What a narrow way of thinking.
Linker 3 is going ~40% support. You don’t need that as most Chrono 3 will already take Linker C3 probably. Never, even once has my JP broke since the merge before mobs died at Linker C1, I can Link 5 mobs (6 if I ever get the gem, which I killed ~9k dandel already for) which is already 75% of a Linker C2 linked mobs, or 60% of a Linker 3.
Temple Shooter adds 6.3k damage / second (calculations point to 150% of the damage of his hits / seconds on a long run) without a need to cast or aim at level 10. Just so you know, a Frost Cloud that lands ALL of it’s hits gives you ~9k Damage / second
Familiar gives +10 dark hits to ANY spell.
Salamion gives 10% proc to burn and blind. I honestly burn bosses all the time without even having Pyro/Ignition.
Currently with lower CD, Ride can out-DPS almost all wizard classes in the game, only Frost Cloud and Flesh Cannon can compete with it.
Cat buffs are very good to be honest, +5 AoE attack ratio is something people go poor trying to get, not to mention the other stuff. Swordsman and Archers, and also Meelee clerics are getting much stronger, those +5 AoE ratio means +5~3 targets on each of their attacks (small~medium)