Well, now with sage making 105 bats, sorc2 lock died now… or no?!
Not died at all. It seems someone duplicated bats and gets 105 of them, but they dont attack, and duplicated objects count as lv1, so if the duplicated bats does damage wich they dosent, is counts as level1 spell. Others saids, fireball duplicated only hit by 1 damage. So or its bugged or a bad spell.
The problem with bats is that if you are not linking, they take their time to fly to the objective, and they go in a linear way. Imagine 105 of them going one by one. Its a lot of time to do that damage. Besides, bats can be knocback, or can attack to dead targets. With warlock 2 you have more spells to cast.
Dps has to go to Warlock2 at last. Its the best option.
I’m going Warlock 2 for Warlock 3.
Frost Cloud falls off because Archers, Bokor PD and Swordman can do more damage than the single skill Elememe has.
Elememe won’t completely fall off because Eletrocute gets stronger and Frost Cloud still does good damage (10 seconds is too much to be honest though)
In ET, Linker C1 level 5 JP and Sorcerer’s +5 AoE attack ratio (3 targets), when Linker gets “nerfed”, will both be pretty useful. With a high AoE attack ratio meelee classes can hit 10+ targets on their own.
By Rank 9 Frost Cloud will be way too slow and weak probably, since we are going to have 2 new classes, Warlock’s and Featherfoot’s C3 and Sage’s C2.
Please consider. At Rank 8 Frost Cloud is still good enough, it’s problem is the same as Flame Ground when rank 9 comes, everyone will have 9 circles of spells, most of the new ones are completely overwhelming compared to the old ones.
Murmillos, Doppels C3, Fencers C3 and Dragoon C2 can do “millions” of damage in few seconds.
@moises how about with the stats of wiz3linker1sorc2wl1 is it full int or con?
full int
No con at all? Not even 5:1 or 4:1?
no, u can get con / hp from items , u just need int, I have 0 con and 16,3k hp
I have matk +m.amp items. Where else should i get hp from then?
better to use Hp hair costumes (700k~800k hp each) , since u can get m amp from gloves…
3 plate parts can give u 1,7k hp with atribute lv 50
Collection bonus can give u like 305 hp if Im right, also these items
Rhevisan bracelet 12 con
Virtov Plate Robe 1,591 Hp
Virtov Plate Pants 1,430 Hp
Maga rod 1,292 Hp
Beetleback shield 1,615 Hp
Didel Tower shield 11con
Max Petamion 14con
Lolopanther plate leggings 1,684 Hp
Lolopanther Robe 2,103 Hp
Lolopather Plate greaves 561 hp
Superior Royal Guard greaves 425Hp
You can also use red gems lv 6 or 5 in your top and bottom parts
I still dont have my Virtov plate robe and Im crafting my lolo plate leggings atm , with these 2 items and didel shield I can get like 20k hp+ . You can get more Hp by awakening your gear, I have 625 Hp in my lolo gloves
You reckon i use max peta over animis?
For this build , Max Peta is a lot better than animus, since you are full int, because animus only works with your natural Hp recovery that comes from your con…
Between the 14 con + 14 int (~16 stat investment) I would get from max petamion, I would much rather have the 33 int + 80 mag amp (20+ stat investment) of an animus.
Wont comment on top tier headgear since they are a pain in the butt to find nowadays. But you could be having 3 90+ offensive potential hats instead of some 2400 extra hp.
Going full int means youre invested in dps, might as well not have so much hp and invest some more.
Each points invested in CON equals 3,8 points in terms of INT.
From 14 CON + 14 INT you are actualy getting 70 stats in terms of INT (considering each point you save on your CON will give you 3,8 INT by going fullINT.
Animus is a lot better if you are seeking for some more damage, you can get enough CON and HP from other gears and all and still use Animus.
You can put as much point on CON as you’d like, but the thing is, almost every piece of equipment can provide you lots of CON and HP after level 220.
Yes, as I said before, I can understand why you are going with Necro 1, but I would wait to know if Necro 3 is awesome before taking Warlock to be honest, Necro 2 is really bad but Ele 2 was too, so who knows right?
