Tree of Savior Forum

General kTest Thread

Chortasmata has been added back to Druid C1

Thank you !!!


Does this mean that adding more than one point in Chrotasmata makes it better in some way? :open_mouth:

@DiscKZee press what button to see the TP shop?

Its not included yet

Sad story is - whats about repair cost? And when bonfires will works? >.< Planing to play spr archer, i cant leave without bonfires :smiley:

yeah repair cost is shjt, Lv 25, have 10k, repair cost 2k. Fck this shjt man

do u mean the campfires? they are working on the obt server

Is the damage formula the same? Some players are saying they deal less damage than before (iCBT2)

Guess that means you only need c2 for stronger carnivory and stroph now…


I noticed this too. But I chalked it up to being a lower level and mobs having the 10% def per level on me. During iCBT we had that sweet sweet xp bonus.

Mob def bonus only apply to mob 6 levels and above comparing your level.


What does this mean (for token usage) => Enables the use of the Buy-in Shop feature.

Buy-in Shop was a feature available in iCBT2. You list items you wish to buy from players for a set price, and people can choose to sell it to you, it works offline as well.

You might remember the infamous ‘B> TALT 2K’ stalls in Klaipeda, those are an example of Buy-in Shops.

oh, now i see that. thanks very much!

buy cash > buy token > sell token on market for ridiculous price > get rich > win


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it’s kinda sad. even when the price stabilized, u will still get a fair amount of silver selling token
so this will become an official way to earn silver.

if this is not p2w, idk what’s p2w then

We shall see once we see the stablished price of Tokens in the Cash Shop and the Market, for all we know it’s may be an easy to access amount at say, Lv200.

U really dont know whats P2W, then.

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we will see
