Tree of Savior Forum

General kCBT3 Changes - Summary

Interesting, what level was the map you ended at?

This might mean you’re not supposed to be able to do the Klaipeda side of things then, but who knows really.

Interesting, interesting!

I noticed some indian and surrouding areas vibes on the designs for some of the Orsha NPCs, I guess they are taking more steps on taking from more cultures than ‘Medievan Europe and China/Japann’ which is what’s usually used.
On the matter of designs these outfits are getting more and more see-trough jfc.

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So I did say roughly 21x for Base. I went back to try it again and here’s my results. For reference here, I’m a Swordsman starting off in Klaipeda.

LV1 Kepa - 16 Base EXP, 1 Class EXP

Killing the Kepa as a LV1 Swordsman with NO overkill gets me:

LV3 Base with 12.1% into the bar.
19% into LV1 Class.

Using the Base EXP table, I need 12 exp for Level 2, 268 exp for Level 3 and 462 exp for Level 4.
Since I’m only 12.1% into LV3, 12.1% * 462 is roughly 56 exp. 56 + 268 + 12 is 336.
Divide that by 16 and you roughly get 21. So that being said, we can infer that:

Base EXP is 21x.
Class EXP is 19x.

Oh, and I killed a Kepa again once more to see if it was the same. Went from 12.1% to 84.8% on Base EXP and 37.9% on Class EXP. So about the same amount really.

@DiscKZee I ended up at Lv.100 as the final map, so pretty close to going to Mage Tower actually. There’s a bit more locations I have to explore on the right side as well since I opted to do the story quests and ignored the side quests.

@Jariu Yeah… there’s that and increasing breast size. Maybe I’ve been oblivious to it, but it’s definitely more prominent in these new zones.

Case in point, the Storage NPC of Orsha:


I… prefered to avoid that as I tend to go in a bit on a tantrum when it comes to that matter… the Storage NPC this far is the only downside I see to begining in Orsha at least, the reast looks ‘‘I can believe this’’ at least.

Oh no worries, wasn’t going to argue anything about that matter, just something I’ve noticed.

Orsha itself looks fantastic.

Yeah I’ve seen a video and screenshots, it looks like my kind of palce and not just ‘‘That one first city in an MMO everyone gonna go to cuz everything is close’’ like Klaipeda, I love some details like the Sadhu Master having their spirit in the city rather than a submaster.
I can’t wait to read all the books and other lore info the city may have, I had a very good time in Klaipeda and Fedimian doing that

When the Shout in Laima would talk about best looking goddess,I always said we don’t have her yet.None of them cut it quite yet.

This is what I’ve been waiting for :sparkles:
Thank you!

some new news about featherfoot or guilds?

It’s actually the Lv 100 one, I think…since that one still has that jungle theme going on.

It’s not Radha. It’s Lada, Lithuanian/Slavic Goddess of Spring and Love.

No hindu here, still very much the same culture.


I kind of liked the idea of Orsha as an end-game town, since it’s where Medzio Diena started. It would be scarcely populated and right next to the “Tree of Savior” dungeon, giving the sensation of dread and/or impending doom.

But eh, we’ll see how this goes.

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Hm, thanks. My transliteration is off as you can tell.

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Your transliteration isn’t wrong per se, just like Japanese, Korean doesn’t have a seperate L and R sound. Rada, Lada, both work.
Just that Lada in this case is the correct one. :wink:

Are you still a revelator at Orsha? Or are you just some ordinary citizen?

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Since you can do both questlines with the same character, I’m guessing you still are. If the Orsha citizens address it or not, is another matter.

Such is the trouble of knowing more than one language that doesn’t discern L’s and R’s :frowning:

The hype…it’s back!! :cry:

Just an update;

The dev team just increased the Class EXP Rate. (There was an announcement.)

The line in the patch notes about ‘Bash Cooldown removed’ has been crossed out as well. Skyliner has no cooldown though, that’s confirmed.


Anyone got more details on Templar skills, and what not?

All i seen is skills called “Guild Progression” and “Battle Command” or something like that?