Hi, andre im still looking for some insights since im just a sorc2. i was wondering if taking warlock route is still good or going to necromancer 3? since necromancer 3 is out what are your opinions?
… and the duplicate from sage seems useless…im still hoping for warlock 3. if they both suck. well im going linker 2 like one of your guide.
As you already are a Sorc 2 there is no reason for you to go down the Necro path.
Necro is only good at it’s 3rd circle and paired with Linker 2. Taking Sorc 1 in a Necro 3 build is a mistake.
Wiz 3 > Linker > Sorcerer 2 > Warlock, to me, is still the only Warlock path doable aside from Elememe.
Linker 1+ are very wanted at ET since JP is much better than it used to be (and probably won’t be put back in a bad state now that other things are more OP, though MM won’t finish everything).
When it comes to Wizard alternative DPS builds for ET, anything with Linker C1+ can be used, this is a booster to all types of damages, together with +5 AoE attack ratio and the rest of your skill set you can party up with anything from swordies and archers to clerics and wizards and still provida a good team damage boost.
No one knows of the future, Wiz 3 > Linker > Sorcere 2 > Warlock > Sage 3 could be pretty good if Sage gets good after circle 2.
I’m still going with my full dark DPS path and like it a lot. If you take Warlock 2 and everything after that is bad you can take more circles of Linker because Linker C2~3 is the best support class in the game together with Chrono 3.
Why is taking sorc1 in a necro3 build a mistake?
Because Linker 2 brings more to the table as a Necro 3.
Skellies have “low” damage so Linker 1 breaks too fast.
Linker 1 is only enough if your hits are strong enough to kill mobs in 50~60 attacks, which skellies don’t (though they sum up to a very good amount of damage because it’s lot’s of sources on a combined Link)
Sorc 1 have no summon skills, basicaly you take both Wizard money problems (SP from sorcerer and corpses from Necro), a weak Temple Shooter, Servant, Salamion and 5 bats (5 singletarget hits every 35 seconds).
Wiz 3 > Linker > Sorc 2 > Warlock 2
Wiz 3 > Linker 2 > Necro 3
Wiz 3 > Linker 3 > Warlock 2
these are my favourite Linker builds (the ones I think may really work until end game).
I can tell you my Wiz 3 > Linker > Sorc 2 > Warlock build is doing fine atm. Still waiting to see how JP balance will change everything again.
Andre’s guide/build is still strong after the linker fix.
Linker warlock after link fix:
These builds are strong, they are (often) shown on vids too.
Though I have seen a Wiz3 link1 Sorc1 Necro3, however it was specialized at bossing (and link breaks quickly after flesh cannon & some flesh hoop hits).
Dark elemental users will experience some (PvP) difficulties once people start using rhevisan bracelet/necklace.
Also still no info yet about Homunculus. <- original reason of reply (cannot find your post in the video thread anymore)
Thank you for the insights!
btw one more question,
since you are already in the warlock path and last month imc released warlock 2 and sage class. my question is what path or rank do you take at 8?
what are your opinions on the these things below:
i’ve heard that sage class is useless for sorc., since we can’t duplicate TS. and duplicated bats will just be lvl 1. so IMO its kinda weak tbh.
for warlock circle 2. well i’ve heard many positives and negatives. but what are your opinion or thoughts that going for warlock 2 would help sorcs for sustain damage.
- for equipment. i’ve read one of your post is that to use shields. but since i got some talts and silver to spare, i was wondering what are your thoughts on venom dagger? i’ve read many posts regarding this dagger. such as:
✗ DMG reduction on plate armor (mobs, pvp) but
✓ those who are not plated mobs (small,medium,large) will get good amount of dmg
✗ for the 2% DOT to occur we have to use the dagger itself.
✓ 14 con = 1000 hp+
✓ Poison property. from what ive read “property attacks” adds or boost magic dmg such as MM, (Bats??)
IMO, the dagger itself is still useful for us wizards/sorc. and the reduction plate damage is not that noticeable??. rather than using a shield DEF + HP (beetleback is what im using currently) this dagger will give us boost on our spells dmg + HP.
