anyoen else having this? first time ever i see smthnl ike this
Hahaha #Rekt
what the fuk are u saying? banned for wht?
Botting? Duping? Being BR? Anything goes.
RIP, create a ticket, I guess.
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Oh, it begins. The “I have no clue why I got banned” phase of the game.
Don’t exploit/bot with your next account.
are you kids â– â– â– â– â– â– â– retarded? ive spent 300 euro on this game
Shouldn’t have bought such expensive chinese bots then :^)
Given that you can purchase 3 dlcs for 90euro in total - don’t buy gold next time.
Oh the justice is delicious.
lol, maximum euros going to IMC pocket is 90 only. Guess where the 210 others went ? oops, access restricted.
Look for more serious silver suppliers next time They might spend some % on your protection too.
Glad to see IMC taking on buyers too.
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I was wondering why all the hostile comments, there could be technical issues too… until I read this comment.
Or do you claim you bought dlc packets on multiple steam accounts? If so, why?
Duping tokens, getting tons of silver :^)
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Such a vague message. It should just say “You are restricted [or you have been banned] from using this service. For more details, please contact customer support through the homepage.”