Tree of Savior Forum

From 53277 players peak to less than 17k and BOTS are still farming in hordes

So all I’m getting from you is cause your a bad mad little boy. Dungeon requiring ilvl is pretty normal. I take it you didnt get loots and you couldnt go on dungeon run cause your ilvl wasnt high enough and you sucked so you took it out on Tera haha. You and I saying its a good/bad game is our own opinion. You obviously dont know whats a good game. Your the type of nub that wants everything handed to them, drop rate really high and ez pz dungeons. I maxed out quick and was doing Nexus. I enjoyed it. Bet you dont even know what Nexus is haha…

I… I can’t even lol.


lol im not even gonna reply back to that dumb ass, she is full retard :smiley:


yeah cause i hit you where it hurts. Go play a private server or something with super high rates lolol. Or tell mommy to fund you some money for some cash shop items maybe. hahahah.

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But what about bots makes you hate them? Most people I know don’t even care about bots anymore or find them as a problem, as their population is so low. Really, the only people I actually SEE who think this game is super duper horrible are the cancerous idiots on the forums (numerous ones in this thread and the 500 other ones about bots made every day) So, how are these bots affecting your gameplay? Other than killing small amounts of monsters in maps you barely spend a long time at (such as Crystal Mines and Tenet Garden). Please, tell!

it’s a serious question lol, using memes to hide your answer and damage control isn’t going to do anything.

is it too hard to answer a simple question? : /

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The simple answer is: You never stop trying to control bots or they will tell their botting buddies just how awesome the game is and how free it is for botters and suddenly they come rolling in like a f*cking bot army and things escalate to extremes.

That’s why I’m always mentioning controlling bots. It’s a nonstop battle that can’t end just because it might not seem so bad right now.

As for the forums being cancerous? Maybe, lots of posts here are terrible from a new player’s perspective… sorta but IMC can also choose to moderate the forums, yet they don’t. So IMC must not think the forums are that cancerous after all, yet they are trying so hard to keep botting and RMT controlled.

So IMC feels botting/RMT is cancerous while the forums are okay.

That’s the impression I get from them.

I was a lurker on the forums before I started playing the game much and didn’t get put off by all the shitposting and trolling and stuff personally though. Just made things feel more colorful and alive.

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