Tree of Savior Forum

German release coming?

no dont know anything about github, ok whatever,
wana play an official version

There are much more games that has russian localization. If iTOS will be popular, some russian company can make own server just for CIS countries. But they will not be on Steam, so iTOS players will not be allowed to see this server and they will need to download russian version to play it apart. If they want, ofc.

My thought too, the absence of NA client reinforce this.

I should know better than feed theories with no real info ā€¦


Sooonn , my friend.


ā€¦about from now to next yearā€¦ or further ahead ā€œSoon ā€¦ā€

I still hope for before aprilā€¦

I hope IMC could do it on their own cause more $$ for them, but itā€™s sure that if the game works, they wonā€™t have a problem to find a russian publisher.

Ps: never seen CIS used for countries, thanks for the TIL ^^

a lot of ragnarok fans here, this game here ro 2.0 would be profitable

IMC would rather sell just a licence if its only about easy money. Thats why IMC would rather not place an additional serverfarm in Europe - to keep the Europe publisher option attractive.
Iā€™m assuming they are pretty much busy enough publishing the international version already.

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International one good enough for me ; )
Cant await.

It is super easy to rent a server in Europe. And also very easy to mirror your stuff from the main server. I actually do not know how it works with steam servers that means if you are bound to rent from steam and how they work but to rent and run your own server is really easy.
Source: Renting a server located in France for personal stuff.

Regional licences are only attractive for advertisement and distribution in my opinion. Anything else could easily be done be the devs themselves.

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so why u dont do it?
i just wana play thats all

Iā€™m an optimist, but youā€™re 100% right, IMC would just sell the license to a russian publisher.

As the Int version comes through Steam, I doubt that an European publisher is an option they think about. There isnā€™t that much Euro publisher for F2P afaik (the only one I can think of is Aeria, other like Webzen are asian).
IMO, it would not be a good idea for them, I rather play the Int version through Steam than have to deal with a publisher with its own platform, and pretty sure Iā€™m not the only one =)

If NA and EU clients arenā€™t the same, itā€™s hard to call it an International version. I just hope they will do something like BDO/Rocket League/etc where we can choose on which side of the pond we want to play. But again, Iā€™m optimist, and it will probably never happened.

It 's not RO2ā€¦

That was scrapped and made into a wow cloen by Gravity.

And TOS is way to heavy on quests and dungeon instance farming, to be an ā€œROā€ succesor.

The art style is ROish and the feel is similar.
But what matters the most at the end isā€¦ the community.

Atm we are doing well to okay xD.

But heck. As soon as IOBT is hereā€¦ we will either have a joyfull rideā€¦ or people dismembering TOS pay shemesā€¦ i really hope that they tought out an alternative to the korean way of nexon ā€¦ or this ship might sink before it getā€™s into water.

No market ā€¦ and no silver transfer abilities ā€¦ together with potential on items. People wont like itā€¦ Icbt2 wa sfine as it wasā€¦ when market wasnā€™t down duo bugs.

Offline"Buy in Shops".
Player Trade.
People queing up before dungeons for partys or makeing them on discrod channels or such.

ā€¦ it worked just fine.

Steam hosts it.
Steam gets a cut from the sales.

Thatā€™s it.

Local publisher in germanyā€¦ or europeā€¦ would be aeria games or prosieben gamesā€¦ or worse.

The good thing is.

With a okay connectiona nd a good pc.
You can have 150~200 ms ping to the servers in NA.
With Wtfast ā€¦ 80~100.

Over 200 ms, only fast atk galting gun builds will suck.

I know the ping isnā€™t that relevant for ToS, but do you really have to crush my hopes and dreams ? =)
My main problem is jitter actually, but that is on my end ā€¦ Trying to combo sleep (lvl1) with skills on Wiz was a nightmare during CBT2, also Iā€™m as skilled as a cucumber, it doesnā€™t help ^^

Isnā€™t Steam capable of providing servers in Europe ? Like Dota 2

It is.

But it wonā€™t if thereā€™s not enough market here.
They will see how many connect from here.

Maybe it will come.

Sleep1 is way to short xDā€¦

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Even if I dont know what youre doing with that server of yours I can assume youā€™re most certainly not hosting a serverfarm with traffic easily exceeding 100k users over there. That already is really expensive. Add a need to make advertisements to these costs since you will want to adress as much users as possible over a long period.

If you were the one in charge for that decision, would you really go for that investment when you could as well earn some fix cash just by selling a licence on the other hand? Considering the fact you are already going high risk by hosting an international version on your own, with lots of European players already.


But why are you talking like itā€™s extra investment ? It isnā€™tā€¦
Letā€™s say for argument sake that 1/5 of players come from Europe. Instead of opening 5 NA servers, why wouldnā€™t they open 4 NA servers and 1 EU server ?
I know that we have some of the cheapest personal servers in Franceā€¦ Shouldnā€™t be that different for the high-end onesā€¦
And what advertisement would they need to do ? They just have to say that ā€œGabijaā€ is EU server in a news, add the info on the client download page and alea jacta estā€¦

Just stop pretending that an EU server wouldnā€™t be worth itā€¦
We donā€™t have the data, we donā€™t know what shadowy deal they may bargain in backstage with some publishersā€¦
But I would be surprised that only a small minority would benefit from a EU serverā€¦ I know that the euro lost value but weā€™re not that poorā€¦


Also there was a population chart from the survey after iCBT2. Huge amount of EU players. And if all they need to to is renting servers from steam they can just pick Luxembourg like it is for Dota and they are done with the majority of potential customers from Europe.

But probably they do not really care at all and in the end it will either be a bunch of NA servers or there will be an underpowered EU server dying on first day because who the hell would have guessed people from EU actually play the game.

Donā€™t know about Germany but in my country people usually forget everything they learned about English after they stop going to school. Most find it useless whoā€™d understand them. shrugs :smiley: