Tree of Savior Forum

Full Dark DPS Wizard Build: Wiz 3 > Linker > Sorc 2 > Warlock explained in details


Actualy as long as you can deal the final hit you can generate the evil spirit.

You can let TS attack all he wants, all you have to do is apply the final hits on mobs. Also remember each JP + HK + MM can make you 5~6 spirits and Drain can absord 1 spirit per level apparently.

We barely know how those skills works but I do like Warlock 2, obviously I’m still hoping C3 got great skills, but it’s not that I really dislike C2’s ones.

Warlock2 video is out but this one is very short

170k HP mobs explode after QC + JP + HK + MM if anyone is interested. This is a great way of making 5~6 spirits instantly.


Very cool video.

Looks like mastema deals 10~13 “AoE” hits in the 5 stigma seconds. We need to see how it really scales since the initial hit is 6k and the DoTs are ~4k each.

This, JP and Pole of Agony scrolls are all we could ask for. We can use 2 times as much JP, HK with attributes (lightning damage from taoist and poison from PD and 0 AoE def ratio). And Pole of Agony level 1 (~1k if it’s as Pardoner system) probably on a 30 sec CD (I think you don’t even need to put 1 point into it to buy it’s attributes).

there is another article on warlock2 as well, but is in kr, and even google translate can’t help us.

The DoT hits on Mastema only take half of Mastema’s base damage, his is level 6 aka 2307 base damage for the first hit, 1153 for the rest. He has about 1759 matk, no attribute on mastema.

All in all this is still a bit underwhelming, considering its cooldown. Its surely a welcome change, but probably not nearly enough to stack up against some of the other r8’s out there.


so does it take attributes, quickcast and warlocks % dark damage into consideration into the DoTs calculation?

I think it’s pretty good for a level 1 skill, remember all these new R8 with overwhelming skills do not have a great number of hits and most of those grand skills got big CD.

Considering mastema does ~50k damage per target on the video I guess it would actualy come to be a nice skill.

Maybe is for pvp. In one of the atrbutes it reduces by 50% de Int and Str, if the translator was correct.

Edit: Source new cicle 2 attribute:
Mas Theme: Phantom Pain
Receive less damages suffered lasting damage to the Skill [Mars theme], the strength, intelligence, mental agility stats are reduced by 10% per level characteristics for the duration. Max level 5.


sorry but I’m very interested in the calculation of the new mastema right now, could you explain where did you get that information from? Do Mastema attributes and % from attribute and quickcast make DoT stronger?

This is where the vid came from:

He lists some of his info there -

  • Mastema’s level 6.
  • Average magic attack is 1759.
  • You can also see he has no Mastema attribute (the % damage one).

Having those and his damage numbers, you can figure out what’s going on with the DoT. Only thing is, his damage floats quite a bit - i don’t get why someone looking to test damage won’t just unequip all their magic amp but that’s me :pensive:

A video on linker + warlock

I saw the video of the skill on Tos base, and the WL absorbs the spirits from Dark Theurge, each hit from auto attack does 60k on that video.

The numbers on those vids are completely skewed due to GM gear - everything does 40-60k. Drain isn’t actually doing anything to your auto attacks right now.

how about DT does the hit increases or only the damage for c2

Sorc is useless now, only used for cat buffs

Wiz3link3warlock2 is the way to go

Bats and Temple shooter (offensive skills) still both a lot usefull , mostly for pvp and solo grind, makes a huge difference, and look to the build name “Full Dark DPs” not “full suport linker + warlock”


What a narrow way of thinking.

Linker 3 is going ~40% support. You don’t need that as most Chrono 3 will already take Linker C3 probably. Never, even once has my JP broke since the merge before mobs died at Linker C1, I can Link 5 mobs (6 if I ever get the gem, which I killed ~9k dandel already for) which is already 75% of a Linker C2 linked mobs, or 60% of a Linker 3.

Temple Shooter adds 6.3k damage / second (calculations point to 150% of the damage of his hits / seconds on a long run) without a need to cast or aim at level 10. Just so you know, a Frost Cloud that lands ALL of it’s hits gives you ~9k Damage / second

Familiar gives +10 dark hits to ANY spell.

Salamion gives 10% proc to burn and blind. I honestly burn bosses all the time without even having Pyro/Ignition.

Currently with lower CD, Ride can out-DPS almost all wizard classes in the game, only Frost Cloud and Flesh Cannon can compete with it.

Cat buffs are very good to be honest, +5 AoE attack ratio is something people go poor trying to get, not to mention the other stuff. Swordsman and Archers, and also Meelee clerics are getting much stronger, those +5 AoE ratio means +5~3 targets on each of their attacks (small~medium)

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do you think sorc3 would be better than warlock then go sage at rank 8?


I don’t think so, I’d rather go Linker 2 > Sorc 2 > Sage instead probbly. Sorc 3 can work too if you want a Batman build. You can probably wait on 35 cooldown and 2 waves of 30 bats.

This is most likely not easy to do and probably won’t out-DPS Sorc > Warlock anyway.

Linker C1 is enough, Linker is 100% needed for Late-game DPS and at ET you got 100% uptime Divine Might, which means level 6 JP (6 targets), MM also 1-shots packs of 5~6 mobs on ET.

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Just passing to drop these here:

-Mirtis card

-Tomblord Card

-Rexipher card
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those are indi-ToS, they were cards given by GM.

Hope they are testing it there and bring a balanced version to us :smile: