Tree of Savior Forum

šŸ¦Š [Dragoon C3] Theorycraft Builds Thread

Warcry increase the duration of Gae bulg debuff too

Just did tests on Dragon Fallā€™s ignore block attribute.

Actual Blocks:
When used against normal C guard, it breaks the user out of the C guard for about 1 second. The user can still passively block attacks right after.
Pavise does not protect people against it, with or without the attribute. The pavise itself does block and -1 hit count. Same applies to Spear Throw for this case, fyi.
Crossguard and Preperation doesnā€™t block against it but does not go out of their block stance, meaning they can sitll block attacks after.

Not Actual Blocks:
Monk Iron Skin / Golden Bell Shield protects against Dragonfall.
Hell Breath does get immunity from it.

Flanconnade is unknown as I thought it countered Dragon Fall but upon reviewing the footage, it was Dragon Fall critting. In accordance to the other results, I would conclude Flannonade does not block against it as it is still an actual block.

Hop2-Cor3-Drag2 for ultimate meme character! Ranged swordsman! Itā€™s like Hakka, but the other way around.

  • Back before rank c8, we did some tests and medium atk didnā€™t work vs players.
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It does.

I tested Reaverpede Card in duels and it increases my damage. The defensive cards like canceril donā€™t work though.

forgot to mention i meant the Hoplite 3 passive that makes 1handed spears damage to increase against any medium size and u know, even if a card triggers it against a player, IMC would just act very IMC and probably disable the mastery against players :C just wanted to be sure about it
And nice info about the Canceril thing but thatā€™s from large size enemies

Canceril: [ā˜…]% chance of recovering 2% HP when hit by Medium-type monsters - Just tested this, unable to be used in pvp / duels in town(i think tbl as well), works in pve and strong for general farming or with tanks, basically ensures you never die, but since it doesnt work in pvp, its very niche for this type of card considering it competes with other slots


Am a Sw3/Hop3/Dragoon2 right now. If the one-handed mastery will still be useful, could HL2/Hop3/Dragoon3 work too? Wondering what I could try resetting into later for a pve/pvp dragoon build.

Why not HL3-Hop2-Drag3? I know spear attrib on Hop3 is nice, but HL3 is so much better for DPS and boss killing too. HL3 also plays nicely with Drag3 as Drag has a bleed + debuffs to increase dmg of Vertical Slash.

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Just wondering how they compare to each other on generic mobs.
Iā€™ve heard a lot of good things about the HL3-Hop2 path. I can see how itā€™s easily better for boss killing, especially since it would include switching from 1-handed to 2-handed spears with their boss damage bonus.

Someone should try if Dragon Fall deals double damage line on enemies with Gae bolg debuff

Biggest problem with Dragoon back when I played it was the lack of overheat in Dragoonā€™s skills when it comes to PVE.
Only Dethrone has 2 overheats.
Although the damage is decent now with the helm buff, you will still find yourself finishing Dragoonā€™s rotation very quickly and have to resort to using skills from lower ranks to fill your rotation.
Hopliteā€™s Spear throwā€™s percentage is poor and Cata as the same problem with not much overheat on its skills.
The only low rank class that does decent damage with good overheat is Highlanderā€™s Skyliner boosted by Crosscut.
Even Doppelā€™s Cyclone damage has been nerfed so c1 Cyclone isnā€™t really great for AOE.

Compare this to Murmilloā€™s skills - Evade thrust, Headbutt and Scutum Hit all have overheat and Rode 3ā€™s skills combined with High Kick and Murmillo helmet does good enough damage to be added to its rotation, producing enough constant good damage for grinding.

Unless you take Highlander to rank 2 or above, youā€™ll find trouble dealing decent consistent damage when grinding/bossing.

Dragoonā€™s skills are more burst-oriented so Dragon fall might have potential in PVP. PVE-wise, I canā€™t see it performing well.

Seems like it, Iā€™ll try switching between HL3-Hop2 and HL2-Hop3 later, since a reset event seems likely.
Probably ending at the popular HL3-Hop2 build with 2-handed spear, looks like 1-handed spears got a small nerf too.

I donā€™t see how Dragoon Fall will be bad for pve, but as a one-hit skill with high cd I can see what you mean. The pvp potential it gives is cool though.
Iā€™ll probably still try, Iā€™d really like to see Dragoon3 work for pve.

Itā€™s really hard to compare anything with Murmillosā€¦ They donā€™t have just a lot of high skill factor low-cooldown skills, they also have high block rates, defense, and swash buckling that still helps a LOT clearing a room of mobs, making even small AoE skills much easier to strike many mobs at once.

Yes you can take Pelta / Hop 2-3 in a Dragoon build, but itā€™ll nowhere be as good as in a Murmi build because murmi boosts shield-class skills so much.

Honestly I think IMC needs to build up more creativity when making new class ranks. Giving Dragoon 3 a helmet that simply boosts skill damage is pretty boring imo. Comparing two classes that only deal dps is pretty simple, just compare the skill factors and cooldowns. Now if Dragoonā€™s helmet gave, letā€™s say, double or tripple AoE range on all skills, or better debuffing against enemies, then that could be harder to compare with other same-rank dps classes.

Too much of this game is focused around dealing highest dps and too many of the classes are focused only on dealing dps. Honestly I liked the concept of Dragoon being a half-support boss debuffer. That gave something more interesting to the class (though the idea was mostly a joke due to dragoon being really bad in past).

As for topic, thereā€™s not really much to theorize about dragoon 3 atm. It barely synergizes with other classes and it doesnā€™t have any other interesting utility skill to make the class unique. Just pick the highest dps lower classes you like and play until you get bored of the new rank 9 flashy skills.

With high number of debuffs Dragoon provide and itā€™s super-long hitboxes and even full ranged abilities, one can hardly tell ā€œit hardly synergizes with everythingā€ without being LOLed at.

Forget DPS. HL3 will do more DPS than Dragoon ever could. But those additional bleeds and debuffs will make HL3 even stronger, while dragoonā€™s skills will fill the gaps while everything is on cd.

Tired of swordie not being able to hit anything in TBL? Use dragoonā€™s superior range in composition with Iron Hook and maybe pistol shot.

Dragoon has much synergy, in short.

This video shows that Dragon Fall deals double damage line under Gae bolg (7:18). We know that dragon fall can reach the damage cap, imagine if we cap the second line tooā€¦ (777777 x2 AoE damage).

Fake multis count as a single hit when hitting damage cap from what I heard from people.

The double damage line is also not true double damage. Itā€™s like 115% damage divided into 2 lines.

So, anyone tested Iron Hook + Dragon Fall in PvP yet? :tired:

I know, but think about that: If dragon fall deals aroud 1,4 mil damage, you canā€™t appreciate that becouse the cap is 777777, but with gae bolgā€¦ Another video i found

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