Tree of Savior Forum

Game features killed by the IMC itself

Tree of Savior Feature Killed by
Open GvG Neutrality
WB 8h Debuff
Full INT/STR Transcendence
Magic Class Rank 8
Archer Class Missile Hole
Guild Battle League Discontinued?
Various builds META
Team Battle League Unbalanced skills, no more equipment standardization, Transcendence, random team lineups
Grinding reduced spawn rate and monster density
Fair TP spending the removal of out right buying costumes all put in gacha with recyle system
Replayability IMC's dull game design
[SA]Silute Reallocation
Sadhu Class NERFS
Hunter/Sorcerer/Necromancer bad AI
Shout/Global Chat Megaphone, 150 bytes limit
Trade trade count and trade restriction
Adventure Journal :poop: Reward, include Recipe as Point maker and Is individual for each Character
Priest Class Pardoner buff shop
Shinobi Multibuilds Rank 8 & Murmillo
Gimmicks Bad rewards, Too long cooldown, Time restrictions
Farming DPK and too few channels
Random player interaction Instance Clear Vouchers
Free TP New Regional Guild Battle Format
AA builds R8 content, server lag, skills with high bases, multihits and multipliers

What other features were killed and by whom? Comment


Very well said. :slight_smile:

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Team Battle league Cyromancer crashing players now


infro rockers, royal mausoleum, demon prison and bee farm killed by afk necro’s and cancerlocks


Grinding killed by reduced spawn rate and monster density along with event exp bonus and dungeon resets/daily or AFK plvl farm ect.

Population in general killed by CommanderLoadFail along with channel reductions or lag/crashes.

Game integrity killed by exploits with botting, rmt, hacks and never rolling back or doing anything meaningful.

Fair TP spending killed by the removal of out right buying costumes all put in gacha with recyle system.

Brazil killed by Silute lmao.


Am I the only one to think that creating alts is so boring?
under my eyes:

Replayability - IMC’s dull game design

God damn withered flowers.


I disagree with the last two, those aren’t directly an IMC problem. The meta will always change and there will always be something considered optimum, even if IMC was on top of balance it would be a struggle.

TBL is kind of a combination of everything else, but I’d say it was killed by bugs as the biggest issue.

You can also perhaps add:

Low population: No endgame content


Some people like experimenting with class build choices. Only way to actually do that is leveling alts, since on paper, not everything is known.


Let me clarify, alt creating is alrite, it is just that the leveling process, just thinking about redoing all the quest I dread is no fun.

It’s indeed not required to redo quest, but it certainly helps leveling and I hate this game quest, doing them once was more than enough, doing them twice is already a nightmare and doing them 3+ times? I’m in hell.

Build diversity is this game strong point, it is just that the game itself does not offer a diferent or compelling experience when going through it a second time. The linearity of this game hinders my alt experience.

It doesn’t help that all monsters offer roughly the same experience throughout, there’s no reward in killin a lv 40 monster when you’re a lv 1 (since that’s possible now) they just give the same experience as a lv 1 monster, and worse yet it gives less experience thanks to the penalty.



Silute is just another NA server, face the relocation.


I also miss different leveling spots for party and for solo and based on class speciality. Such as monsters strong against magic in some maps and others strong against physical in others. Low population with high experience for soloing, high population with avg experience for parties.

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Sadhu killed by: NERFS

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Hunter killed by AI


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heh another problem I have is: This game design pushes the need for AoE attacks, monsters always spawn in small groups and if you hit one you’ll aggro the others. If you’re a single target focus class this sucks big time.

Not only are you left with less exp since it’s spread across that little group, but you’re also forced to face an unfavorable battle.


TOS killed by Mr Kim
Forum killed by Whiteknights
Johnny killed by Staph_embereseng_urself
haukinyau1 killed by anarth



I actually enjoy doing them, I guess I’m weird. Not enough to constantly keep doing them but I like that I get to explore most of the maps by doing them.

I like to take time off leveling alts so it’s less painful after some time has gone by.

Would prefer a better reason to go around these maps thought.

Better you stop play. This company dont know made games. Better you spend you time in another game…

Better still the answers given by the Reg …
Worst support I’ve ever seen. Look, I’m from Brazil and we have to put up with a lot of junk companies like that.

IMO TBL died when they decided to completely remove equipment standardization. Transcendence dug out TBL’s grave and pulverized his remains with a sledgehammer.

Rank5 players are still able to join (at least not much of a problem now since population is already too small)
team lineups are random (no pre-mades)
no more equipment standardization (because we love the trans-10 effort put in by our whale overlords and AFK-army managers)

“balanced” PVP

What were they smoking when they made those decisions? Dilgele?


Didnt know this game had open gvg xd…

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you and I are prime examples of different tastes.

Personally I cannot enjoy picking a flower for it to wither away as soon as I pick it up, I’ve astigmatism but come on even I can see a fine flower from a withered flower from afar! without my glasses it’s just a matter of seeing that blurry colorful mess vs that blurry brown mess!

It’s perfectly fine for them to put RNG in many things but not in those that matter! -drops-

I’ll grant them that they do what they’re designed to do pretty well : time sink. But the fun they deliver is naught to me. specially since the quest from the different arrays of maps are pretty much the same, there are some exceptions, some others are infiurating as the DDR challenge although refreshing that one was, the lag and the green pads spawning immediatly made it a nightmare.


This is why it kinda feels the same as grind to me so I just usually listen to music or talk to friends while I’m at it so it’s kinda just mindless repeat of things, somewhat enjoyable sometimes.