Tree of Savior Forum

Full Dark DPS Wizard Build: Wiz 3 > Linker > Sorc 2 > Warlock explained in details


Look kid, I will make a few quick topics, I won’t waste more time on you, if you want you can just keep on acting like a spoiled brat but I won’t give you the attention you want anymore:

  • Elememe is strong, Rank 8 brings content which lowers a lot magical damage and lots of Flying mobs. Still strong simply because mostly all DPS Wizards are weak.

  • I have never told anyone this was a meta build, it’s a build I came up with before the game (OBT) came out and I LOVE it. I can solo 145 runs in 15~20 minutes, farm anything as a Warlock, got mad skills for PvP and can keep up with Rank 8 PvE.

  • I AM making a “meta” build for myself (Bok > PD) but I’m pretty sure my Wizard build will survive through Rank9/10 and i’ll end up keeping both alive.

  • You said I got nothing, I got 50~60 mil invested in attributes, 20+ mil on gears, 0 $ spent on the game, just farming silver instead of pointlessly leveling.

  • For most guys out there: Don’t do this build if you want to do ET mainly. It is very hard and relies a lot on your party since Frost Cloud is simply too strong in this dungeon, for this purpose go Linker 3 or Elememe 3.

Well I am a new player, and if you had actually read his post you would know that allot of the things you are claiming he claims he actually does not claim.

In the freaking first part of his post I will quote: ‘‘Just so newbies don’t get lost: Right now Wiz 3 > Ele 3 is the most solid DPS wizards build, I’m playing this build because I don’t really enjoy Elementalist’’… do I need to continue… no I don’t

This is just a personal attack and clearly you are a person who thrives on trying to cast a shadow over others so you can look better yourself, you don’t do this for the people in the forums but for yourself, you are egoistic and sad trying to drag others down for only your own personal benefits then trying to cast it off as doing it for others.

I would challange you to a duel of intelligence, but I see you are unarmed, so ■■■■ off you insect.

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beat this. killing 2x 330mobs in 10 seconds.


Seriously? +15 T3 315 Rod?

If anyone who still don’t own a level 315 weapon yet is playing a bad build than I just have nothing to say.

Whenever I get my hands on such a weapon I will gladly post some video with what I can do.

You are just another kid to be honest, I already said that at most circunstances NOTHING IN THE WIZARD BRANCH BEATS ELEMEME.

Simply because the game design is bad and almost all wizard trees are thrash.

maybe you should post a video on how fast you can clear a pack of 330 mobs with this build then.


Choose any dungeon or high level map you like and make a video soloing it, I will post a video of me simply doing it faster.’

there you go. simple challenge given to you.


Brat, I am not at level 330, I am at level 295, not doing quests as I’m currently working on alts (15 event runs a day), did exploration but I’m still saving the cards.

If those mobs are not JP-resistant I ASSURE you I will kill a 6-pack of those when I reach 330 and get such weapon.

Look, I made that challenge, you make a video, YOUR VIDEO, with YOUR BUILD, YOUR GEAR.

Don’t understand why you have to resort to calling names when someone is trying to prove you wrong.

I’m done here. I have already proven what is right or wrong here. Have fun leading on people here that this build is good.

From the looks of it all you needed was warlock2 and your gear am I correct?


Oh my god, whatever, just so you don’t sleep thinking you really are smart:

  • Find a video of my build, at that level, with that sort of gear, trying to do the same.

  • I don’t have that sort of gear so I can’t compare, if you want I can do raw math but I doubt you would understand, just think about 40 hits with way higher base daamge than frost clouds, more multipliers all being shared through 6 targets.

Anyway, I’ll really stop responding this sort of comment, Wiz 3 > Ele 3 > Warlock 2 is stronger overall than my build for PvE, I have NEVER said anything against that.

Been reading your forum posts for awhile and I know that you are someone who will NEVER admit defeat and insist that you are right about everything.

I quote again,


Choose any dungeon or high level map you like and make a video soloing it, I will post a video of me simply doing it faster.’

high level map

btw thats my elewl.


Cool, you got very nice gear and attributes, whenever I get my build to that point I will make a video so we can compare.

I was thinking about Tymerys or level 145 dungeon as I have already specified my Warlock is still at level 295.

So now everyone have been stalking me for a while, hates my build and think Elementalist 3 should be the only path for a Wizard. Guess what, I like Sorcerer, I don’t like Elementalist, I say my character is strong, if you are that dope, make one with your gear and attributes and prove I’m wrong.

I don’t have to be in a rush to compete with your overgeared videos. You say I’m making newbies make mistakes? They barely know that with their gear (not +15, not 315, not T3) and attribute they would NEVER finish a high Mdef mob with Frost Cloud only.

Tbh you aren’t even 320+ yet and you are actually saying that build will outclass ‘elememes’.

Elememes will still deal more damage with 1.8-2k matk which is EASILY attainable after today’s patch.

Please post a video of you clearing packs at timerys with LINKER1.


Catacombs Club = ~350 matk with gems, 1k less than your cool weapon.

attributes all at 50, Theurge at 56, have been spending attributes on my Plague Doctor until all ~80 than back to Warlock’s.

Tbh dps is decent only because of link + mm/dt . However wasting 2 circles on sorc is so bad. Bats dealing pretty bad damage and summons being irrelevant. Btw attributes doesn’t really matter unless you hit the MATK threshold against 320+ mobs.

I have a linker sorc myself I know the limitations for DPS with this build. The only thing carrying you through is link + MM/DT.

Also there is no need to be sarcastic in every single of your posts.


Sorry for being sarcastic but you were being rude from the very beginning.

Familiars do a LOT of damage, it’s just “hard” to see. They act as 10+ hits added up to DT. Each Splash (5% chance) they trigger will hit the 6 mobs and so add 6 more hits to be multiplied.

Familiar has it’s base damage = 80% of you matk, at my low gear I get 1,2k Base Damage on Familiar, IF I had 2,5k matk as you do, my Familiar would have 2k Base Damage.

MM is actualy very weak, you can see it at the end of the combos, the core of my burst is DT + Familiars. DT + Fam is ~30% stronger than DT alone on linked mobs.

I know you need to go over the matk threeshold and I make this build because everything has good BASE DAMAGE scaling, TS only lack multipliers (which can be given through JP).

On the second video you can see his attacks get actauly strong against Linked targets due to how JP is working.

My point was mainly to prove Linker C1 is enough I guess, and you saw me unleash 3 skills + TS hits ,with low attributes and “poor” gear, and not break JP before Tymerys mobs were dead.

I KNOW Elementalist C3 can do awesome damage, I just don’t want people to keep saying stuff about this build when they have barely played it.

I don’t judge people for playing Sorcs but if anyone is planning to do end game content should definitely not go for this build I feel for every single wizard DPS build because of weak we are right now.

I’ve heard about how bad Sorc’s are at 310-320+ maps other than card dropping upon death. So that is where I got my info from and thus my opinions on this build or rather on how Sorc’s perform in high level maps.


Look, Temple Shooter has ~4,8k base attack, agains def mobs, which do not really go over 600~800 I think. He deals ~4,4k on most R8 mobs for 6,6k crits, and I’m pretty sure I’ll get it to ~6k base attack at level 330.

The number of maps with 4stars is very limited, in those maps all Sorc provides is Familiars, Salamion for some aggro, +5 AoE attack ratio is pretty good for Sman/Archer and well, 6 mob-JP instakill.

You do realise how slow TS attacks right? Like 1 hit every 2 seconds. 320+ mobs go above 400k as well. Not sure how you even think it is even viable.

2 hits every 2 seconds.

JP level 6 makes it 6x faster, the problem is I actualy have to deal (mobs_HP)/60 per hit.