There’s a high chance we could get a similar system, it’s employed in quite a few other games. Whether or not we actually get it is down to feedback from us, especially because IMC are self-publishing the game.
I’m a bit on the fence with the token system. It’s a good way to prevent gold selling by stopping trading but the market changes were the biggest problem. I’d rather they go all or nothing with it like PSO2 (e.g. Free users can’t sell on the market at all, Premium users can) rather than gimping the market system as they have done right now. (i.e. Randomised time listing, 2-day wait for any Silver gained from transactions.)
The +3 Movement Speed is on the borderline of being a bit too much though. You can argue that +3 movement speed is nothing and doesn’t change much, though it’s still stats being gained by paying. Change ‘movement speed’ into ‘critical hit rate’ or any other stat and compare.
But that’s just my opinion on it so far, I don’t think its inherently bad as they have to monetise the game in some way. Just the presentation and timing of it was a bit fast and looked hurried, I’d rather there would have been some clarity before hand or any intentions were voiced earlier.