Skills and Prio 1 Stuff are just 1% of the game text… or even less.
And even that isn’t translated … good enough.
Items, Quests, Maps, Stuff.
I think the last time i checked it was 20k lines?
The community translated most of that already… to an rather understandable level.
Still. Sometimes you need to see a skill and how it works.
Before you understand how messed up the explanation was.
Cartar Stroke for one… or Conversion.
Conversion text:
“Increases the monster’s physical attack converted with [Conversion] equal to 50% of the character’s STR.”
Uhuh … i don’t even plan to go there and change it… last time i did help out in github. Someone changed my fixes back… to the faulty explanation.
“That’s not what the korean monorunes say in my autotranslation!”
… i shrugged and went my way.
Most likely.
Error on they’re translation part.
They meant english … there’s no Eu version info otu yet.
People went crazy when ping count was given from french amazon center…
But it was a bad routeing that they followed…
Steam servers… still in usa.
Till further notices.