Tree of Savior Forum

Game access restricted wtf

Because false reports have never been sent since the dawn of online gaming… you know UNLIKE being an ■■■■■■■ to random people on forums for absolutely no other reason than:

So lets get this in order:

  1. The game is full with restrictions even on basic mmo features such as trading in order to battle bots.
  2. The game is still full with bots thus restrictions doing absolutely nothing other than pissing off the player base
  3. Paying customers get false reported and banned
  4. Community starts to behave like ■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■ to even those who got falsely banned

So i guess this is where things stop to be fun and games.
Up till now it was only restrictions upon restrictions. Now you can also get banned for no reason and the community will even taunt you.
So everyone above who got quoted please for a moment try to forget that im a really offensive ■■■■■■■ and think you are trash, then try to objectively look at the following sentence: Unless you REALLY wish the game to die, and the forums turn into a one way road to infinite flame wars IN ■■■■■■■ HELL, please quite being a ■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■ to people who actually paid for the game and might have been duped without a reason.

Why? Because at this point, the game is officially in the worst type of trash indie games section that ever existed on earth:
No bot protection
Actively penalizing its players
Randomly banning even those who got wrongfully accused to then:
The entire community turn on them and rub it in even further

If you have ANY
and i mean


■■■■■■■ love for this game. Repair your ■■■■■■■ attitude and make this the first and last time you have acted like this towards someone who is maybe unjustly banned.

In the name of those who still want this game to exist after 3 months time: Thanks.


Checking his last posts one can surely assume that he bought silver from 3rd parties. Deserved ban, thanks!

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except he already admitted he bought gold -.-

You got a % for that chance of being innocent? It will usually be around 1% or lower.

Because as you said there is no bot protection - no automatic ban so he was manually banned after he was reviewed.

Most probable cause at this point? He bought himself a nice set for 90$ and then started the paypal/boleto abuse and spend 10$ on each account that has tp for all 3 packs.

I’m sorry, how does one spend 300 euro again on this game? When you can’t buy tp yet.

Let’s see… bought multiple founders pack on different steam accounts? But what’s the point of that when you can increase your character slot? What has this person done with his/her first 8 characters? Sounds incredibly stupid to do to buy multiple founders pack on different accounts.

How about if he/she bought silver? I dunno, Im stopping here.


The ban hammer is comming? Ohh man the justice feels so good.

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Thank you based IMC.

I can only imagine how much it would sting to spend 300$ just to get banned within few weeks.

Maybe he’ll come back and start playing again once the game goes f2p? (turkey emoji because laughing would be too cruel) :turkey:

same u, Orsha server

Good Job IMC :slight_smile:

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Except it maybe he bought DLC for a few accounts, or he is exaggerating.

Oh, I’m sorry, IMC never fk up before therefore there is no chance they fk up on one ban am I right?

There are already a case where IMC unlock to user for the similar reason. Let IMC decide, stop speculating things.

You should probably contact support and not the few of us who have absolutely no power to do anything about your ban other than derp.

Yes, bartender? I’ll have a double justice please. On the rocks. :sunglasses:

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Awful. Just awful.


OP I feel bad for you, this shitty attitude from some of the replies is ■■■■■■■ disgusting.

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At first I felt bad becuase of all the feedback… but then i see he spent 300 when you can only spend 90. So, its possible he did something to deserve it. Especially since he went quiet after mentioning it. I dont know though.

With that info and the fact that we just had some exploit going on, i can see why people assume thats what he did.

Its predicatable that when people do something wrong and get caught they will play innocent and try to find a way out of it. I guess it’s up to IMC to decide though. We will never know.

But yea, we don’t need more hate in the forums, so people could be a little nicer about it…


AND the banhammer swings down.

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Well, apparently this guy has been posting stuff like:

  • having huge amounts of silver but nothing left to buy on market

  • wanting to buy orange staffs

  • has somehow spent 300$ on the game already

  • he has stacked 400 cards too by lvl 120

And while having all that gathered already he seems to know very little about the game, like asking damage mechanics and guilds. Yet he has managed to accumulate this stuff and spend more money than you can by buying EA packets for one account.



I did see a few bots recently with ign that actually looks “human”. Good luck to those who actually tried botting, but your bot’s algorithm sucks