Tree of Savior Forum

General kCBT3 Changes - Summary

look at cooldowns lol
others with 0 seconds (spam skill)…8 seconds… :hushed:

I’m wondering if the ‘8000’ for Skill Cooldown data is missing a zero. All skill cooldown data are in milliseconds, so 8 seconds seems to be right… :disappointed_relieved:

Shinobi, Cannooneer and Fencer has a lot of skill updates… So those classes might be ready for testing and remember that patch updates is everyday… So they might add those classes soon. Yeah I bet some of these new classes might be unbalanced… So testing them is important.

39 sp cost for lvl 1…well balanced :smiley:

I hope it won’t be 1 class/week at least… …that would be like 2 months of class testing…for r7 classes… but yeah maybe we get those other 2 in a week too and they start to prepare others that left.

Fencer looks like what it should be btw…a fast attacking piercing class. :smiley:

They have been working on these classes for long time so they might add them soon as possible…

It will be OP at first like the rest and after the players exposed its AWESOMENESS, the nerf will hit it hard

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How is that bad thing xD?

Welp, looks like there’s no longer a need to go Hoplite with my build…

Seems like my kind of class!

are rapiers 1h sword weapons with pierce instead?

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Latest patch (14th of Oct) has changed skill cooldowns for quite a few skills and modified some skill effects, check out the raw patch notes here.

Cooldowns reduced for the following skills below. The times in brackets are the new cooldowns of the skills.

  • Doppelsoldner: Cyclone (45sec)
  • Pyromancer: Flare (30sec)
  • Cryomancer: Ice Blast (30sec), Subzero Shield (15sec)
  • Psychokino: Raise (60sec), Gravity Pole (45sec), Magnetic Force (40sec)
  • Necromancer: Gather Corpse (10sec)
  • Quarrel Shooter: Deploy Pavise (35sec), Running Shot (30sec)
  • Sapper: Broom Trap (60sec), Collar Bomb (45sec), Stake Stockades (35sec)
  • Rogue: Lachrymator (60sec)
  • Fletcher: Cross Fire (35sec)
  • Schwarzer Reiter: Concentrated Fire (30sec), Caracol (35sec), Retreat Shot (40 sec)
  • Oracle: Change (60sec), Counter Spell (90sec)

Changes to Highlander’s ‘Vertical Slash’, Doppelsoeldner’s ‘Mordschalgg’, Oracle’s ‘Change’ and Paladin’s ‘Resist Elements’.
Check the changes out in the skill summary, here.
(Elementalist’s Meteor was also adjusted but it’s a damage increase.)

Change to the Overheat System:

  • If a skill has overheat (two or three charges before cooldown), it will regain the charges back quicker.
  • For example, Bash has two uses before cooldown. If you use Bash once then wait 6 seconds, it will regain the charge. If you use Bash twice, it will go on a 6 second cooldown.
  • Skills regain their charge at the same time as their cooldown (i.e. Corsair’s Dust Devil has a 20 second CD, regains a charge in 20 seconds.)
  • If a skill’s cooldown has been adjusted by an attribute, the overheat charge regain time is not affected. All skills have a regain time equal to their original cooldown.

New skills listed for Doppelsoeldner:

  • Zornhau
  • Redel
  • Zucken

No icons, skill descriptions or skill data listed other than this.

Fencer’s ‘Esquive Toucher’ now has damage values:
Level 1: 213.12 damage. (+32.54 damage per level.)
This has been adjusted in the list above. Also, Fencer is not in just yet.


From the looks of things, Rapiers will be Pierce weapons but not the same as One-handed Swords.

They will be their own unique weapon type. They are one-handed weapons, based on seeing a Developer equip a Rapier in-game recently, plus the ‘RapierAndShield’ and ‘RapierAndDagger’ stances.

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These are circle 2 skills right?

There’s no other info on them at the moment, so it’s unclear.

If they’re added, they’ll most likely be added to Circle 1 for the current test phase, and IMC will state if the skills will eventually be in a higher circle, just like they’ve done with Centurion’s ‘Special Force Formation’.

New Change for overheat system is amazing!

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Flare: 30s CD, same damage and cost… still trash for Pyro.
Ice Blast: prob 30s CD too, but since Cryo has fewer options for DPS it might be worth.
Magnetic Force: 40s CD… still think the skill should be reworked to something new.
Broom Trap: almost deciding to make a Sapper, lol.

[quote=“DiscKZee, post:154, topic:40733”]
Change to the Overheat System:

When was Cross Cut buffed, lol? That bleeding makes the skill so much better.

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I’m 100% sure Cross Cut has always had the bleed, but it might have been bugged when you used it. It is a great skill, especially paired with Skyliner.

The cooldown changes are pretty nice but some skills should just be reworked. (I’ve been keeping a list of feedback changes as I’ve been testing as well, a lot is there for Rank 1 and 2 of the Wizard tree…)

Do you happen to have Highlander C3? If so, could you check out what the changes to Vertical Slash are? I would check but my Highlander buddy is offline right now. Apparently it should do a damage debuff or something based on targets…

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I’m interested to see any possible changes to Highlander C3 as well.

Prob was bugged then, because I never saw it before.
Mine is C2 only. I stoped leveling it since his new skills felt so underwhelming when I was playing. :<