Tree of Savior Forum

French Translation

I can help and whip together a French translation of Tree of Savior. If anyone can help me that’ll be appreciated.


Would be a fun thing to do, but it’ll have to be from the English translation :stuck_out_tongue:

I can help too! From english translation only :slight_smile:

Lol i dont’ even know how to do an official translation. Do we just edit it in the in-game translation panel?

I can help from the english traduction as well.

Same here, I can help with translation from english.

I don’t know how we’ll do it though lol. But I guess we’re definitely all waiting for English closed beta

I’d be glad to help. Only from English translation though. :smile:

Une version française serait, en effet, fort appréciable…

A French version is, indeed, very appreciable …

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Hey can help with English AND French translation if needed ^^

Yeah, I can help too, but only from english translation. :grinning:

Here to help :smile:

From english to french :grimacing:

Currently hoping for a Beta Key, if that’s the case, I would love to participate traducing the game with you all ^^’ (I’m french actually).

I want to help my community with this beautiful game which really deserves better popularity at the French speakers around the world :slight_smile:

The english translation has already begin on the Github i guess we just need to open an other repository for the french version and start with that :smile: Here the link
I can help too ofcourse :grinning:

I can help too.
English to french.
Really excited about the euro beta.

The problem will be that the korean > English translation isn’t finished. So keeping track of english modification to apply them to french will be a bit of an hassle

I can help Korean to English (and french) translation too

I can help too, for english to french. :slight_smile:

I do some research and like you say the english translation have to much change every day and if we start a french translation on an unstable english version we could do a lot of work for nothing. I suggest to just wait that the admin of ToS open an official repository for the french version. The real-time translation tool in the game look pretty cool and user friendly.

Go on the github if you want to help with the Korean to English translation everything you need to know is on it