Tree of Savior Forum

From 53277 players peak to less than 17k and BOTS are still farming in hordes

You do know tera failed hard core in 2012. It was p2p and go f2p to have some players. As f2p it did ok but then started do borderline content.

Your gay mother in closed beta.

Don’t you guys just hate every MMORPG (publisher)?

Even if his mother was gay, why is that a problem that can be used as an ‘insult’?

As a joke for me😄
People need stop this beta bs and political correctness bs.

Blizzard is ok.
SE is ok.

I see. But you realized that those two companies have millions of $ and thousands of employees available, right?

just like trump

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

you forgot to factor things like the registration is closed, so no new players and alot of botters are lying low because of the mass banning.

Laying low my a-s-s. They are making a fuss in the forum along with whiny kids. I hardly see any constructive things here in the forum, only doomsayers

lol cause unlike other forums, moderators in this forum doesnt care abt what you say.

I think it’s really great they can casually without warning ban over 5000 people for the use of “abusive addons” but the real “Abusive” players in the community, aka bots, still roam free in every zone without issue. They say they ban bots, but I know someone who has been running 30+ bots since the game has gone f2p, and none of them are banned.

Keep up the good work IMC!

The only way to counter bot is personal that roams area’s.

This means multiple people for all the diferent channels and multiple people for all the different servers.


Game needs a monthly fee then.

But would people play with a montly fee?


So solution? there is non.

Welcome to mmo’s

It also doesn’t help that whole general tab is full of bunch whining little kids that constantly shout garbage about everything.

First we need some good forum moduration and remove all this junk from general tab.

And since the game is 100% free to play. When a bot is banned what do they lose? They didn’t pay anything and they also didn’t use much of their time actually playing. In fact, they gained profit RMTing and can simply make a new account.

Free to play model is really flawed at its core.

Well even if you got loads of personal or montly fee’s like blizzard had on it’s height days with world of warcraft and endless budget.

You will get other issue’s like hacked accounts that got looted or botted on and money gets sold to players.

Bots are a thing and they will always be there. People that think that they played a game where bots didn’t exist. are just fooling themselves.

Just ignore them and enjoy the game.

How hard is it for IMC to ban botter including the hardware they use like what Blizzard did to cheater in Overwatch. Blanket ban on cheater, even 10years+ account get the boot if the player cheat. No mercy!

overwatch dude was a idiot, people will just make software to emulate differetn hardware id’s. It’s not helping anything. waste of time.

It’s true that you can’t stop it, but it can be controlled so that it doesn’t end up like ToS where 32% of the playerbase gets banned for botting/exploiting.

All I want is for it to be controlled so it isn’t running amok.

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I think they need to make some more efforts in city’s the shout bubbles even cover up npc transactions. That’s the most annoying thing i saw yet.

Other then that, i encounter swarms of bots at populaire places once in a while, not really much of a issue to dodge that.