Tree of Savior Forum

Full Dark DPS Wizard Build: Wiz 3 > Linker > Sorc 2 > Warlock explained in details

Warlock’s single target and aoe damage is garbage.

This class is mostly based on playing with enemies souls which is nice BUT garbage as long as you need to last hit monsters to get the souls. I also gave up the hope that Warlock gets some kind of love in circle 3 and I guess the dmg still will be bad. My only hope is that circle 3 gets an attribute such that souls are also generated if party members kill monsters and a % attribute for Invocation then Warlock actually gets good again. Otherwise it’s more like a low level bullying class.

well sadhu without hengstone.

warlock 2 isnt the case though. They need linker to be effective. Rank 3 might end up like an upgrade of their main dps like necro or be good like ele 3. We’ll see.

@Sciguma. Thank God you understand. People have high expectations on warlock.

Well I already stated my 2 cents. Time to go away. As a warlock main it isnt impressive and im not expecting it to be good in rank 3. Ciao.

good thing my future warlock got linker c2 :slight_smile:
you really need high attribute for DT in order for it to deal good damage

Bad news:
Most monsters are Link immune in 310+ content.

That happens if people actually main (mained) Warlocks. I am also out.

Last note for anyone who wants to roll a Warlock and expects damage in the future: Be prepared to be disappointed.

Today I was triying to solo Practonium quest map. I said to my self, with the changes in Def maybe I can do it.

Bad news guys. With 1500 Physical Defense I still get two shooted, and now mobs have Dark Resistance, I was doing 2k damage with Dark Theurge to mobs in that map.

I quit Warlock until rank 9.

If someone if leveling a Warlock, I suggest you to leave it and level another char, the future of Warlock right now is the same as the Necromancer, just a silver farmer.

are the damage combo of link JP+HK+MM and TS summon still reliable for rank 8 environment?

I doubt it. Yesterday my Magic Missile was hiting by 1 damage in rank 8 map

How is this build right now? I wanna give it a try becos Im bored of cryokino lol

Is good until rank 7. Will improve a bit with new Sorcerer 2 attribute thats adds your Magic Attack to Summon (not in Itos yet).

Just put another TS on the second slot and have fun spamming your summon’s skills while using Ride.

Just: Summon> Ride > shoot > morph > ride > shoot > repeat

if your summons last hit it doesn’t generate a spirit ? ouch…

Ill give an update. Im still 1 dps in pre-rank 8 content of my level (317), like saalus or 290 rush. The problem is rank 8 maps mobs have a lot of magic resistance and dark resistance.
So its imposible for me solo farm any map of rank 8.

I still have 170 weapon, that gives me 500 magic attack, 1600 total (and im first in saalus, etc). But I saw a video or photo fo some mage that transcend the Vienarazis Staff and still hiting mobs for 1 damage in rank 8 maps.

Still, if you have a party to help you, you can do something in rank 8 maps, not much.

I predict for rank 9 the future of Warlock. If warlock 3 dont get any damage multipliyer or magic resistance debuff, or some type of agni necklace (this is a humulliation that a rank 3 or 4 class with agni do more dps than a rank 7 class)…then warlock 3 will be a waste. And we better pray that Shadowmancer will be release in rank 9 and chances that.