Tree of Savior Forum

General kCBT3 Changes - Summary

man pandemic sounds like it would be so much fun with wugushi partner

wugushi already likes the linkers tho

Be an Oracle, and spread Death Sentence around.

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Or be a bokor and spread hexing around, then you can effigy all the things and make everything have less m.def and make everything unable to heal (pvp anyone?).


why not both? :smiley:

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Is there anyone who has access to kCBT here? If so, do you mind coming online?

I managed to get my Swordsman character to Rank 7 (Rank 6 CLv 15) and advance to Templar, however I need one more person for the advancement quest.

The quest is to be the leader of a full party (5 people) for 5 minutes.

EDIT: Never mind, got 5 people! Will be gathering funds for guild soon, and will check out Templar stuff.


So I am now a full-fledged Dragoon. And let me say one thing before people start thinking about this:

You CANNOT use Dragoon skills while mounted. I went Cataphract C3 to test this out so rip.


sadly not :s
but im eager to hear more details on the templar skills and features


Riunia can u use dragoon skills on weapons other than 2h spears ?


I think on change all my build and go for bokor now… jajajajaj

you can use only 1H/2H spears with the Dragoon skills

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Just reached Templar. I need some time to found a guild and raise skill levels, but I’ll post information soon.

The NPC who handles Templar is Uska in Klaipeda. You found a guild and buy guild related products through him.

Templar has 5 skills, all are support skills.

Summon Guild Member, Warp to Guild Member, Build Guild Tower, Decrease Craft and Battle Orders.

I’ll post more information in a bit, need to get some levels and found a guild.


its a good looking costume

It is a great looking costume,would love to see the male version as well!

If your guild is really expansive the summon feature seems really useful.Or a nice way to get around the statue costs,lol.

I’d expect the teleport and warp to have some cost attached to them actually.

I think it’s a bad ideal to fix guild system to a class, but well maybe it work somehow :neutral_face:

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Wow thats just sad. So we only get to be hoplite for a dragoon build. I was rather hoping we can choose either cata c3 or hoplite c3 to be a dragoon. To be mounted or to not be mounted. But we are stuck to 1 choice

Dragoon skills:

Translation to be added later.


And here’s Templar skills and Guild Menus.


Looks like my guess was right~