Tree of Savior Forum

Full Dark DPS Wizard Build: Wiz 3 > Linker > Sorc 2 > Warlock explained in details

I like to ask how did you lvl with your build? Since you only have EQ at rank 1 until Wiz 3 how is lvling to Wiz 3 with that build?


Cafrisun Set + Pardoner buffs and you donā€™t need anything before MM + JP.

hi andre, iā€™m wondering what about your leveling methods, are u clearing all the maps, quest while farming ? or just passing with yellow quests? can you tell me please your build and stat distribution with r8? other question are, i can farm a nice amount of silver with that build? iā€™ll be my first char, my higher lv are 151 atm, and i want a farmer / grind class


Itā€™s all up to how you want to farm your silvers, there are many ways to do it, like:

  • AFK Shops: Pardoner, Squire, Oracle, Enchanter.

  • AFK Farmer: Necro

  • Dungeon Farmer: Scout C3, most linker-warlock builds can do this too.

  • DP/Royal Silver Farmer: Any Wiz C3 > Warlock C2 build.

Do all quests, yellow and blue, before level 200 always do missions everyday and try to get power levels from level 30+ on Royal and 130+ on DP2.

Yes, this build, as any Warlock build mostly, can farm tons of silver :smiley:

full INT, all CON, HP and matk possible gear.

i dindā€™t like the shop way, i like the grinding / drop items way like dungeons, also i want a farmer build that could be my main char you knowā€¦

Wiz 3 > Linker 3 > Warlock 2 - best overall silver farmer.

Archer2/3 > Ranger 0/1 > Scout C3 > Falconer > Mergen - best dungeon/item farmer

Wiz 3 > Linker 2 > Necro 3 - best afk

all solid builds that can be played until level 330

Wiz 3 > Elementalist 3 > Warlock C2 or Linker C1+ > Sorcerer/Necro C1+ > Warlock C2 are also good for farming dungeons and silvers as a Warlock.

thnx for your help man

Hi, your build is so fun! What is the best weapon, iā€™m currently wiz3/linker1/sorcerer2/warlock1 lvl 240?
I hesitate between maga rod or superior corona rod
Dark Theurge scale better with magic attack than elemental attack?
because maga rod gives 194MA+68EPA=262 damages
superior corona rod gives 267MA
i know superior corona rod gives more MA with enhancement than maga rod but i will not upgrade them above +10 and the difference is just +15MA


hey andre, im still following your guide but i stop at lvl 190 since the Ai of sorc is really bad and now i want to go back. but then how are the things going for your sorc/lock? please do tell me your pros and cons or even a short story after reaching r8. i dont mind reading long paragraphs :]


is this still the build the you are going for right now?



Hey man, glad you like it!

Both are viable, I would suggest you though to get +10 SCR, Catacombs Club or Five Hammer (lv 6 Blue or Red Gems).

The reason for that is you are not going to transcend items before level 315 so you should search for the best matk sources around.

As far as I have tested it Elemental Damages act EXACTLY the same as matk for magical damage so yes, Maga Rod is a viable option, but only if you have the recipe and I like Cata/Five better for the fact that you can use those on multiplies alts.

So, in short, Maga Rod is too expensive and not as good as costly, if you are willing to go for high budget weapons just stop a SCR at +10 with 2 level 6 gems and you should do more than fine before you get the level 315 Rod. (or Orange Club if we ever get it).


Hey, so here it goes:

  • Sorcerer is, overall, underwhelming right now.

  • About itā€™s AI, it really is bad BUT, it is still the best pet AI in the game to be honest. Try to use less Hold and Attack Ground, get used to using Ride as much as possible (because it is getting buffed). If you just go walking with TS and get used to kiting always close to him, you should face little to no problems with his AI, obviously, if you move one step to far you will end his hitting streak so you have to really get used to it.

  • Notice I say underwhelming, not weak. My TS curretly hits ~5k x2 on normal attacks and 7k+ on crits at level 307.

  • The best points of Sorcerer, on Rank 8, is due to a few facts:

ATK x High-mdef mobs. The fact that Temple Shooter is the ONLY Wizard source of Physical attacks makes it very useful against high mdef mobs.

Familiar, despite being Single-target damage, has 80% of your matk as itā€™s base damage, itā€™s currently the skill with the best Base Damage scaling in the game.

+5 AoE attack ratio means a LOT to Swordies and Archers, which is important now that they are the best at every sort of DPS.

  • Aside from that, Sorcerer is getting buffed. We canā€™t know how it will turn out but it is always good to know the devs understand the class need fixes/buffs.

This is what it actualy looks like right now since apparently Drain is useless:

And for last, my short story about R8, the true version:

As soon as Rank 8 came out things became problematic for Sorcerer, a few maps could make me simply drop my 10* Temple Shooter and that was too much to be honest, it simply meant Rank 7 was as far as Sorc or Necro would go, no one would feel like heavily investing in one character (since all Wizards need heavy weapon investments right now) knowing they wouldnā€™t be able to fully enjoy a few maps or, when Rank 9 comes and maybe 70%+ of the maps are 4*, enjoy the game at all.

