Tree of Savior Forum

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding the Latest Announcement

They actually announced this earlier on the github. Even before the announcement of an announcement. It actually mentions the translator reward involving 3 months, but I’m going to just hope they didn’t want to reveal anything / they forgot to make it ambiguous like they’ve done now with using “DLC.”

Rank 7?
I wanted to play centurion but ok I can still try the other classes xD

Woah +10

Link for buy Founder Pack??


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Huh? What about this thread that they announced?? Im so confused…

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Mi mi mi mi, bla bla bla bla

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@STAFF_John You forgot where the servers for the Level up! games client will be located. Will there be a difference or they are all located in the same place?


[quote=“Karjalainen, post:41, topic:145895”]
No need to be left behind as you ahead of the many others at max level and gear.[/quote]
Even IMC has better English than that.

As for questions,
-Can you guarantee there won’t be server transfers of characters from founder’s servers to new free servers, so new players can get a level playing field/fresh start?

-After the free to play opening, will everyone be able to flood into the founder’s servers for free, or will they remain exclusive for paying players?

-In which order will goddess names be used for server names? People want to plan server choices with their groups in advance. Can Vakarine be a free to play release day fresh start server so I can make all my friends play on it? Due to the new changes to pricing and timing, can Vakarine be a founder’s server?

-Will Saule exist as a Latin America server? Will it be out with the founder’s pack, or with free access?

-Korean ToS bans large numbers of botters regularly. Will you have enough staff to ban hundreds of them in iToS, too?


wait so they said nothing new and u are commending them? what?

i do give credit to them posting though

Don’t mind him, it’s like talking with a donkey, do like me and just ignore what the guy writes ^^

  1. Please give some example of what can we do or purchase using TP, and how much TP they cost.

  2. How about Taiwan and HongKong players?
    We feel extremely bad that we suddenly got restricted to the steam server.
    Please give more information ASAP.


i agree i want to know more about this TP

Why should they answer when you angry mobs will jump at even the smallest mistake and view everything through the lens of mistrust anyway?

Whether 3 months is too long or how people who bought founder will have ‘advantage’ doesn’t matter since you don’t have to play with them, you can join the fresh server and then whether those other people got that 3 months of play time have 0 effects on you.
People who don’t care and want to enjoy the game would find the existing server better since there’s actual supplies of items and the economy is less volatile.

Too expensive - The TP + the hats you get more or less covered the money you paid. So unless you never plan to buy TP ever, this is just you showing your wallet where your mouth is and prove you support the company.

And anyone who want to scream how dare they charge AAA price despite the above, look up Jim Sterling’s “No Man’s Price” and think about it.

It would’ve been on Steam, but the monkeys threw all the wrenches into the machine so now they’re busy fixing it and trying not to aggro all the monkeys again.


okay i should ignore him yeah. thanks i feel better. :slight_smile:


  1. Euro-server? (physically in EU region) Even planned?
  2. One-time server transfers when f2p is out there? My guild gets separated because of the early access thing. Bad. Bad for me, bad for you.


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@STAFF_John I wanted to ask since for some reason no one hasn’t brought it up for a long time. I was wondering when you guys were going to implement the marriage system or if you are going too. I remember reading it on a blog about gay-marriage but I honestly didn’t care about same sex but was wondering if you were going to implement a couple-love system for players and have special features for it perhaps?

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Oh well at least the translators get to play…

Remember when people just paid you money to play your game that took thousands of man hours and years to produce. Those were the good old days… Hell they were even ok with it.

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I fell asleep. Wat hapen

Am I to assume the old plan is back up again?

Or did they realize 3 months is a ridiculous time frame.
…Did they finalize at all?

(pls don’t make me try to find it it’s 2 o’ clock)

Afaik nothing has changed up until now. No news or anything.