Tree of Savior Forum

General kCBT3 Changes - Summary

We have yet to get any real info, I think I saw someone mention that ‘‘Guild Progression’’ is how you raise the ammount of poeple your guild can hold, maybe more things but right now the info is few and far apart on top of not being particularly clear.
‘‘Battle Command’’ is a buff that only applies to guild members as far as I’ve heard, alas no info on what it does.

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Its hard to be a guild master then, you dedicate a whole rank 7 just for your members.

what do you mean with “just” i mean you plan on playing solo whole game ?

Im liking that only templar can make it and is rank 7 so only the dedicated of players can lead the guild. I don’t want any cheap anime/loli/for fun guild running around, you have friendlist for that


Seriously, a +100% modifier before defense when hitting a bleeding target that can be spammed for 20 seconds thanks to crosscut overheating twice?

And people complained Cartar Stroke was broken. This is just ridiculous.

Meanwhile there are many wizard classes are suffering with ridiculous cooldowns (look at dat warlock cd…) but they decide to buff the melee instead…


imc loves melee classes o/

It’s not really that much of a sacrifice considering you only need about level 200 to reach rank 7. You can just roll a character that can make money like squire/alchemist/pardoner then go templar, and make that the guild master while you roll another char to play for real.

This guy uploaded 2 Kabbalist skill videos. :’) Thy for him. So Ayin Sof is a hp buff with lame duration and cooldown… :3


It’s very strange. Don’t they know people’s complaints about highlander and barbarians? Or do they like them being 90% of the high level population?

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That’s weird, how would the highest DPS suck in party content? Does that mean all melee (except maybe tanks) are useless in dungeons?

well HL c3 are actually usefull with bosses

now i wonder how Dual Weapon Assault, Dust Devils and Hexen Dropper (if still exists) works with a pistol

c3 Hoplite deals way more dmg in boss fights + most hoplite went peltas c2 so they have taunt way better in dungeons.

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I think Kabbalist will be quite interesting. Maybe I’m wrong but this skill has to be Revenged Sevenfold imo because from the earlier trailer we know that that one is a buff but we know too that it can curse enemies with attribute so I already suspected it will be a reflect buff. With Merkabah and attribute you can petrify cursed enemies… so reflect… curse and petrify… :3 sounds fun to me.

(there is a plague vid on the channel but doesn’t tell too much…other than there is a green Zalciai…xD)

this will not stop me attempting to get to musketeer !

I am also excited for musketeer! :grinning:

I found this video online of a musketeer that shows the battle animations and cooldown timers of 4 of their moves, too bad the guy didn’t video test it on monsters so we don’t have any damage comparisons but I guess it’s better than nothing!


Nice find, looks amazing :smiley:

So since they added rank 7 means we can assume the rank 5-6 got a addational circel or two which means new skills.

Hope we get some info about them too.

This is what I am waiting for :heart_eyes: