Tree of Savior Forum

Full Dark DPS Wizard Build: Wiz 3 > Linker > Sorc 2 > Warlock explained in details

Hi andre, I am a novice looking to play this build and i have a question.

I know TS scales with intelligence, but some say TS starts to fall off since 230+ and cant even survive since 290+

is this true? this makes me feel like im going for link1-sorc1-necro3

i love your builds, Thanks in advance.


I am level 270 and my TS doesn’t die at anything that is not way over my level. Even at missions with levels 280 he generaly survives 30+ seconds. is enough for you to apply Theurge+Familiars on top of him and take no damage from those bosses, release his skills and get off him near the boss to cast Pole of Agony.

You don’t rely on him as your DPS, he is mostly like a DPS buff, you still rely on your other skills.

Necro 3, DPS-wise, is mostly flesh cannon, Necro minions have low HP and are stupid.

As I said, if you want Necro 3, take Linker 2 instead of Sorc 1.

We all love … this build is

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actually venom is pretty bad compared to karacha if you are trying to deal maximum damage. I only have 30 con and venom is never needed in my build. 13k hp is sufficient for all end game content right now.

13k hp maybe sufficient in pve but not in pvp unless you have a linker3 and cleric in party :slight_smile:

is not enough for Et lol

its enough for et. i was clearing 1-5 easily with 13k hp.

Because 1-5 is easy :sweat_smile: , next floors are kinda hard if u dont have a good amount of Hp…

Hmm for ET you either have ~12.5k or ~18k lol. Between that range it doesnt make much a difference since you still die in 3 hits.
So 12.5k+ is fine for the most part between 1-20F. Depends on party setup too i guess, a more defense party (1 ele 1 chrono) can afford having a 12k hp ele. Having 18k+ hp hurts dps somewhat.

I have almost this Hp (17,9 atm) and Im full int lol

full int is nice, but know that you sacrificed DPS for HP elsewhere : P

@moises_andre12 é do Brasil ?

My question is… I started play now, what build in your opnion the best for PVP or PVE?


Or Elem?

What you think? Can help me?

Ty :slight_smile:

the 1st one is better, look that “best” for what u want is different that best of pure dmg.

So… What build is pure dmg? @DacreFullbuster

elementalist because of frost cloud, but is not the best for pvp

Hum… For PVE right?

But PVP better Psy? Cryo?

yeah, or this build sorc2lock great to kill in pvp


Elememe at rank 7 beats anything at PvE. Be it a mage or any other class. Gets undergraded on rank 8 but is still top-tier agains large crowds like ET.

WB is for Fletchers at rank 7 and Swordies at rank 8.

PvP is Dragoon 2, Warlock 2 and as always, almost any cleric at rank 8 if he plays good enough.

In Wizard ranks. top tiers would probably look like this:

Warlock C2

Kino C3 (Raise + control, DD and warp skills)

Sage C1 (missile hole)

Cryo C3 (CC, if there is Oracle or PD (pretty common) on opposite team, sh*t-tier)

Sorcerer C2+ (Hold + Bat crowd)

Necro C3



Humm… What you think ?

For PVE = Wiz3 + Elem3 is sucess! And WL C2

For PVP = Wiz + Cyo3 + Kino C3! Maybe… Rune Caster?

Never see Sorcerer in PVP or Necro.

For SUPP = Wiz+ Cryo3 + Chrono3 + Sage

I don’t know… I’m lost in choose.


This build is good at both PvP and PvE.

I still didn’t make videos but I haven’t been playing much PvP lately due to bad scheduling.

It’s just not meta for ET.

I THINK (not sure at all, just think) elememe will be sort of a bad pick at rank 9 for 3 wasted ranks on Frost Cloud, but as of rank 8 it is not.