Tree of Savior Forum

Game access is restricted

This is totally unfair,

First, This Indonesia publisher sucks, we dont want to play there. IMC should consider this, trusting your game to this kind of publisher your game reputation will totally ruined. Go research about it in indonesian market, there is proof everywhere, they let hackers, bots, rmts roaming around, and when the game is dead they closed it, they already closed more than 5 of their games with young ages, around 1-3 years.

Second, This game was said as international server, with sea region server, and your system makes indonesian ppl able to get your ea access and play it from gift (there is proof for this), you didnā€™t ip block indonesia at all from the start. so whose fault is this? (FYI, indonesia is the biggest land on sea region with the highest population, WE represent SEA)

Third, if IMC keep insist on doing this, Playone will channeling for malaysia and singapore to play on indonesia server right? you should ip block malaysia and sg too then. Without ind, my and sg, i definitely sure your SEA server will be lost more than 70% of your players.

So please consider it IMC, we love your game, but not this local publisher.

Sorry for my bad english. thanks


U didnt know how bad indonesia publisher is . thats why we choose to play @ sea server rather than our own server !

Btw aside from all the issues, can somebody give me the link to TOS indonesian community? Iā€™m new here XD

that was a beautiful moment play ToS on International serverā€¦
hope the best for solve this problemā€¦

in case IMC change their minds about this restrictionā€¦
and decide to open to anyone who payed EA
mine is:
team: DewaCopet
Server: SEA

/cheers :joy::heart_eyes::sunglasses:

ah edit:
mine is

(3) gifted from someone from indonesia (i think) and dont know that he/she use vpn or notā€¦

edit 2:

(2) gifted from someone from out on indonesia (SEA)

LOL! so many people complaint, it means THEY PAID LEGALLY THE FOUNDER EA, and PLAY. They Spent Money to play this GAME!


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Let me express my feeling here.
Personally, I think this game is good, even the dev too. My friend always told me that this game have so many bot and gold seller, but I always told them that this game is still on dev, so just relax and let the dev handle this. And you took action by banning about 3k bots and gold sellers :slight_smile:

But today I just felt bad about the team.

  1. Honestly I bought this game because my friends from another country recommended it. I have another community from another SEA game (hint DN from CC :p), have you ever thought about this? When we want to continue to play with our another community? But you restricted it by forcing us to play locally. Isnā€™t is better to let we choose if we want to play the at SEA / Local server?
  2. I donā€™t mind if you ever took our money, I respect the developer, but if the situation like this can you think about another solution? Many people bought this game from reseller, so they like ā€œthis reseller is a trusted seller, so if I buy from him/her, I wont got into troubleā€. But now? Its not like the reseller want to take guarantee from the customer right?
  3. I have seen a product in steam which have a single country restriction like " this product canā€™t be redeem in this country: xx". So why you even not setting it up like that? Will you refund our money with this misunderstanding?

Probably express more if I think its worth to disscuss :slight_smile:

how you can pay the game legally when you cant even access the store page from indonesiaā€¦

gift and buy from friend who have access, legal also right?

got invite that says redeemable in indonesia
ilegal ? wow ask steam :slight_smile:

ive been doin it a lot
got 30++games
steam didnt ban me

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Dear IMC
i have few question for you.

  • did u review Indonesian game provider before you sell ur lisence to them?
  • do you know how worse is Gemscool that make us not even want to play if its provided by them?
  • and last things i wish you can re think why we trying our way to play in steam server (which have higher ping) than playing server that provided by our own country game provider?
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Number 2
my cousin bought it for me ,
i even think to rebuy when discount
but this happend, you lock us?
come on you restricted us?
how about our precious time playing wasting my precious life and grinding in this game,
how about my cousin and other people effort to buy?
how could you say we violate
if you want to say indonesia prohibit, then Please please please Just DELETE the SEA Server, Change it To only recieve, malay , singapore,filipina , myanmar server, you GUYS RAcist donot acknowledge indonesian people
and see our belover indonesia publisher gemscool??, still not open yet
you sure want to give the right to gemscool?
you know why we trying so hard, so we can playing in International server?
cos we know indonesian as you pay alot you can get SUPER Imba Enchancement Scroll guarantee 3 stats, or neverbroke enhance anvil as long as you got money you got service, and i know International server wonā€™t be like this
See what happen like RAGnarok Online 2 (one of the biggest publisher LYTO, gemscool like nothing to them in INDonesia), in the near 1-2 year(after gemscool open) they disband and indonesian people will come to transfer to SEA
See What Happen To Seal Online INdonesia atons of cheater ruin it
compare to International(all seal indonesian run to it)
This Year you know ITs Start the MEA(Masyarakat ekonomi ASia you can Search it in google) thats mean people all from asia can go to indonisia and vice verse, and you still block us?, thats mean you guys break ASian Rule Not only SEA rule
we realy suport u guys , try to give feedback, or report bot, and many more
but cos of this really broke my heart
if you guys keeping like this,
this cool game wonā€™t so long
Sory for SUCKS in English
SIncerely : team name : Killuz ( if you want to banned Permanent) or my real name : Adriel Chandra
Server : Orsha ( unanswer transfer to Telsiai)


Then Ask Steam for Refund if that possibleā€¦

Lets all steam-refund this

do you really think i care about money? all i care is the fun playing game and the server team fast respon in BOT,Cheat,etc
why would i risk my time in playing international with higher ping if my own country can provide same service?


woi open server woi !
woi IMC open SEA Server for Indonesian player
listen to me, open server and this problem will solved

some indo haters there lol

Julie please read thisā€¦ thx


@Staff_Julie Please read

yeah im agree with you , go make some poll again IMC

embargo this game from indonesian publisher

even GOD give us a choice