Tree of Savior Forum

Game features killed by the IMC itself

how many of current 3.5k players think like u?
how many of the 3.5mil potential players out there will think like u?

im curious, why would you think current map-quest/alt-making-experience is okay

being tolerant and accepting is one thing,
poor quest design/lack of alt-making QOL feature is another thing.

(not a hue)



I did say earlier

I just wanted to share, in no way do I think people share this opinion with me.
I never said it’s okay, I just said I still can enjoy it, I would love improvements on these. :slight_smile:

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my bad

it really is weird that 3.5k people still playing this buggy but oddly enjoyable game.


@Val @haukinyau1

there’s nothing wrong in phasing out while playing, it just that the game shouldn’t allow it in the first place, it should maintain you thinking about your next move in order to be alive or protect an objective. This game doesn’t enforce neither of those so you have this game experience. good for some, bad for others.

@Val have you tried a driving game? that perhaps would be just as enjoyable, and perhaps even more challenging. not a racing game, something like truck simulator perhaps?


I also think that quests are enjoyable, the only thing I have against them is that they’re too much time consuming compared to things such as grinding/missions (where you get bonuses from team level, party, cookies, tomes etc) and end up not doing quests.

@Composition another truth is, even on grinding you phase out to zombie states xD, especially if you’re a support like chrono or healer on a party that doesnt need healing. Even on Earth Tower during some floors you can simply ignore the screen for a few minutes after everything is setup. I feel you on needing to have more things to pay attention.

Also, just these days ago I did 9 missions (instance resets) in a row with my character and they were pretty fine, most waiting time I had was around 7 minutes once parties finished all 3/3 runs and I needed to shout asking people to join on next ones.


Oh absolutely I agree, I mean I might enjoy it but it’s not like it’s the only thing I want to do in a game and definitely not all the time.

I’m not really into driving games unless it’s like mario kart or something like that lol, thanks for the suggestion tho.

I do like to be challenged but I can enjoy that mindless activity occasionally too. If it’s the only thing it’s definitely a bad thing.

@LunarRabbit Can agree on that as well. :confused: I’m conflicted when I get ahead on quests cause I really want to skip cause too lazy but I also want to complete all of them, if I don’t it bothers me. :sweat_smile:

When rank 8 released it was fun to be in a party and die, although it was too punishing thanks to the stupid long loading screens, god damn Tevhrin Stalactite cave!

What was their answer? defense boost. great! now with the right gears everything’s trivial! They over did it, they, trying to appeal to their players killed all challenge. They’re quick to implement these irrational decision to appease the player base and too slow in reverting them! it’s like they’re affraid of finding a happy medium and opt to make everything easy.

@Val Heh nintendo games are such friendship testers. mario party, mario kart. so much fun, so… much… rage.


To be honest I think that the defense boosts also went in with PvP as reasoning (and it did changed a lot of things and honestly, made things better overall so DPS needs damage and Support can’t kill people) but I guess that’s a totally different topic to discuss.

It did mess up the PvE experience, it was fun for example, farming materials when you had actually to learn to dodge attacks by positioning/jumping or die in 3 hits or less with a low HP character, the next day after patch it went from taking 7-10k damage to 1s :<

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Heh everything is over proportion.

Monsters damage, Monsters defense. Response

Increase player damage, player defense. Results

Meaningless challenge.

It’s The elder scrolls IV Oblivion all over again, nothing but HP sponges.


Clerics killed by…

ohh wait nevermind.


god class

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Open GvG neutrality- Suggested by the majority, IMC complied.
WB 8h Debuff - Suggested by the majority, IMC complied.
Magic Class Rank 8 - Suggested by the majority, IMC complied, lots of people want to nerf Magic.
Full int - is the Meta build for PVE for magic class.
Guild Battle League - Discontinued because of abuse.
Meta build doesnt mean stronger than un-meta build


When this game first came out, I had about 9 or 10 friends play the game in varying degrees. With the exception of 2 of them, they pretty much all quit because of the questing experience. It was the party bug that sank the last couple among the ones who quit, because we couldn’t play together.

Before the whole leeching/voucher nonsense, I was able to grin and bear it and quest to level 5 characters to rank 7. The quests are primitive, repetitive, and poorly designed in general. When you hit a stride in leveling and questing, you end up hitting a wall with 1-2 (or more) quests per zone where the objective has a fail chance, and you sit there like an idiot clicking red crystals for about an hour until you complete it (here’s looking at you, Altar Way).

I get that this game was designed to appeal to our nostalgia for RO, and that’s okay, but most people are just not going to tolerate quest design from that era, especially if you aren’t one of the few thousand people who played RO on official/real exp rate servers.


you forgot:


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What we witness in ToS is a classic example of a base concept going awry leading to many ‘bandaids’ added to fix it. It is like a foundation pillar of a house laid wrongly and every other subsequent additions to the house will have to build around it.

It starts from the implementation of:

  • Transcendence
  • Upping gem effects to match power of transcendence
  • Upping headgear enchants to match power of transcendence
  • Upping monsters resilience and damage to match players invested in transcendence
  • Upping players defenses as 80% of the playerbase don’t have the power and defence level of 20% of the players who are of mid-high transcendence, and can plow through the R8 content which is matched to transcendence level of power.

(Awakening is lost and forgotten somewhere cuz it is not upgraded)

IMC probably see what is coming, but can’t do anything much without removing the foundation pillar (transcendence) and the surrounding structures. Removing and changing it will require major changes to a significant portion of the game due to it being so integrated in the current ToS and so many players have invested hard work and time on it.

Imo they should do a poll to see if the players will mind losing transcendence for a better and balanced game. Whales will definitely contest it, but without major changes, the game will just continue to spiral out of control.

If this continues on come R9 we probably will need a transcend lv5 just to do R9 quests and maps. Good luck to all the alts and new characters, haiz.


Giving my honest opinion as SR, without transcendence the damage is underwhelming compared to other R8 classes (long cooldowns + low-avg damage), transcendence does makes it viable for everything but at some point it goes from avg damage to “totally unbalanced” with any skill doing 10k-50k damage, still, it’s the only way to keep up with the other classes on PvP and PvE.

I honestly wouldn’t mind losing transcendence but first we need some balancing, think of breaking Missile Hole to hit 1-2k per attack on 60k HP people or using Marching Fire without enhance attribute on any PvP/PvE to hit only 5 targets. I feel it is the same with a lot of classes, to go back with transcendence they need to adjust balancing on other things too >.<

This game makes for a good study, “How not listening your users makes your software product not desirable” and it is also an interesting case of “How listening to your users without enforcing the scope of your product turns your software not desirable”

If they manage to salvage this game it’ll also make for an interesting read, makes you wonder why is this game any popular at japan. it was a catastrophe internationally.

@LunarRabbit heh you think your damage is low? think about falconer for a second. That poor hawk is trying so hard.


Did they release with panties there?


Probably it is due to the art style of the character sprites is more inline with the anime style that the japanese like so much.


Highest CONSISTENT DPS class that does not get affected by major boss/mob movement : PD2 with Agny

Best Utility for Invulnerability : Diev3 with Ausrine

Best Utility for removing Buffs : Miko

Decent heals : Cleric 2


Add Plate Armor + Shield and you got yourself a tank that has high dps, good heals, invincibility and can remove buffs

What is the point of Archers, Swordies, or Mages when you can just replace them all with PD2 and get much more utility and more than enough damage that’s consistent and can take 1 damage from every single mob in ET with transcended gears?