Tree of Savior Forum

General kTest Thread

What server are you playing on?

WTFast is working btw. Launch the game without WTFast > login > stay on character selection > turn on WTFast > w8 ~20-30 seconds > login > enjoy :wink:

WOuld you mind sharing the configuration for wtfast? Like how to set up for ToS

I actually did try something like that and it rejects at any stage, but not exactly at character selection. I will try that.

Valkarine, character name Romantic

run with launcher option > TreeOfSaviorKr\TreeOfSavior\release\patch\tos.exe
game executable file > TreeOfSaviorKr\TreeOfSavior\release\Client_tos.exe
if you are not able to login after you turning on WTFast > try to turn it off, change server > try to login again with same delay
Also windows will ask you to run launcher after you will turn on WTFast - just click ‘no’

ok i will send a request when the server is live again.
romantic is your team name ?
mine is gwenyth

world name ====> woohoo

Romantic is my character name, lodge name is Setsuko. Shall we make a pt at prison when the server is up ?

@korsoq12: Thank you, I will try when the server is back-up.
PS: So us English community decide to stay on Vakarine after all ??

For some reason I am still in game. I’m playing, killing monsters, everything works. I’m alone too.

Can’t loggin in the site anymore.
All servers are down? A momment ago I was able to connect to the game

yeah we can, i was on 2f before i logged out to see why the channels were offline

does your client say the channels are all closed though?

for another 15mins yes

Just an idea since all the kOBT talk is getting the thread a little off-topic from the thread’s original purpose, we should move any discussion about playing on kOBT to another thread, as this thread should only really be about new information discussion.

Maybe make a new kOBT general thread?


Are you saying you logged in the game after WTFast was already on? It gave me Nexon Auth error something when I did that.

i second this, or make a discord page.

True, it’s starting to be flood topic :3

No, as i said - you need to launch the game without wtfast, use wtfast only after you are in your lodge (character selection)

Yeah I got that already, trying it after maintenance.

Lets go to the kOBT General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here) guys <<