Tree of Savior Forum

General kTest Thread


Also, this was added to kOBT but there is now an intro movie whenever you make a new character. This is present in both kTest and kOBT.


Thereā€™s another video. In place of Laima itā€™s Giltine:


Still, if you pay enough you get enough

And believe me, there are ppl going to pay enough

Hi @DiscKZee, can you help me, I donā€™t know if I can use Finestra whilst mounted with two hand spear or not.
Iā€™ve already read this but it seems to be outdated.
Thank you.

Itā€™s not been updated for some time, but most of the information there still holds true.

Youā€™re able to use Finestra with 2H Spears.

Thatā€™s very interesting, I wonder what the dialogue differences are. :open_mouth:


Iā€™m not sure, but I think Klaipeda is Laimaā€™s dream and Orsha is Giltineā€™s dream.

Interestingā€¦i wonder what kind of interacting is this.

Anyone seen the new Pierce type Langort in action? (Pelasta c3)

Is that a pistol? Now we can use that for corsair right?

The token system is supposed to limit rmt right? Iā€™m sure it will slow down rmt but itā€™s still very possible since rmtraders are subbitted under the same token system conditions. Right? Hmmm


Getting silver for paying irl cash is pay2win. Not too hard to think about it.Why are you even defending it? Canā€™t you put your energies into things worth defending like better cash shop models?


In that sense, any game with tradeable costumes is p2w.

  1. Buy costumes
  2. Sell costumes for gold
  3. Profit

But I think itā€™s widely accepted that it isnā€™t p2w unless cosmetic items gave stats.



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Silver gain of any kind is pay to save time. Anyone can farm for silver, and some classes can even do it afk.

Granted, in a heavy grinding game pay to save time is basically the same thing as pay to winā€¦

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Has there been any indication on how much those Tokens will cost?

You are level 600, and grinded to max level.

That guy is level 600, and he bought a level 600 character from the cash shop, and used bought silver to buy the best purchaseable items from the auction house/cash shop.

Pay to win is if that guyā€™s character is intrinsically better than you, even though you have the best gear you can farm for.

Pay to save time is if that guy is just caught up to you in base stats.

But then this is offtopic and opinion. if you wish to reply to me, please do so in private messages.


Life is pay to win.
Video-games and virtual worlds need not mimic life.
Video-games and virtual worlds do not need to be pay-to-win.

Iā€™m not necessarily against paying for convenience, but thereā€™s a real fine line between pay-for-convenience and pay-to-win. The way this has been traditionally determined is highly subjective, because what winning means is different to everyone.

For some people this may be reaching level cap as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Hence, for these people paying for convenience is pay-to-win, as ā€œTime is of the essence.ā€ (As well as player efficiency.)


So what is not pay2win for you? what can the dev. or publisher sell for it not to be pay2win? coz if its pure cosmetic people can still sell it and still get silver for thatā€¦