Tree of Savior Forum

General kCBT3 Changes - Summary

Flare: 30s CD, same damage and cost… still trash for Pyro.
Ice Blast: prob 30s CD too, but since Cryo has fewer options for DPS it might be worth.
Magnetic Force: 40s CD… still think the skill should be reworked to something new.
Broom Trap: almost deciding to make a Sapper, lol.

[quote=“DiscKZee, post:154, topic:40733”]
Change to the Overheat System:

When was Cross Cut buffed, lol? That bleeding makes the skill so much better.

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I’m 100% sure Cross Cut has always had the bleed, but it might have been bugged when you used it. It is a great skill, especially paired with Skyliner.

The cooldown changes are pretty nice but some skills should just be reworked. (I’ve been keeping a list of feedback changes as I’ve been testing as well, a lot is there for Rank 1 and 2 of the Wizard tree…)

Do you happen to have Highlander C3? If so, could you check out what the changes to Vertical Slash are? I would check but my Highlander buddy is offline right now. Apparently it should do a damage debuff or something based on targets…

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I’m interested to see any possible changes to Highlander C3 as well.

Prob was bugged then, because I never saw it before.
Mine is C2 only. I stoped leveling it since his new skills felt so underwhelming when I was playing. :<

Probably doppel c2,
c1 doppel have 5 skills already…

Here’s Paladin’s ‘Resist Element: Enhance’ attribute:

Increase Elemental Resistance bonus of Resist Elements by 1 per attribute level.

Max level of 50.

Paladin’s ‘Resist Elements: Resistance’ attribute adjusted, new effect:

Increase the chance of negating a Fire, Lightning, Ice, Earth and Poison-property attack by 0.8% per attribute level of [Resist Elements].

Max Level of 5. (Maximum of +4% Negation Chance)

Resist Element’s new description:

Temporarily increase the Fire, Ice, Lightning, Earth and Poison Resistance of yourself and your party, and applies a chance to negate the damage of attacks of these elements.

Duration: 60 + (Skill Level * 5) seconds.
Elemental Resistance: 24 + 6.3 * (Skill Level - 1)
Negation Chance: (Skill Level)%

eg. Level 1 Resist Elements:
+24 Fire, Ice, Lightning, Earth and Poison Resistance.
Negation Chance: 1%
With Level 5 ‘Resist Elements: Resistance’, Negation Chance at Level 1 is 5%

New patch added an attribute for Carve Ausrine Statue:

Carve Ausrine Statue ‘Reduced Cooldown’:

The cooldown of [Carve Ausrine Statue] is reduced by 10 seconds.

Max level of 1.

Made some adjustments to the Overheat changes explanation.

Is there a possibility that skills w higher cool down and more charges (ex: twin shot) has the regain time divided?
10 sec for each charge in this example
(Would make more sense)


No, the regain time is universal for all charges of a skill.

For example, Carve has three charges and a 24 second cooldown. If I use two charges one after the other, after 24 seconds I’ll regain only one charge, and after another 24 seconds, the second charge is regained.


Thanks, do you know the new cool downs of the quarrel shooter skills?

It seems that every rank 6 class does not have circles…

Did Paladin need that? D: I thought resist elements is already a good skill… XD Not complaining though.

They have seperate Circles, but at the moment normal players cannot have Circles higher than 1 since Rank 7 is not a thing, so skills are added to Circle 1 for testing purposes.

Developers have been seen with classes like Corsair C3 and Doppelsoeldner C2. However those circles probably contain nothing at the moment, and will be adjusted when Rank 7 is available.

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Deploy Pavise now has a 35 second cooldown (used to be 49 seconds).
Running Shot now has a 30 second cooldown (used to be 50 seconds).

I’ll list all the affected skills new cooldowns shortly in the original post.

EDIT: Added the cooldowns.

At level 15 and max attribute it has 19% of chance to negate elemental damage… I think this is too much.

I don’t like overpowered effects based on luck. :confused:

How is that too much? There’s currently no way to counter elemental magic for any other class…ESPECIALLY in PVP. And 20 percent is still only a 1 out of 5 chance at best.

Magic’s counter is HP, since it is based on cooldowns and bursts. Pardoner has a buff to increase magic defense and the first part of Resist Elements also gives mitigation for most spells in the game.

Archers are naturally a counter to Wizards since they don’t let you cast your things. Cleric spells are mostly short ranged tile-based, so you need to make a huge effort to be damaged by those.

An offensive mage should be able to burst down a full DPS Warrior (or an Archer that is not focusing him). But now they can be buffed by a Pally and get random lucky negations that makes the mage useless for offense for another 10~20 seconds at best.

If Resist Elements wasn’t a party buff, it might have been ok, since Pally is a tank, but that is not the case.

“- Highlander: has been changed to give additional damage depending on the debuff number of suffering during the enemy current Vertical Slash attack.”

So, Crown + Cross Cut bleeding + Skull Swing armor break + Vertical Slash = a possibly great damage (if the translator is right).

About Cross Cut Bleeding: yeah, it has a bug. At 3:44 bleeding status disappear before the countdown ends

If that’s the case, that’s a very good buff. It’s not confined to previous class skills, and works with both Highlander’s skills and will also help in party play. I still have to see if I can test this out to confirm it, but it sounds really good.

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After reading Highlander description new skills… They have pretty nice synergy.


  • Circle 2 - Skyliner - A horizontal slice. Deals an extra hit if an enemy is suffering from Cross Cut’s bleed debuff. Slash damage. 2 uses before cooldown. (Overheat)

  • Circle 2 - Cross Cut - A cross slice which deals two hits. Causes the enemy to bleed for 10 seconds. Slash damage. 2 uses before cooldown. (Overheat)

  • Circle 3 - Vertical Slash - A single vertical slice. May deal extra damage if an enemy is inflicted with Skull Swing’s defense removal. [Skill effect has been adjusted, will need to see how it’s changed.] - 2 uses before cooldown. (Overheat)

This is kind of like Dragon Nests quick cooldown thing for the Assassin class.