Tree of Savior Forum

Game content is being locked behind paywall (26th April patch discussion)

This isn’t a direct reply, but more of a general reply to everyone who used the point that token makes it all okay.

You people do realize that this game is still in exclusive access, right? When the true F2P crowd comes in, the demand for these tokens will skyrocket and the price as well. Then it won’t be so easy to get all of a sudden.

Unless, of course, the players who plan on buying tokens on the marketplace is okay with playing the game for a few months then quitting due to tokens being too expensive to buy without farming excessively for it.

It’s not a paywall if you can buy the tokens with in-game currency. It’s not even expensive. Grind a bit and you can buy your own token for 30 days. It’s that simple.

Those who can afford it pay for it like a sub-based game, while the rest can grind for it in-game. Prices will go up, but so will the means of getting silver for free players at higher levels. Overall, it’s basic time vs money. That’s a fairly balanced system from my pov.

Sorry bruh but you are a month late. Before this patch 1:1 trading was only possible with tokens too, and in fact team storage was only usable via a token as well.
This is not something that got implemented just now.
Alas i agree however that basic functions of a game such as trading should not be, behind a paywall. What would be next? Changing resolution or the UI for 10$ ? How about no.

Recommending IMC to rethink the notion of basically selling basic game features to players. Especially on things that play a role in forming a community, such as trading.
Not being able to freely trade items with my friends is still one of my grievances.

they need to improve some things for non-token users. but still tokens are cheap. you could buy one around lvl 90-125. depends how you use your silver

I haven’t bought a single token with tp yet look at my inventory.
On top of that token doesn’t even give huge benefits, and that’s all it does, it gives benefits not exclusive game features. TP was spent on scrolls if anyone would be wondering.
TL;DR op is retarded.


F2P whore, go grind silver to buy token!

Trade is not a game content. It is a tool to interact with other players. Trade restrictions are just inconvenience (to the point it makes some of your characters like alchemist and simony-pardoner useless for yourself tho).

Collections on the other hand ARE game content - they are in-game items that you have to fill using other in-game items and getting something out of it. Mini-quest or achievement of sorts. Making benefits for token only users is a definition of Premium-only content and there is nothing that shows they wont continue to tread this path. Hence the topic (with a little bit baiting title and OP).

Actually quality variously-themed UI styles are something that IMC should really invest a little bit more of their time into. They are as important as costumes and dont provide any benefit (unless they put “premium” features unique to those UI).

I would like to go on an adventure with you to show you how much more trading is, because what you did right now is to describe trading like the ingame chat.
But fine, would it be okay then for the devs to put a price tag on using the chat itself? You know, because its just a tool to interact with other players and an “inconvenience”.

Trading is directly linked to game content btw because right on your next point, you underline this twice over:

I do not understand why it was needed to make this strawman distinction between a feature and an ingame item saying that one is content and the other is not.

1 megaphone = 1 TP is a price tag for using global chat. Already in game. Twice as expensive compared to kTos btw (where TP regen is 1 every 2 hours).

?? who cares about your biotech job? kids

@nizidr How many f2p games have you played?

Account shared stash is generally a premium feature if it exists within the game at all.

Their statement on lessening restrictions is not aimed towards those unwilling to get token to unlock the feature to begin with.

We’re frankly lucky it’s part of token benefits and doesn’t have it’s own 30-Day Shared Stash coupons like other f2p games.

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Actually i dont remember shared storage as separate feature being behind paywall in any other game tho i admit i dont usually play games if i feel like they are p2w.

The more common practice is usual character storage is shared among all characters on account but has very limited space and game becomes very hard to play efficiently (because of various types of materials and equips) unless you expand it for money.

The only game i clearly remember having separate row for sharing items between characters is Aion, but i played it when it was still p2p and i dont know what it has become after f2p transition.

It’s Tree of Crybabies all over again.
Leave please and never come back, no one will miss you weeb.

  1. Slipper slope arguments are always baseless fallacies, never used by anyone looking for earnest debate or discussion. This immediately discredits you when you try to strengthen your weak argument by saying 'maybe they’ll lock real content in the future because they made collections that boost your team storage space (and coincidentally nowhere does it say you can’t get these collections if you have no token, you just won’t receive the benefits, so it may not even lock this ‘content’).

  2. Seriously I can make a new character when the servers go up and have enough silver for a token in a day, and the game is perfectly playable without it to begin with. If tokens gave no real benefits nobody would want them, thus nobody would buy them. You should be head over heels for a ‘subscription’ system that lets OTHER PLAYERS pay for your subscription and the only cost to you is some ingame currency. The whales are literally funding the game for you, the least you can do is toss them a paltry sum of silver every month.

Some of you people need to figure this out already you can easily buy tokens for 400k~500k which takes an extremely small amount of time ~3 hours. Guess what else you can do, you can buy more than one Token. I have enough Tokens to last me more than 4 years.

There is significantly more than Aion, this is not an uncommon practice; ESPECIALLY for Korean F2Ps.

Not that I remember anything about that game anymore.

First of all, no, ToS isnt P2W (yet).
And “Content” locked behind paywall…you cant even unlock general “content” with tokens. Like Silver trading.
All the trading and storage Restrictions feel just uncomfortable, even WITH tokens.
That is the real problem here.
Why should i make an Alchemist ALT, when i cant benefit from it with my Main character?
It all seems stupid workarounds to fight the RMT, but why punish the Players, to make their work easier in fighting them?
Well back Ontopic.
Ok, i have to say, i played ragnarok since it Exist. Im not used to many others MMO. The few “F2P” ones i tried, fastly died, main reason: Bags, small starter bags, expensive rl-money bags only.
Here its almost the same, hidden with storage. In what sense my character can carry like 100000 items, and my “STORAGE”, to ger rid when overwight etc, has place for just some items.
Hence, i paied Premium in Ragnarok, ONLY for having 600 then 300 Storage Slots.
I have no problem in getting premium at monthly cost, the servers cost money.
But earning the Money, should archieved fair for both sides.
I really fear its ending like RO2 fast ended for me, Costume with stats mandatory to play the game.
Right now u dont need anything, even Headger stats just nice to have.
But when a working War of Emperium like feature, or something else competetive ( if pvp not already depends on such things, im not a pvp player, more gvg) requires it, it can really get a problem, and make players quit.

Hey its a Korean Anime Like game, anyone here knows, they can get tons of Money on Cosmetics, EXP Boosts, and some PvE stuff like Soul Crystals.

And some last words for all those “BE HAPPY U CAN BUY TOKENS FOR 0 REAL LIFE MONEY”, lets just forget the price gonna Skyrocket.
Your forget the same as the WoW Players after they added “tokens”.
Someone still has to pay realmoney for them. Its just a legalized version of RMT.

For now i enjoy the game, and see how its develope, but if theres not gonna reasonable changes for all that trading and storage stuff, this could be a reason which puts me on a point where i cant enjoy the game anymore.
Player interactions with trading, selling, reselling. Is just a Big part of ANY MMO.

dont read, my 2cents are always random, and more like 4 cents worth of 2cents.

wait till they sell for 10s of millions in the future.

You are new in free to play games?

And i’m not asking about Token removal, only don’t link core features to token lol…

Curve ball. I didnt mean sub functions such as channel access to a global chat. I meant chat itself.
Alas it doesnt matter. Anyone who attempted to monetize basic functions has failed at it and IMC sure as ■■■■ is not going to win any hearts with this idea either.