Tree of Savior Forum

Game content is being locked behind paywall (26th April patch discussion)

Requiring a token to use team storage is entirely 110% reasonable. Especially considering the changes they made to improve it. Being able to infinitely trade the best items back and forth between all your characters so you only have to put forth the effort of getting each item once for your entire account is definitely something that should be a premium feature.

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Changed that part to better fitting one in 1st post. This one i can back up with several examples.

What if they allowed F2P players to use that feature but with -1 potential on items and making materials untradeable? Suddenly both parties get to use this game feature without making token less valuable.

That is when we come to the forum to complain. Simple. :smiley:

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Tera has elite status and still have CASH.
So… yeah is not 100% free IMO.

Dear IMC, you give me these updates, but I don’t want it, I want more stuff.
Today is me 16th borthdoy and you ruined me life.

Why a player should lose 500k+ silver every month for a common feature?

I paid for a Founder Pack and I want to buy cosmetics.
Why I should pay for token (silver or real money) if i’m not interested in token?

Team storage should be free for everyone. Maybe with lesser slots, but a feature for all.


As much as I like the game, I too am probably on my way out. My friends have already left the game since they didn’t like the way things were, and I’m the only one who held out the longest.

They want to nickle and dime their players still; the fact that shared storage is still behind a paywall shows this. .People defend tokens but don’t understand they’ll be worth millions after release and shouldn’t even be sold in the first place.

I doubt things will changed by next Tuesday’s maintenance enough for me to stay, and that’s a shame. Maybe a few years down the line they’ll completely change how they do things for the better, or that maybe people manage to get the files for a private server that doesn’t have all the restrictions behind paywalls or other pay to win shenanigans.

People want to be smug with their “oh ok bye” posts, but they too do not look at the bigger picture, and will regret it in the future.

i’ll add a simple question that all token defenders should try to answer:

Fact: After maintenance non-token users will be able to 1:1 trade.

Question: Why is it ok for F2P players to trade with other players but not within own team/family?

[quote=“nizidr, post:129, topic:216386, full:true”]
i’ll add a simple question that all token defenders should try to answer:

Fact: After maintenance non-token users will be able to 1:1 trade.

Question: Why is it ok to trade with other players but not within own team/family?
[/quote]Because there were more whiners about player to player than within own team/family.

Or are you talking about transferring item in your team? You can transfer it through team storage right?
Or are you talking about non-token users?

Confused with the Q

Edited for clarity.

[quote=“acolyte, post:130, topic:216386”]
Because there were more whiners about player to player than within own team/family.
[/quote]There were almost equal amount about both issues. When one was mentioned the other was also brought up.

Right now you cannot enjoy your alchemist’s potions if you are non-token user.

My first thought is IMC may have done it that way to make life difficult for RMT. If they were to freely be able to share the expensive stuff with their other characters, RMT would have a leg-up.

I’m not saying I agree with the decision, though. RMT doesn’t seem to be hindered at all by not being able to freely share stuff among their own team’s characters.

I honestly feel like IMC’s methods are like this:

“Eeeek, Daddy! A spider!”

“Where is it, honey?!”

“It’s on my shoulder! Get it off!”

“Stand still, honey, don’t move!”

Daddy takes flame thrower, bakes daughter with it. Spider turns out to be a jumper, and leaps to safety in the nick of time.

“Oops, sorry, honey.”


lol this post is awesome and accurate.


RMT doesnt need to have more than one character on account. Higher level bot generates more silver. There is no need for them to share anything within team.

Well, there we go. That fact alone makes team-sharing restrictions pointless, unless IMC had another plan in mind.

Doesn’t the Market put a tax on expensive items? I would think to share expensive things with my lowbies, just to have them sell it on the market, but if there’s a tax, it might be too high for lowbies to afford.

[quote=“nizidr, post:131, topic:216386, full:true”]
Right now you cannot enjoy your alchemist’s potions if you are non-token user.
[/quote]Ah I see, straightforward example.
Yeah a bit weird I find, but good point.

This does seem rough, though one can always argue for it.
Doesn’t stop it from being a good point.

everything that is not equipment that you buy on market cannot be resold and become untradeable. Equipment loses 1 potential every time it changes hands.

So your plan is probably doomed even if you had silver.

This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

I agree with that point, beside, maybe 5~10 or half of the total slots should be disponible for free then.

Also, free 2 play games loves to cut down features, is like as dlcs, but limited.