Tree of Savior Forum

*GAME BREAKING ISSUE* Guild Disband Exploit

I’m really concerned that this is not receiving proper attention right now. There is an exploit where anyone, say a random or new applicant, can join a guild and type a command to disband the guild without Guild Leader and without Guild Leader’s permission.

I feel that Guilds are an essential part of the game and for someone to be able to violate the integrity of the game and take away the hard work players have put into their guild, is unacceptable.

I encourage everyone to please help bring awareness to this issue to IMC.

Link to post in the bug section



yea, this really needs to be attended too. A lot of guild related content isnt working, glitched, and or is this.

A lot of people have spend time, silver, and talt investing into this content. And sorry to say IMCgames, I do enjoy your game much, but there is a slight bit of incompetent going down with this type of stuff.The international server is missing out on some variety of content and its been like this for a month or so.

Please do something about the disband guild exploit.


Disagree. This is not a “game breaking” bug. It’s just your opinion.

Inviting people to your guild shouldn’t be like shooting random invites out, you should be carefully scrutinizing a person that you plan to adopt as one of your members. If someone joins and then disbands your guild, clearly you weren’t a very good judge of character. Do your research.

It’s your guild, try to be more careful of who you invite. You need to trust people who are in your guild. If everyone trusts one another, this would not happen. The solution is only invite people you trust. This way you know guilds that remain existing are full of people who trust one another.

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wut? roflmao! is this guy serious

lol this guy. im assuming your joking

It’s ridiculous to expect to have to veto everyone before inviting them to your guild unless they live close enough for the guildmater to do physical harm. This “feature” only empowers trolling and destroys community building. Please fix.


Okay it’s not game breaking but its a serious flaw.

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That’s just your opinion.

All these people whining about guild neutrality options and shady traitors you invite to your guilds…

If you all want guild mechanics that hold your hand, find another game.


@Zipzo Please give some examples of how to veto potential guildmembers and how long that process would take before you know they’re not just a 4chan troll?

You’re clearly an experienced guildleader and have a lot to say. So please teach us.


Yes it is my opinion.

And yes I find it a flaw since, only the guild leader should have the right to disband a guild. Not some member or high ranking official.

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"If you all want guild mechanics that hold your hand,find another game"

ROFL,says the guy that makes a hundred posts whining why there should be circle resets.

This bug has nothing to do with guild mechanics,it’s simply a stupid flaw inside the game,which is,indeed,a game-breaking one for many people.


This is really easy for you to say in retrospect and without any background, but I do see the point you’re trying to make, but I’ll respectfully disagree with your statement that this is not game breaking. I will 100% admit that it is my fault that I made the assumption of trusting the game mechanics to allow only the guild leader to disband a guild. I’d dare say that “only guild leader can disband a guild” is immutable across every MMO I’ve come across. I have never come across a game or heard of another game where it was possible for a person other than the guild leader to disband a guild.

I’ll take blame for not enough scrutiny over adding a new person to the guild however there was a long dialogue and recruiting process of the individual before the incident, carried out by a guild captain. I had no pretense to give more thought or realize any sort of risk to my guild before the incident.

Here’s why I disagree that this is “not game breaking”. First off, it is not part of intended game mechanics to have anyone besides the guild master disband the guild, just like it is not part of the intended game mechanics for normal players to access the admin controls, as what occurred in the closed beta sessions. Second, (and yes, this is my opinion), I feel that guilds are one of the most essential factors of Tree of Savior. Why does one play this game? Pointlessly grind to 280? 400? 600? To play alone? Yes, there are some who do this, but I think many people would rather play with a group of people, i.e a Guild. I think people want to compete, i.e in a Guild, PvP, GvG, etc. To allow someone other than the Guild Leader to disband a guild violates the core integrity of the game.


Guys, if you arent aware, Zipzo is being “sarcastic”/“ironic” because thats what everyone tells him to his shitty suggestions about class reset. He is comparing not having class reset(an intended game design) to a game bug. Do not try to argue with him, since he is not good at that either.


Must be a troll, no one is this stupid.


It’s like talking to a Trump voter, lol.


Damn! I got baited… Good one Zipzo good one…

guild mechanics that entail anyone but the guild leader from disbanding the, are not “hold your hand”, “carebear” options- these are basic and fundamental features that are coded into every single game that I have heard of. This goes beyond, spies joining guilds for intel, etc. This is a violation of the integrity of the game.

Not only that but this game restricts the guildfunction tightly onto the guildleader character to the point that it makes no sense for any other functions to be distributed elsewhere

Read my post above yours :stuck_out_tongue:

The community has spoken guys

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