Then it came to me that they would eventualy understand that dropping cards is a mistake (which they finaly did) and now they are even buffing Sorcerer. This all brings Sorcerer easily back to the game, we WILL need heavy weapon investment but I HONESTLY think that with the new buffs Sorcerer will be more valued.

If you think about multipliers, WIz 3 + Sorcerer + Warlock got 200% x 150% x 110% = 330% on any dark spell, If you ever reach, for example, ~5k matk, your familiar would have ~4k Base Damage, and your Temple Shooter skills (if you end up having the new ride attribute at ~100%) should end up doing ~10k more damage per tick, physical so no cares for high-mdefs. This can actualy turn Rapid Shot into a GREAT burst but, again, we donā€™t have the buffs yet, I donā€™t have the silvers to test that sort of weapon so itā€™s all Wizardā€™s math.

LAST BUT NOT LEAST: At level 290 Dungeon, I ALWAYS get 1st~2nd place, this build is GREAT vs. single targets. Familiars + DT allow me to explode a pack of 6 linked mobs (Dandel is AWESOME) in ~3 seconds, talking about Tymerys mobs here because thatā€™s where you grind to 317 anyway, Swordies and Archers love +5 AoE attack ratio, for Mergens AAR is actualy more important than most people understand. Summoning is not a DD SKILL, it is a DD BUFF and that is why it canā€™t be too strong, because you simply lose nothing by him standing up next to you, no time on your rotation, no need to aim him, just a little SP. Ride is great because it provides you a countless number of filler skills for your rotation, all y ou need to do is select the boss with the right skills.

So, in short, this build is still solid, the more link-resistant mobs we get, the more common Linker C1 will get, simply because thereā€™s no reason to be able to link 11 mobs when less than half the pack can be JPā€™ed. Sorcerer is not as weak as most people think though it takes a lot to learn on how to manage it best. ANY WIZARD BUILD WILL NEED ~50m+ invested into their weapon to stay relevant in level 315+ and THAT is the reason why Iā€™m slowing this build down.

I wonā€™t ever delete it, I really love this character and it is GREAT on PvP and GvG and still very good at PvE, my thing is now Iā€™m addicted to Clerics (playing 3 of those) because Wizards are simply not worth it before Rank 9 (NO WIZARD BUILD CAN MATCH Miko + PD 2 FOR EXAMPLE IN DD TERMS, NOT EVEN ELEMEME).


Hey thx for your reply!
Now what should i take:
4 Virtov Plate
3 Virtov Plate+gloves in cloth for Magic Ampli because the accuracy is pretty useless on wiz but i lost bonus 4 set virtov+attribute
3 Virtov Plate+Wind Runner
And what are the best Gems (blue/yellow/red) in armor/pants/boots?


Iā€™m going for 3 Virtov Plate + Wind Runner, if you compare gloves to any other piece of gear you will see that the magic damage they give is not that game changing.

For example, Wind Runner gives +3 movspeed, Movement Speed is very good at any aspect of the game, it letā€™s you flee from stuff and reach stuff faster, if you consider you would need 3 hats with +1 mov speed to equal that, which can mean up to 300+ worth in matk stuff if you went for attack properties or magic attack instead, itā€™s also a safe place to put your Dandel Gem and is the only show with 3 gem slots (great for gem revamp)

If you feel like you got too much HP go for Virtov Plate + Pants, with good gems you should already get 20k+ HP, so those 1700 HP from attributes may eventualy be neglible if you get a very good glove. Closing sets of gear starts being less important since anything gives 10~20 CON now (20 CON = 1700 HP = lvel 50 attribute for plate mastery)

I went full yolo and not sure if this is viable. My build is wiz 3 linker 2 sorcerer 2. Iā€™m planning to make it sage to be viable.

Pros is that you have cheap attributes as a sorcerer. No heavy investments. Con is the 4 star maps. They say that cards in the grimoir wont drop but not sure about that.

so i put Red gems in Pants an Yellow Gems in Wind Runner waiting for Dandel Gem? Or Itā€™s better to use Blue Gems in Wind Runner and Yellow Gems in Pants for more Defense?
I play with Maga Rod/Venom+ 2 Hats with HP/MATK so i will have 19k HP without HP Gems in pants/boots and Plate Attribute

Good read thank you!

btw, is morph skill even worth casting it? if yes what are the cards would be good from it? another 10* TS ? or Tomb lord? or Ellagnos?


you inferior warlocks fighting each other really need to see this pyro with agni

Yeah its ridiculus. A rank 2 class with Agni is better than a rank 7. I hope warlocks get in rank 10 something like Agni to compensate this humiliation.

for starters warlocks didnt even reach circle 3 :slight_smile:

I also remember necros saying that tho. What they got in r3 is an upgrade of their main arsenal and a useless rank 3 skill. I could be wrong. Warlock 3 might be good for single target again im sure. It could also have aoe skill but lets see. It can also end up like necro 3 though. Level 15 dark theurge and useless rank 3 skills.

well warlock is a dark damage dps class
they wouldnā€™t make a dps class with bad dps
look at any post rank 6 dps class that reached its 3rd circle
fencer, doppel, SR, even dragoon didnt even reach circle 3 and its already amazing dps
ddidnt really play a necro, but otheer than flesh cannon i donā€™t think its really a "dps class"
all they did is add summons rather than add damage