Tree of Savior Forum

Game access is restricted

greenlight got “red light”

Keep it civilized folks

IMHO, people liked to support of the Developer directly than Second or Third Party Publisher.
For me The Reason is Simple, Usualy Developer that publish the game directly love and care about their game more than their love for Money.
and honestly thats were rare these days

The large crowd gathering here, seems diehard fans willing to cross boundries to play your games - what a developer can ask more than having such a fan

IMC this is your first game published, right. and you will leave a mark here
with how you handle this situation, either you will become respected and beloved, or you will leave bitter taste to (maybe quite a lot) mouth of many player here.

Either way,
I hope you guys will come to Acceptable decision



I Bought all of the EA and wanna buy all the new Stuffs (discount EA)
It was like spent all of my times and a month of my salary :laughing:

Do Your Best IMC
I’m Sure u guys will do the BEST
I personally will always respect ur decisions :blush:

@GM_Sebastian @GM_Francis
@Staff_Julie @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_John @STAFF_J @STAFF_Ethan

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I think you guys deserve at least a refund from Steam if IMC is firm on its decision on banning Indonesian IP and players in general.

IMC should follow Tera Online on what they did before. They blocked IP addresses from SEA players on EU servers, but they allowed the SEA players that were currently playing before the date of IP block to play on EU.

dear IMC, you already make a move, so finish that move to stop this mess:

  1. Ban SG MY People from this game cause it already happenig (CBT announced)
  2. Ban every country who have their own TOS server soon before CBT already announed
  3. Change Name from Tree Of Savior (english Ver.) to Tree Of Savior EU server
  4. Give all region lock to country who already have their own TOS server (should contact Steam and dont pretend you didnt know any rule in steam)
  5. Only EU player can play this game, buy dlc, and use steam wallet for TP cash
  6. Remove SEA server from your game
  7. Remove RMT, BOT, and Spam bot (if you could ban a thousan player in single country, so why not)
  8. Enjoy

NB: if you didnt want follow that steps, just change name to Tree Of Savior International, and welcome all people in every country to play this game.


What if they don’t refund but instead transfer every single thing to Indonesian server? You still have your account and pretty much everything, perhaps with some in-game coins for cash-shop.

(2) were gifted the founder’s pack from someoune outside.

this has been in my mind for a while now and finally the ip restriction came out.

this is sad, you should at least dont went full PlayP*rk and only applied the ip restriction after many players from said country has already invested, not only their money but their mind and time.

guess the local publisher went full panic when they realized most of the players would prefer the international server lel.

inb4. if this is really about the localized version in the said country, then how about the SG player ? (

will you ban them too? lel. the sea server will be relocated to sg, it would be ironic if you ban them.

but if you don’t. isnt it seems… unfair?
lol. what would you do now?

k, waiting for the official statement.
i dont give a damn about the money spent, but please, dont waste my time.


Team name: Lunetia
Server: Telsiai

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#Let’s put more oil… to the ice… :laughing:
This thread has gone out of rage. Let’s cool down and let IMC staff handles this. I’m sure they will come out with the best solution for everyone whose current location is Indonesia.

Moderator @Staff_Julie , please lock this thread to avoid more rage. Thanks

not easy like placing claymore with sapper skill…

Hi i don’t know if you’re joking or don’t understand law.
Next time if you get scammed online by people from other countries then don’t report it since the rule is different.

this maybe will be eye opener for you

DUDE! C’mon man that is totally not the same. We want to play in International server. Not the items!

I will still play in international server even if they erased our characters!

Much better than playing in Indonesian local publisher!


you people must not read this when you bought the game right

the thing is, we didnt know the agreement between IMC with indo publisher
(gemscool) and IMC with MY SG publishers. so please refrain yourself from commenting shithole comments. and think before you state your arguments.

Lets just mass-steam-refund then if we cant play this anymore
Let steam handle it

getting sleepy, so … to imc staffs
hope u guys can release us plebs to play ur game again sooner or later . i dnt wnt to hear smth like refund or whatsoever it’s called later, since i am a gamer here not a mom for being so stingy about $ .

g’nite .

btw , like ur post there ordinary_eins

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please read this @Staff_Julie

IMC should have given us freedom to choose. Its Sea Server after all
I dont care about TOS indo version , i never like IDN publisher all they care is money not the player , at first the server will be good but when its getting old they wont care about bot/cheater and in the end they just close the game as they pleased.
Please reconsider banning indo player from sea , mostly they will choose Sea server rather than Indonesia server
Thank You.

We Indonesian people are not really toxic people. We come in peace. We just wanna play TOS with IMC. Just give us a chance.

Ahh… so this is what it feels like to be an international refugee.You want to move away because your native country is ravaged by war, famine, corruption, discrimination, or whatever. The people in charge never give a ■■■■ about you, so you move to other country as refugee.

Same can be said here: we are moving away because the people who are supposed to take care of the game and regulate it only cares about lining their own pockets. Who’s that pokemon? Well, gemscool. Their reputation are infamous for being incapable of enforcing game’s rule, resulting in decaying of said games.

There’s bad people out there, same can be said for good people. This is worth fighting for.

team name: Excelsus
server: SEA
[2] gifted from someone to my steam account.

I miss my monk ;_; I want to see her grow and one hit kill a boss with single kame hame ha.

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its ez to change the rule, since we already sign to accept the rule, it does not mean a changed rule applied…

time who can answer question, what country will make a move to make another TOS server maybe next america, rusia, or maybe cuba… we didnt know what will happend next…

so if IMC ready to make International TOS so do it fully international not like this… let assume IMC not ready to make an “International” game…