Tree of Savior Forum

From 53277 players peak to less than 17k and BOTS are still farming in hordes
kToS is server merging soon, so we are, right?
We used to have so many players, now we have more bots than players, konga bot lines of priest/chaps or highlanders/clerics are still here even with the access restriction.
I’m not going to quit, I’ll keep playing until the game dies which might be around the beggining of 2017 at this rate.
PD: Glad to see server is running better now that it lost 4/5 of it’s population, but better is not good, it upgraded from ■■■■ to trash.


If we are merging, I hope its by region. Worst possible scenario is that they merged all server into NA.

I won’t be surprised if that happens, after all they did moved SA server to NA.

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so SALTY !!! :kissing:

whats it called


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tera was a strange game, i remember playing the moment gunner came out and it was so broken that i got to level cap in 1 week and it had some stupidass megalaser move that did 10x the damage of anything in the game lol

it was also the only class that felt like a fps being stuck in a tab target game

oh and i remember one of its core features was BAMFS

and gunners could just solo them without even trying

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well not tab target but more like guild wars 2 type combat

gunner was leagues ahead in freedom
it didnt even feel like the same game

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Well the only way to solve bots is hackshield, then again its not entirely possible to stop bots, look at maplestory(yea u can say its a childish game, but it was one of the best) till date they are still infiltrated with bots. Other games like cs:go has many hackers too… so stop complaining about stuffs but rather give more constructive feedbacks. We can complain all we want, but if u look from a different perspective, they are actually AT LEAST DOING something. No good game has ever accomplished to prevent 0bots/hacking. Even diablo/overwatch has botters/hackers.

Sidenote: if you actually look at their credit screen its a pretty small team for programmers for such a large game… they may have not updated it/they may have not added the junior programmers name, but in order for them to improve fast they need a bigger company(meaning more coders more designers more testing) studying game programming myself, I can feel their pain. Especially when programmers are train to CREATE GAMES, and not FIX BOTTERS/SECURITY. There are many factors I can state but it will go on and on… so stop complaining like an idiot but rather provide a constructive feedback


at least use my awesome meme op

studies have shown that my memes boost engagement of weaboos by 46.7%


And here comes Siete a jajaja comparing all time with last 24 hours.
So there are more bots than players?
Can you point me where?
You forgot ToS is closed now for news players and everyone with no brain knows player base will not grow because that.

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Shh, having a brain on these forums are liable by ostracizing and getting called a white knight by anyone without an argument to actually counter you.

Though, I guess I could say a hackshield > VAC supremely, but hackshields mainly stop the leechers who don’t know how to work around them.


Will remain in server just the white knights and bots

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Its ok, we’re in closed beta.


VAC works better for FPS games, while other things such as XTRAP, NPROTECT, etc works better for MMO’s… they are crazy for not having any anticheat protection, i know its very easily bypassed but it would still reduce the amount of botting and hacking by at least a half

Play the ■■■■■■■ game, 1 out of 10 characters you’ll cross while leveling will be an actual player, that makes 9 bots per 1 legit player.

Yet it’s still swarming with bots, and new ones appear.
All bots over 75 have a damn arde dagger too.

I have 367 hours on tree of savior. During all that time i’ve met something around 9 bots total, mostly on hotspots like Tenet Church.
You guys are really ■■■■■■■ dramatic