Tree of Savior Forum

Gem roasting fees & why theyre so expensive

15-20k is seriously not much when you actually have to start caring about gems. I blow 50k every time I restock on runestones, and potions likewise. I’d much rather give my money to another player than hovel it into the game’s endless silver sinks.

1k people a say atm? no. Id wager closer to 50-100 total and maybe 20-30 to a shop. 5k x 20 people roasting a single gem is 100k.

Personally ive had bout 60 gems roasted and thats where all my silver went.

50% of the player shops total price is part of the sink…

Haha, and hence why exactly it’s priced so high!

You see that neat loop there.

You seem to be misunderstanding. I’m not doing this for profit. I’m doing this to get back at all you trumptrain money hungry community milkers.

I see you not paying attention go back to the first post…

You don’t NEED to roast Gems until late game (120+ I suppose)…which means that the mass majority of people playing (and leaving…) at the moment will never actually roast their gems, especially since they give frick all return for the risk you take having them.

Either that or they simply doesn’t let people know that roasting even exists, because I certainly didn’t know what it was until I saw a spammer blocking a shop sign, and decided to see what was in the shop after I blocked the botter…certainly were no guides anywhere on the website, and I don’t recall anything in the old blog about it either.

Kind of like how you’re not paying attention to everyone with experience saying that gem roasting is neither as profitable nor as frequent as you’re apparently dreaming about.

People price high because the tax is high, and they need some sort of good return on their investment into making the class. That’s it. Half the price is sunk, half the price goes to the alchemist. 7k per gem roasted is perfectly fair. If you think that this is somehow greedy, then shrugs. like everyone said, make your own alch and fire away. I’m making an alch later on simply because I don’t want to pay the price for higher level potions. It’s not that big of a deal.

I’m honestly not understanding what you mean at this point. If you’re saying something targeted at me or just the Alchemist community at general which I’m not a part of at all. It’s almost like you’re trying to be some metaphorical vigilante or something by either providing cheap services which doesn’t work because everyone will start dropping prices until you leave, or if you plan on just being another Alchemist roasting gems for like 15k it’s all the same.

Either way you’re not doing anything to me because I haven’t played in weeks. I don’t even gem roast to begin with since I mostly play support classes anyways which don’t depend on crit gems and everything people like to use is something I’d provide myself.

Kindve like how I explained the stupid sh*t your typing in the first unedited original post and stop repeating me. FFS pay attention.

Whoa, calm down there. We’re talking about gem roasting with fake money, no need to get your panties in such a twist.

Nope, you didn’t explain anything in your first post that counteracts my point. You just broke down pricing and whined about how people were making money. I say the prices are fair because 1.) it’s not much in the first place, 2.) that alchemists sure as hell did not afk all the way to rank 6, and 3.) gem roasting is not a consistent thing like repairing your weapons. i.e. it doesn’t get used much.

So where in the first post do you say how hard it is to make 20k to pay for a roast, or how getting an alchemist is super easy/fast work so charging a high price for roasts is unfair, or that gem roasting is used by people as often as say, repairs or pardoner buffs? Or maybe all of these things are untrue?

You’re very upset over very little. I know you’ll just hiss at me for this reply since I’ve offended you and now it’s more or less impossible to change your mind because that’s how offended people work, but hey. A heads up for yours truly.

Oh and, while we’re at it, calling people trump supporters for pricing normally in an mmorpg is the funniest political insult I’ve ever heard. You embarass people who oppose the guy.


Are we complaining about 15k? Like…
Can’t you make that in like 30 minutes of very uninterested (With no will to be there at all what-so-ever) farming?

People have the right to charge whatever they want. If you want free Gem roasting make your own Alchemist C2. That’s all I have for you. Have fun OP.

Looks like absolutely none of the posters read the OP or the thread.

Lols… 10K-15K is already cheap… I think theprice of roasting should be at 30K…

Why make an alchemist when you’ll just do charity work and not get any profit at all?

They do, your thread is just pretty pointless. Their prices are like that because of the time spent in making a character as well as because its a free market. Just because you “think” prices should be “x value” doesn’t mean they should lower their own prices to your own standards.

They are not opening a shop for charity they are opening a shop to make a profit and maximizing possible profit because by the end of the day someone is still going to buy those 15k+ roasts.

Well if you really want to attack the gem roasting community… Here you go, where the price change from 6k to 30k all started:

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They gotta get paid. You can farm that amount of silver in 2-3 mins really.

If you don’t wanna pay then you’re more than welcome to make your own alchemist.

Yeah, just make ur own alchemist. Same like dlc packs, u are not force to use our service. Yeah, we make it high just for being more rich. Make ur own alchemist and vend roast gem 1k each.

I’d do this service when I’m at work leaving my gaming PC at home.

IMC should bring back vendor mode so we can sell our equips and pots, token buffs and tax apply, so max of 10 items sellable, if not token user only 1.

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