- Maga Rod i know that you dont want or it is not your liking but wouldn’t be using maga rod gives additional dmg or line on our spells due to earth property atk and the HP bonus is good aswell. the reduction of SP will benefit the drain of our SP. but sometimes we will have a hard time to cast all spells due to low mana pool but i dont really care that much since having Max petamion will give us 14spr… so it will kinda balance a bit so the question is: wouldn’t be having maga rod aswell give us greater damage with venom? (btw, i only use maledoom when summoning TS).
so what are your opinions and thoughts about these? (lets say you have tons of silver to spare to buy it (venom and Maga rod = HP + 2 property attacks). will you buy both or just 1? why or why not)
- before i forgot do you use hp gems only? im talking about the red and yellow gem
- how about the monster gem? which one do you prefer?
thank you so much! and Good Day!
Most of what you asked have already been answered, it’s a good batch of questions so I’ll be specific on the answers.
Warlock 2.
It depends a lot, I don’t really know how it works but I’ve heard you can make 15 level 15 bats and 30~45 more level 1 bats on each microdim CD. If that is real it brings Familiars closer to Dark Theurge since we got only 30 hits at C2 if everything goes as expected. Level 1 bat is the best skill to be copied IF they copy all bats but only base damage stays at level 1 for copies, because you actualy multiply the hits since Familiars damage comes from high attributes + warlock % + qc and not Base Damage only.
Wiz > Pyro / Cryo 3 > Sorcerer 3 > Sage might be pretty good depending on what those synergies can do. still can’t see it doing much because of the lack of linker.
Summon Familiar + QC + DT level 10 + Familiars level 10 + JP = 6 dead mobs, be them level 330, 380 or whatever, all Wizard multipliers acting together here. After that you still have Temple Shooter adding constant DPS (consider it as a damage buff, he adds 112,5% damage of each tick / second to your damage, no need to recast, scales only in INT better than damage Wizard skills (300% with att and qc, 400% summon) and has high base damage + level growth to make it up for not having weapon growth.
Please notice, without a Chrono 3, 1 Frost Cloud each 30 seconds equals 1 hit per second. that’s:
300% (Magical Attack) + ~1950
damage on each mob per second. TS gives you:
(400% INT + 1200 + (2~2,25)* Character level //TS attack, 2 ticks/2seconds) * (1,125 //25% crit chance for +50% crit damage))
damage on each mob per second, you don’t have to recast or keep quickcast up for him, you
Please remember on kToS HK + MM is breaking even level 10 JP.
Right now I have MM attribute at level 50, Dark Theurge at 40 and Familiars at 46, level 270 doing missions and making a Cleric since I’m ready for Rank 8 already (if I pop my cards), Familiars hit ~4,8k each, DT ~5,1k /tick, MM ~3,5k /missile. Got only ~1350 matq though.
Warlock C2 is very good for Linkers, that’s it. Higher DT means higher level mobs killed with JP. Think about it:
Invocation only procs on your kills.
DT is the fastest burst in-game for single-target damage.
Linker can make that AoE-ish.
In Warlock C2, aside from that 6 mob killer combo, you still have Mastema 2.0 (very good AoE burst damage), Pole of Agony, PoA level 1 scrolls, possible JP + HK scrolls if you afford or it gets cheaper. And something very important: currently the shittiest C2, which generaly brings a good C3, unless it turns out Warlock is the Wizard Sadhu and everyone has to reroll.
Shields can give you more defensive stats, which is better for PvP since Summoning does GREAT damage there and doesn’t rely on Daggers and such for that. Obviously Venom is the best dagger for a INT focused Wizard because 14 CON is a lot and PvE-wise most times it’s better to go for a faster burst when you are already taking thousands of damage.
Maga Rod is good for smaller SP pool, not really needed, I got a +8 sup corona with 2 level 5 m. atk gems and it’s been doing fine, IF I have a +6 or even over that Maga Rod I’d provably go for it for the 1,2k+ HP, not for the SP. Damage-wise, no.
IMO, get Beetleback for cheap defense and Arde / Karacha for offensive gear, don’t waste money/time on gears you might replace in 1~2 months.
HP Gems only, M Atk gems on weapon, will use 5~10 Yeti cards when it gets realeased.