Tree of Savior Forum

Game access is restricted

Make for indonesia b2p then, i wouldn’t mind if we pay if it means we can play on your server. Because that exactly what we are doing right now.

Just allow existing player to play :smiley:

I agree, or make it b2p for indonesian

Let them who has EA to play on your International server include Indonesia IP, but restrcited redemable gift and restricted new account from Indonesia region that’s not violating region restriction right?

Im an American currently working in Indonesia. I was able to purchase the founders pack 1 on my american steam account (within indonesia) without problems and was able to play without problems.

…Until this morning…

Now ive found that since I currently reside in indonesia I am now unable to play something I have purchased legally. I never use VPN or ever try to cheat the system or anything and I payed in USD Why then am I unable to play?

If the intention from the very beginning was to ip block Indonesia why did IMC and Steam make it available for me to purchase?
I should not have been able to purchase it from the very beginning.

Poor form from both IMC and Steam.


@Staff_Julie @STAFF_Ines please inform us about the progress of this problem. it has been 24 hours since the problem surfaces

Here is what i thought
They as in gemscool felt threatened because most of us more than willing to purchase just to play in steam
Hence they think we will buy their founder pack too later and think the money is better channeled through them for Imc
I know this is crude example
Well ill tell you what, im not trying to tinker with laws or anything but,
As far as i can tell gemscool only purchase the right to held a services in indonesian region
Does inside the term include so all indonesian player MUST played in their server?
For me this just plain beyond stupidity,
Why is that?
Its simply when i love some product, but it already got indonesian franchisee owner while in the past i got seriously uncomfortable violation to our rights as customer,thats not include how they release a B or even C grade game with some serious money grabbing event and close it 2 month later,
So in the past i got problem with the franchiseen owner meanwhile i really loved the product
Does it makes me a criminal if i purchase the product from outside my country? Hence on next time when im going to buy another portion of product the global company of the product say, hello you should buy our product by our product franchisee inside ur country,but yet they clearly didnt know that i got problem with that and im still buying it from global services because i loved or in need of that product thus makes me at mistake?

Well im what am i trying to say is, yes you are selling your license to publish here in indonesia, but are you also selling all the indonesian rights in every household of indonesia to play through them and cant be allowed to choose whats they felt right as customers?
Money making is something but i can assure if you loss portion of your humanity this lead you cant feel your customer’s trouble and needs it wont long last

We indonesian might live in your sold area of rights to publish to gemscool, but that doesnt mean you sold our human rights to choose
Thank you very much and vote me for president lol

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most probably, they won’t care… and this would make a huge dent on this developer’s face. But if they do care however, they’ll surely gaining more than enough fame to the people of indonesia. Profit would surely come to follow…

I feel for you brah, lol they keep viewing us indonesian as 3rd rate country that still primitive
They clearly didnt know how many western roaming our street cassually nowadays in our city capital lol, also they didnt know how good our internet infrastructure now thats why they quarantine us like some ape in a zoo for viewing purpose lol i just feel sad for imc , in the era which we everyday step in on plane and going to work only to comeback with plane across the borders to home, they still doing business by nation tagging

Just gotta drop this:
Indonesians right now are raging wanting them to be allowed to continue to play this game because Indonesian community is full of toxics and cheaters etc. while they themselves are raging within this thread instead of carefully trying to solve this issue with civilization (e.g. voting). Isn’t it ironic?

I mean sure Steam allows you guys to purchase this via VPN/gift/etc. and - let’s be honest - not everybody has the patience/time to read those agreements. If Steam says its redeemable then it is.

The main issue I am seeing is that IMCgames in the first place should have talked this carefully with Steam regarding the restrictions for country is unique; they can’t just apply their standard region restriction.

TL;DR - some of the Indonesians who got banned come over here and flame/rage/etc/younameit instead of trying to resolve this issue carefully.

Wel brother, i most certainly can pinpoint that those who bought founder pack just to join international community is one who will spend ingame or any game lol, the rest of us indonesian is mostly who wait f2p, hence if we do wait a bit until f2p you will see how many indonesian that play in steam, but as i can tell you those who wait f2p usually mostly one that trying to make a penny over a game so, by this scandal most of us who bought the founder pack already said no to our local publisher lol, its just a matter of time they will make another crazy money grabber event then close the server like before when they found they declining in sales

where are all the staffs now? ~~a
we need some news tho…

So you expect an entire nation tos player to just sit down and chill when imc suddenly block their ip regardless the fact that those player purchase/received legit tos EA?

Some of us were toxic I admit that because its just impossible to have an entire nation gamer to behave nice. I dont know about this “cheaters” you were talking about, I demand prove or quotation of IMC statement that the cheaters originated from Indonesia or stop your baseless accusation.

We are trying to resolve this peacefully and still waiting IMC response despite 24 hours without any followup news from IMC.

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Lol, i think if we all call for refund it would be a problem with them too, beside the money definitely received on their end so we purchased it legitly regardless use or not using vpn

Logically speaking getting angry (over your rights of playing video games) doesn’t solve issue either. Sure we’ve all spent at the very least $10 and that is not a small sum for some of us (for me its quite expensive).

About the cheater thing, I’m not saying that they exist in iToS but I’m saying from where Indonesians play (e.g. RFO by Lyt*, Pint Blnk by G*msNotCool).

Sure not all of us are angry teenagers who have nothing better to do than whine when their game is taken away, but those that are - well, they’re not making things better.

And I’m pretty sure that the biggest thing that angers the community is that it has been 24 hours and there is still no official statement from IMCgames regarding this.

Hope you get my point.

I was rather confused reading more and more of the comments in this forum.
I want to be ignorant, but seeing more of the “rage mode” comments, I just can’t anymore. All become a subjective opinion instead of an objective one.

  1. Just be honest with all yourself. IP-block is not a common or first time in game. I bet most of you had already knew that this will happen, yet you all still pretend to be “ignorant” and buying the founders pack, not even once, but twice and more. Now you wanna ask for a refund. Really?
  2. Some of you mention it was gifted. Okay, it doesn’t matter from where you got. But asking a refund for gift? Really?
  3. The important thing now is for the IP-block to be taken, yet you all keep arguing for a refund. Is money really important for you Indonesian people?
  4. Don’t make things harder again. Just STAY CALM. IMC already understand what things has to pin out here. Badmouthing third party won’t make things better. And STOP BEING SUBJECTIVE in comment.

Thanks to be a good forum member.

Just find out from my friend. Apparently, steam now disable the gfit to Indonesia too. So perhaps it’s their stance? They were asking about how Indonesian player can access the game, but to resolve it is to block the gift totally to Indonesian player.

can you stop your caps lock ? it’s you which is on rage.
yes scam also not common, getting scammed and asking refund is ignorant ?
really gift can’t be refunded ? is it your rule ? you making the rules now ?

are you really an user or are you from publisher to keep our mouth shut ?

and look at the amount of indonesians who didn’t bought the pack here… They’re laughing as if mocking us who paid and try so hard to put the blame on the players even though the system and the server clearly allowed the method that’s not even shady at all (they even wrote “indonesia” in the list of redeemable country). These people, they’re either fake accounts made by gesc**l’s staffs, or just asshles who love to see the other’s sadness.

it seems a lot of people accusing indonesian people raging or something…here is the issue…to many ‘kids’ playing online games here…every channel u can find someone begging for 200 500 gold…i rather play p2p monthly on sea server rather than f2p on indonesian server…thats just how big our hate to indonesian publisher…