Tree of Savior Forum

General kCBT3 Changes - Summary

Pig Slaughtering… I see what you did there

Nice work, Orsha has a lot more maps than I thought! So the last Orsha map pre-200 is the level 96 one I presume? If so, it fits in nicely with finishing before Mage Tower.

Wait…did Orsha have it’s own Revelation? :frowning:

I’ve not found any revelations so far, though I’m up to the Level 65 Story Quest there.

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So it seem that Kliapeda is the main story line then :open_mouth:

Unforunately, I’ve hit an impasse in one of the story quests in Orsha which I can only assume is a bug.

It requires defending the NPC for 5 minutes… but the kicker is the mobs will only target him. So he just dies unless you can one shot every single one.

No idea how to do this solo unless I get some party help for this.

Just to clarify, Corsair C3 gets the ability to equip Pistols and that’s always when Pistol Shot becomes available.

Hexen Dropper not appearing at C2 (or disappearing at C3) is most likely a bug.

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so no advant garde until rank 8 (rapier+pistol) that’s a boomer :frowning:

SFA is getting insane xD. They’re really going at it.

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There are better ways to balance skill usage than giving everything a 30sec - 2min cooldown.

Also Tree of Auto Attack isn’t the name I gave it, it’s the name the Korean players gave it.


i thought people liked auto attacks. isn’t everyone complaining the loss of barbarian buffs and corsairs being nerfed killing auto attack builds -and people like dex priests. i bet it’s a mage conspiracy to get some op spammable skills for the yet to be implemented final ranks…


DiscKZee could you see if DWA is working with 1hand+pistol ?

My character’s a Corsair C1/Fencer, so I won’t have access to Corsair C3 for the Pistol.

I’ll probably make my Swordsman into a Templar or Dragoon in that case.

Can anyone confirm the new exp rates?

where can we see the new R7 skills?

So… I’m assuming I’m done the story line now. Reason is because I’m crashing every time I try and complete the end of this story line.

The last map I was on before my crashes with this one quest kept happening is called 세이르 숲 (or Seiru Forest) and this map is the one that connects to Fedimian. No other map connects to this one so I would have to assume this point is where the map merges.

Some story spoilers below…

Basically with the last storyline… you meet the Girl. The one that disappeared at the end of the Veja Ravine/Vieta Gorge/Cobalt Forest quest line. So you follow her around and do some things and she leads you to this massive Goddess Laima statue, which then informs you that a Goddess is trapped (surprise) somewhere in Seiru Forest. Her name is 여신 라다 (or Goddess Lada).

Unfortunately this is where I cut the story off because I can’t remember the other details due to my rather low memory span and I’d rather not spew out BS. That and I mainly just blitzed through the story without paying attention too much.

Goddess Lada’s picture (crudely cut because I’m bad at Photoshop:)

EDIT: Name correction to Lada due to my mixing up of L’s and R’s (thanks @EternalDream).


we have a winner lol

oh my. what an interesting pair of… eyes. :open_mouth: